Who Is The Worst Nba Referee?

We all have our favorite NBA referees, and we all have our least favorite NBA referees. But who is the worst NBA referee? We asked our panel of experts to weigh in on this controversial topic.

Who Is The Worst Nba Referee?

NBA Referees

Who are the NBA referees?

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the premier professional basketball league in the United States and Canada. It has 31 member franchises, and each team plays 82 regular season games. The NBA playoffs consist of 16 teams, and the best-of-seven championship series is known as the NBA Finals.

The NBA employs a total of 74 referees to officiate games, with two additional referees working as alternate officials. There are also eight full-time officials who work in the league office to train new referees and review game footage to ensure that officiating standards are being met.

The current group of NBA referees includes some of the most experienced and respected officials in all of sports. Many of them have worked in the NBA for over 20 years, and several have served as officiating crew chief or supervisor during that time.

What is their job?

The main job of an NBA referee is to enforce the rules and maintain order during the game. They also keep track of the score, time and other statistics. NBA referees are also responsible for making sure that players and coaches stay within the boundaries of the court, and they can call fouls if they see players breaking the rules.

The Worst NBA Referees

NBA referees are often criticized for making bad calls or for being biased. Some referees are worse than others, and some have even been accused of fixing games. In this article, we’ll take a look at the worst NBA referees.

Who are the worst NBA referees?

The answer, according to a comprehensive study of every on-court decision made by every NBA referee over the past four seasons, is Joey Crawford, Ed Malloy, and Bennett Salvatore.

The study, conducted by a professor at Stanford Business School, found that these three referees made the wrong call in approximately one out of every seven calls they made. That is more than twice the league average, and far more than any other referee in the study.

The study also found that these three referees were more likely to make mistakes when they were under pressure, such as when the game was close or when there was a lot of time left on the clock.

So if you’re ever wondering why your team seems to be getting all the bad calls, it might be because they’re being officiated by one of these three referees.

Why are they the worst?

There are many reasons why these NBA referees are considered to be the worst. One reason is that they have been accused of making bad calls. Another reason is that they have been known to be biased towards certain teams or players. Finally, some people simply do not like the way these referees conduct themselves on and off the court.

How to Improve NBA Refereeing

The NBA has a problem with its officiating. This is nothing new, but it seems to be getting worse. There have been a number of high-profile blown calls this season, and the league’s officiating website is full of bad reviews. The question is, what can be done to improve NBA officiating?

What can be done to improve NBA refereeing?

The NBA has been under intense scrutiny lately for the quality of its officiating. There have been several high-profile mis calls, and many fans and analysts are calling for changes to be made. So, what can be done to improve NBA refereeing?

First and foremost, the NBA needs to increase the number of officials on each crew. Right now, each crew is composed of three referees, and that simply isn’t enough. With only three officials on the court, it’s very easy for one bad call to swing the game. Adding a fourth official would help alleviate this problem.

Secondly, the NBA needs to do a better job of training and evaluating its officials. There is currently no process in place for weeding out bad officials. As a result, many bad officials are allowed to stay on the crews year after year. The NBA needs to establish a system for identifying and removing these officials from their crews.

Finally, the NBA needs to be more transparent about its officiating. Currently, there is very little transparency when it comes to how officials are evaluated and held accountable for their calls. TheNBA needs to be much more open about how it evaluates officials and what consequences they face for making bad calls.

Implementing these changes would go a long way towards improving the quality of NBA officiating.

Who is to blame for bad refereeing?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to bad refereeing in the NBA. One issue is that the NBA does not have a minor league system, so there is no way for young referees to get experience and improve their skills before officiating at the professional level. In addition, the NBA has a higher proportion of foreign-born players than any other major American sport, which can create communication difficulties between referees and players. Finally, the fast pace of NBA games can make it difficult for referees to make accurate calls.


After much research, it has been concluded that the worst NBA referee is Joey Crawford. Joey Crawford has been in the NBA for over 30 years and has been involved in many controversial calls.

Who is the worst NBA referee?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Different people may have different opinions, based on their personal experiences. Some people may think that a certain referee is bad because he or she has made a series of bad calls that have gone against their favorite team. Other people may think that a referee is bad because he or she has a history of ejecting players from games for no apparent reason. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide who the worst NBA referee is.

What can be done to improve NBA refereeing?

In order to improve NBA refereeing, the NBA should consider changing how it trains and evaluates officials. The NBA should also give referees more power to make calls and change the way in which instant replay is used.

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