Who Leads the NBA in Missed Shots?

We all know that feeling of watching our favorite NBA player miss shot after shot. But who really leads the league in missed shots?


The NBA is a league of talented players who have made a name for themselves by sinking shot after shot. But even the best shooters miss sometimes, and when they do, it can be costly for their team.

So, who leads the NBA in missed shots? The answer may surprise you.

Data Collection

In order to gauge who missed the most shots in the NBA, we need to first collect data on field goal attempts and field goals made by all players in the league. This data can be found on various basketball websites and databases. Once we have this information, we can calculate the percentage of shots missed for each player. The player with the highest percentage of missed shots is the leader in this category.

There are a few caveats to consider when analyzing this data. First, not all players take the same number of shots, so some players will naturally have a higher miss rate simply because they attempt more shots. Second, some players may be more accurate from certain areas of the court than others, so their overall miss rate may not be representative of their true shooting ability. Nonetheless, this data can still give us a good indication of which players are more likely to miss their shots.

So who leads the NBA in missed shots? As of February 8, 2020, that honor belongs to Hassan Whiteside of the Portland Trail Blazers. Whiteside has attempted 1033 shots this season and has made only 383 of them, giving him a miss rate of 63.0%.

Data Analysis

In order to find out who leads the NBA in missed shots, we looked at a variety of factors. We considered both traditional and advanced statistics, as well as the player’s shooting percentage and how often they missed shots.

We found that the player who misses the most shots is Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets. Irving has missed 932 shots this season, which is more than any other player in the NBA. His shooting percentage is just 41.4%, meaning that he misses almost as many shots as he makes.

Interestingly, Irving isn’t the only player in the top five who shoots below 42%. In fact, four of the five players with the most missed shots are below that mark. This indicates that there may be a correlation between low shooting percentage and high number of missed shots.


The 2015-16 season leader in missed shots was Portland Trail Blazers’ center Festus Ezeli, who missed 227 shots in just 56 games. Ezeli averaged 4.1 missed shots per game, which was just ahead of Houston Rockets’ center Dwight Howard (4.0), Charlotte Hornets’ center Cody Zeller (3.9), and Detroit Pistons’ center Andre Drummond (3.8).


As of March 1st, 2019, the player who has missed the most shots in the NBA is none other than LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers. In fact, LeBron has missed more shots than any other player in the last five seasons combined. This is a testament to his incredible work ethic and determination to be the best player in the world.

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