Who Makes More Money: Baseball Players or Football Players?

We all know that professional athletes make a lot of money. But who brings in more dough: baseball players or football players? Let’s take a look at the numbers.


In recent years, football has become one of the most popular sports in the United States. More people attend NFL games than MLB games, and the Super Bowl is one of the most watched television events every year. So it’s no surprise that NFL players are some of the highest paid athletes in the world. But what about baseball players? Do they make more money than football players?

In general, baseball players do make more money than football players. The average MLB salary is $4.38 million per year, while the average NFL salary is $2.7 million per year. However, there are a few factors that contribute to this difference. First, NFL contracts are not fully guaranteed, while MLB contracts are. This means that if an NFL player is released from his team, he may not receive all of the money he is owed. Second, there are more roster spots on an NFL team (53) than on an MLB team (25), so there are more opportunities for football players to make a roster and earn a salary. Finally, baseball seasons are shorter than football seasons, so each game is worth more to a baseball player’s salary.

Despite these factors, it is still possible for individual football players to out-earn individual baseball players. The highest-paid player in the NFL is currently New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, who makes $25 million per year. The highest-paid player in MLB is currently Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw, who makes $34 million per year. So while baseball players do make more money on average than football players, there are always exceptions to the rule.


On average, baseball players make more money than football players. This is because baseball is more popular than football, and because there are more teams in baseball than football. The average salary for a baseball player is $3.2 million, while the average salary for a football player is $2.1 million.

Major League Baseball

In Major League Baseball, the average salary for a player is $4.38 million. The highest-paid player in MLB is Los Angeles Angels outfielder Mike Trout, who makes $35.54 million per year. The only other player in MLB who makes more than $30 million per year is Manny Machado of the San Diego Padres, who makes $32 million.

National Football League

The average salary for a player in the National Football League (NFL) is $2.1 million, according to a 2017 report from the players’ union. The median salary is $860,000, meaning half of players make more than that and half make less. The union reports the salary information annually to the government, which releases it to the public.
The minimum salary for an NFL player with two years of experience or less is $480,000 per year. A player with three years of experience or more must be paid a minimum of $700,000 per year.

Bonuses and Incentives

While comparing the two, we must take into account the different types of bonuses and incentives that each player receives. For example, a baseball player may receive a bonus for hitting a home run, while a football player may receive a bonus for making a touchdown.

Major League Baseball

In general, baseball players make a lot less money than football players. The average major league baseball player made $4.47 million in 2017, while the average NFL player made $2.1 million.

However, there are a few factors that could contribute to baseball players making more money than football players. For one, baseball contracts are often guaranteed, while football contracts are not. This means that if a baseball player is injured or otherwise unable to play, he will still get his full salary. Football players, on the other hand, could be cut from their team at any time and would not receive any further compensation.

Another factor to consider is the length of each season. Major League Baseball teams play 162 games in a season, while NFL teams play only 16. This means that baseball players have more opportunities to generate revenue for their team (through ticket sales, merchandise sales, etc.), and as such, they may be able to command higher salaries.

National Football League

In the National Football League, players’ salaries are capped at a certain amount each year, and they often receive signing bonuses and incentive-based pay as well. These contracts are negotiated between the team and the player’s agent, and though there is a lot of money to be made in the NFL, it is not as much as in Major League Baseball.

The average NFL player salary in 2020 is $2.7 million, but the median salary is just $860,000. This means that half of all NFL players make less than $860,000 per year, and half make more. The highest-paid player in the NFL is quarterback Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks, who makes an average of $35 million per year. The lowest-paid player in the league is Houston Texans’ offensive tackle Roderick Johnson, who has a salary of just $48,000.

Baseball players also have a cap on their salaries, but it is much higher than the NFL’s: $210 million per team. This means that the average MLB player salary is $4.36 million, but the median salary is $2.5 million. So while half of all MLB players make less than $2.5 million per year, half make more. The highest-paid player in MLB is currently Mike Trout of the Los Angeles Angels, who has a contract worth an average of $33.25 million per year. The lowest-paid player in MLB is Pittsburgh Pirates’ outfielder Ji-Man Choi, who has a salary of just $555,000.


In general, football players make more money from endorsements than baseball players. This is because football is a more popular sport than baseball, and endorsements usually go to the athletes who are the most popular. That said, there are always exceptions to this rule. For example, endorsement deals are often based on an athlete’s performance, so a baseball player who performs exceptionally well may be able to get a bigger endorsement deal than a football player who is not performing as well.


In conclusion, baseball players make more money than football players.

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