Who Makes The Mlb Baseballs?

Who makes the MLB baseballs? Rawlings has been the official supplier since 1977, but the process of making a baseball is actually quite complex. Let’s take a look at how these balls are made.

Who Makes The Mlb Baseballs?


Rawlings has been making MLB baseballs since 1887. In 2017, they produced more than 2.6 million baseballs. Rawlings is the only company that produces MLB baseballs. They are made in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.

Company History

Rawlings has been making baseballs since 1887, and they have been the official baseball of Major League Baseball since 1977. The company is based in St. Louis, Missouri and they have a long history of making high-quality products.

Rawlings was founded by George Rawlings, who was a professional player and manager in the early days of baseball. He started the company in order to provide high-quality baseballs for the new game. Rawlings has been making baseballs ever since, and they have been used in every Major League game since 1887.

Rawlings is owned by Jarden Corporation, which is a publicly traded company. Jarden is a diversified consumer goods company that also owns many other well-known brands, such as Coleman, K2, Office Max, and more.

Manufacturing Process

The balls are hand-stitched by Rawlings in Costa Rica from Cuban cowhide. The threads are 80% cotton and 20% polyester, waxed before stitching to make them stronger and less susceptible to moisture. After the ball is stitched, it is tempered for hardness, then stamped with the official Rawlings logo and finally coated with a rubber compound.


Wilson is the official baseball of Major League Baseball. It has been making baseballs since the late 1800s and has been the official ball since the 1940s.

Company History

Wilson has been making baseballs for the Major League since 1940, and for over a century Wilson has been a leading manufacturer of sporting goods. Founded in 1913 by Thomas E. Wilson, the company was originally based in Chicago, Illinois. In 1955, the company moved its manufacturing operations to Riverdale, New Jersey. Today, Wilson is a subsidiary of the Finnish company Amer Sports.

Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of Wilson baseballs is a multi-step process that begins with the anticipation of baseball season. Ordering the correct amount of baseballs is essential to ensure that every game has enough balls. After the baseballs are ordered, they are shipped to the raw materials warehouse where they await their next step in the manufacturing process.

The cover of a Wilson baseball is made from full-grain leather that is tanned and then cut into circular pieces. Each piece of leather is then stamped with the Wilson logo before being sewn together. Once the cover is complete, it is sent to the stitching department where 108 red stitches are hand-sewn onto the ball.

The stitching department is also responsible for attaching the Wilson signature label to each ball. After the label is attached, the ball is ready to be used in a game.

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