Who Picks The Players In The Nfl Draft?

You may be wondering who picks the players in the NFL draft. The answer may surprise you.

Who Picks The Players In The Nfl Draft?


In the National Football League (NFL), the draft is the process by which new players are selected for teams. The draft order is determined based on the previous season’s standings, with the team with the worst record receiving the first pick.

The Role of the General Manager

In the National Football League, the general manager (GM) of a team typically controls player personnel decisions. Along with the head coach, the GM works within the front office to determine which players will be drafted or signed as free agents.

The GM is responsible for building the roster of his team through either the draft or via free agency. In order to be successful, a GM must have a keen eye for talent and be able to evaluate players both physically and mentally. He must also be able to work well with the head coach to ensure that his vision for the team is being carried out on the field.

The GM must also be able to work within the salary cap to sign free agents and extend the contracts of existing players. With so many moving parts, it is vital that a GM have strong organizational and communication skills in order to be successful.

The Role of the Head Coach

In most cases, the head coach has the final say in who gets drafted to their team. They work closely with their staff to identify areas of need and target players that they believe can fill those roles. Sometimes, they will defer to the GM if there is a disagreement, but ultimately it is the coach’s decision.

The Role of the Scouting Department

The scouting department is responsible for all player personnel decisions made by the team. They are in charge of identifying and evaluating players who could potentially be drafted or signed by the team. The department is also responsible for maintaining a database of information on all players in the league.

The scouting department is made up of several different types of scouts. There are regional scouts, who are responsible for covering a certain area of the country and evaluating all the eligible players in that area. There are also national scouts, who travel across the country to evaluate players at their college campuses. There are also pro scouts, who focus on studying players who are already in the NFL and assessing their abilities.

The scouting department works closely with the coaching staff to identify specific needs that the team has. They then use this information to narrow down their list of potential targets. The scouting department will provide the coaching staff with detailed reports on each player that they have evaluated. These reports include information on the player’s physical abilities, their mental approach to the game, and their character.

The ultimate goal of the scouting department is to find players who will help the team win games. However, they also have to take into account factors such as salary cap considerations and marketing considerations when making their decisions.

The Role of the Owner

In the NFL, the owner is the head of the organization and has final say over all personnel decisions, including the draft. The role of the owner has changed over time, however, as the league has become more professionalized. In the early days of the league, owners were often involved in every aspect of their team’s operations, from scouting and draft pick to coaching and game strategy. Today, while ownership still ultimately carries responsibility for a team’s success or failure, they are generally not as involved in day-to-day operations. Instead, they hire professional personnel to run their team’s football operations, leaving them to focus on business matters and giving them a greater level of control over their investment.


The NFL draft is an annual event in which teams from the National Football League (NFL) select new players for their rosters. The draft order is determined by each team’s record in the previous season, with the worst team picking first and the Super Bowl champion picking last.

In each round, each team gets one pick. In recent years, there have been seven rounds in the NFL draft, but that could change in the future.

Teams can trade picks with each other, and they often do. For example, one team might trade its first-round pick to another team in exchange for that team’s second-round pick and a fifth-round pick.

The NFL draft is usually held in late April or early May.

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