Who Sang the National Anthem at the NFL Today?

The National Anthem is always a special moment at any NFL game. Today, we take a look at who sang the National Anthem at the NFL game today.

Who Sang the National Anthem at the NFL Today?


The National Anthem of the United States is “The Star-Spangled Banner”. It was first performed by Francis Scott Key on September 14, 1814, and has been sung at many major events since then, including today’s NFL game.

National Anthem at NFL Today

The national anthem was sung by Pink today at the NFL game.

Who Sang the National Anthem?

The national anthem was sung by _____ at the NFL today.


In conclusion, it is difficult to say who sang the national anthem at the NFL today. There are many factors that could affect this, including the location of the game and the team that is playing. However, we can say that it is likely that someone sang the anthem at the game today.

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