Who Won the Democratic Republican Baseball Game?

The 2017 Congressional Baseball Game was held on June 15, 2017 at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. The annual event pits members of the Republican Party against members of the Democratic Party. This year, the Republicans won 11-2.

Who Won the Democratic Republican Baseball Game?

The game

The game was played on Thursday, June 15, 2017, at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C., with the Democratic Party winning by a score of 11–2. The game was televised on ESPN2.

When and where was the game?

The game was held on June 14, 2017 at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C.

Who won?

The 2017 Congressional Baseball Game was held on June 14, 2017, at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. After the shooting that occurred a day earlier at a Republican congressional baseball team practice in Alexandria, Virginia, the game went on as scheduled. The Democratic team won 11-2.

The players

The game was close, with the Democrats winning by a score of 11-2. Some of the standout players for the Democrats were Steve Scalise, who went 3-for-3 at the plate, and Cedric Richmond, who pitched a scoreless ninth inning. For the Republicans, Kevin McCarthy was 2-for-4 with a double, and Joe Barton had a solo home run.

Who played in the game?

Both the Democratic and Republican teams were made up of members of the House and Senate. In total, there were 24 representatives and two senators on each team. The game was played at Nationals Park, home of the Washington Nationals baseball team.

What was their experience like?

The annual congressional baseball game was created in 1909 as a way to build camaraderie and bipartisanship among lawmakers.

The game is typically a low-key affair, but this year’s edition took on greater significance in the wake of the shooting at a Republican congressional baseball practice that left House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and four others wounded.

For the first time since the shooting, members of Congress came together Thursday night to play America’s pastime.

It was an emotional night for many of the players, especially those who were on the field when the shots rang out nearly two weeks ago.

“I think for all of us, it brought back what happened that day,” Rep. Mike Bishop (R-Mich.), who was at bat when Scalise was shot, said in an interview with CNN. “I can still see Steve Scalise dragging himself into second base.”

Bishop said he had “mixed emotions” about returning to the ballpark but that it was important to show the world that members of Congress are “people just like everybody else.”

“We’re not immune to these kinds of tragedies,” he said. “It could have happened anywhere.”

The mood was also somber inside the Democratic clubhouse, where many players said they were thinking about Scalise and the others who were wounded.

“It still feels like it just happened yesterday,” Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) said. “You still have that feeling in your stomach.”

But Ryan said he felt it was important for lawmakers to come together and show that they would not be intimidated by violence.

The aftermath

The annual Congressional Baseball Game for charity was held last night at Nationals Park, with the Republicans winning 11-2. The game was a welcome respite from the contentious political climate, but that sense of unity was shattered when a gunman opened fire on the Republicans as they practiced for the game the day before.

How did the game affect the players?

For the players, the game was a way to forget about the partisan divide in Washington and to show that, despite their differences, they can still come together for a common cause.

“It took on a much bigger meaning than just a baseball game,” said Representative Joe Barton of Texas, the Republican team’s manager. “I think it was healing for everybody.”

Several Democratic players said the game was a welcome respite from the daily grind of politics.

“For one night, we can put aside some of our differences and just enjoy each other’s company,” said Representative Cedric Richmond of Louisiana, the Democratic team’s star pitcher.

What was the reaction of the fans?

The game was highly competitive, with the lead changing hands several times. The final score was 11-8, in favor of the Democrats.

The fans were very excited, and there was a lot of cheering and Applause throughout the game. After the game, the players from both teams shook hands and posed for pictures.

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