Who’s Out of the Playoffs? NFL Fans Weigh In

The NFL regular season is coming to a close, and there are already a few teams out of the playoff picture. Who do NFL fans think will win it all?


The playoffs are just around the corner and NFL fans are excited to see who will make it to the big game. But there are also a lot of teams that didn’t quite make the cut this year. So, we asked NFL fans: Who’s out of the playoffs?

Fans’ Reactions

The NFL playoff picture is nearly set.


Just like that, the NFL season is over for some teams and their fans. While many are gearing up for the playoffs, others are left to wonder what could have been.

We asked some fans of teams that didn’t make the playoffs how they’re feeling now that their team’s season is over. Here’s what they had to say:

“I’m definitely disappointed. We had such a good season and I thought we were going to make a run at the Super Bowl. Now we have to wait until next year.” – Packers fan

“I’m really frustrated. We were so close to making the playoffs, but we just couldn’t get over the hump. Hopefully we can take that next step next year.” – Vikings fan

“I’m heartbroken. This was supposed to be our year and we fell just short. I don’t know if I can take another season like this.” – Cowboys fan

“I’m not sure what to feel right now. I’m obviously disappointed, but I’m also proud of my team for how well they played this season. There’s always next year.” – Jaguars fan


Many NFL fans are angry about their team’s performance this season. Some teams have been eliminated from the playoffs, and some fans are angry about their team’s record.

“My team is out of the playoffs and I’m really angry,” said one fan. “I can’t believe they didn’t make it. I’m so mad.”

“I’m really upset that my team didn’t make the playoffs,” said another fan. “I wanted them to do better this season. I’m disappointed.”

“It’s frustrating when your team doesn’t make the playoffs,” said another fan. “You want them to do well, but sometimes it doesn’t happen.”


Some NFL fans are surprised by who’s out of the playoffs this year. “I can’t believe the Panthers are out,” one fan said. “They seemed like they had a good season.” Other fans weren’t as surprised. “I knew the Bengals weren’t going to make it,” one said. “They always find a way to lose.”


In conclusion, it is evident that there are a variety of opinions on who should be out of the playoffs. This is to be expected with such a complex and important topic. However, it seems that the general consensus is that the Dallas Cowboys, Green Bay Packers, and San Francisco 49ers are the teams that should be kicked out of the playoffs.

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