Who’s the Oldest Player in the NFL?

At 41 years old, kicker Adam Vinatieri is the oldest player in the NFL. He’s also the league’s most accurate kicker.

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning, who is currently playing for the Denver Broncos, is the oldest player in the NFL. He is 39 years old.

Tom Brady

At 42 years old, Tom Brady is the oldest non-kicker or punter in the NFL. He’s also the only player in his 40s still playing.

Drew Brees

Drew Brees, who is now 41 years old, is the oldest player in the NFL. He is a quarterback for the New Orleans Saints, and he has been playing in the NFL for 20 years.

Brett Favre

Brett Favre is the oldest player in the NFL. He is currently 41 years old and is playing for the Minnesota Vikings.

Matt Hasselbeck

Matt Hasselbeck, quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts, is the oldest player in the NFL. He is 41 years old.

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