Why AEW is Better Than WWE

AEW is a young promotion that is already making waves in the wrestling world. Here’s why I think they are better than WWE.

AEW is More Innovative

AEW is a new wrestling company that is shaking up the wrestling world. They are more innovative than WWE and are not afraid to take risks. This has led to some truly great matches and moments.

AEW has a more diverse roster

While WWE does have a more diverse roster than it did in the past, AEW has a much more diverse roster. Not only does AEW have more women’s wrestlers than WWE, but they also have wrestlers of various sizes, shapes, and backgrounds. This makes for a more interesting product as there is something for everyone.

AEW is more willing to take risks

While WWE has been the dominant wrestling promotion for decades, they have been criticised in recent years for being too stale and not taking enough risks. Conversely, AEW has been lauded for their willingness to take risks and try new things, even if they don’t always work out. This willingness to experiment has led to AEW being more innovative than WWE, and many fans believe that this is one of the key reasons why AEW is a better wrestling promotion overall.

AEW is More Fan-Friendly

AEW is a more fan-friendly company than WWE. AEW caters to the fans more than WWE does. AEW listens to the fans and tries to give them what they want. WWE, on the other hand, does not always give the fans what they want.

AEW respects its fans

AEW has consistently shown that it respects its fans by giving them what they want. This is in stark contrast to WWE, which often seems to be out of touch with its audience.

AEW has brought in a number of popular wrestlers from other companies, including Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, and Jon Moxley. All of these wrestlers have been huge hits with fans.

In addition, AEW has a much more sensible booking policy than WWE. AEW allows its wrestlers to lose without serious repercussions, and it also doesn’t force unpopular storylines down fans’ throats. This has resulted in a product that is much more enjoyable to watch.

AEW gives fans what they want

AEW is a wrestling promotion that is quickly gaining popularity among wrestling fans. One of the main reasons for this is because AEW gives fans what they want. WWE has been catering to a more family-friendly audience in recent years, which has led to many longtime fans becoming frustrated with the product. AEW, on the other hand, is more focused on giving adults an enjoyable product. This has led to many WWE fans switching their allegiance to AEW.

AEW is More Organized

Alvarez said that AEW is a more modern and organized company than WWE. “I think they have a better structure,” Alvarez said. “They have people in place to help you with your career and help you with your match. They have a game plan. They know what they’re doing.”

AEW has a better booking process

While it’s impossible to know everything that goes on behind the scenes in any professional wrestling organization, it seems pretty clear that AEW has a better booking process than WWE. For one thing, AEW has a much smaller roster, which means that there are fewer cooks in the kitchen, so to speak. But more importantly, it seems like AEW puts a lot more thought into its long-term booking than WWE does.

AEW’s weekly TV show, Dynamite, generally feels like a well-crafted wrestling program, with a clear focus on storytelling and character development. In contrast, WWE’s weekly TV shows often feel disjointed and haphazard, as if the creative team is just making things up as they go along. This is likely due to the fact that WWE has a much larger roster and is trying to promote multiple storylines and feuds at the same time. But whatever the reason, it’s clear that AEW is doing a better job of booking its shows.

Of course, none of this would matter if the wrestlers in AEW weren’t any good. But fortunately, that’s not the case. The roster is filled with talented performers who are able to put on great matches week after week. In particular, the women’s division in AEW is absolutely incredible, with some of the best female wrestlers in the world working for the promotion.

In conclusion, it’s evident that AEW is a better-run company than WWE in many ways. From its more thoughtful booking to its incredibly talented roster, AEW is quickly becoming the top wrestling promotion in the world.

AEW has a better structure

While WWE essentially operates as a single company with multiple brands, AEW is more akin to a collection of smaller companies. This has several advantages.

First, it allows AEW to be more nimble and responsive to the needs of its wrestlers and fans. If a wrestler is unhappy with their position in the company, they can simply leave and go to another brand. This was unheard of in WWE, where wrestlers were effectively locked into their contracts.

Second, it gives AEW a wider range of styles and genres to choose from. While WWE has always been focused on entertainment above all else, AEW can now cater to fans who want a more serious or realistic approach to wrestling.

Third, it gives AEW a greater ability to build long-term storylines and rivalries. In WWE, the focus is always on the immediate future and the next big event. This often leads to rushed stories and lacklustre feuds. With AEW’s new structure, storytellers can take their time and craft more intricate and engaging stories.

AEW is More Creative

AEW is a newer company than WWE and therefore is not bogged down by decades of bad decision making. AEW is also more willing to take chances with their booking and are not afraid to experiment. This has led to a more fresh and exciting product than what WWE is currently offering.

AEW has better storylines

While WWE does have some good storylines, they are often overshadowed by bad writing, reused plotlines, and lack of creativity. AEW, on the other hand, has consistently shown that they are willing to take risks and tell fresh stories. This has led to some of the most entertaining wrestling matches and moments in recent memory.

For example, one of AEW’s latest storylines is centered around Chris Jericho and his team of mercenaries called The Inner Circle. This story has been very well received by fans and has led to some amazing matches. WWE, on the other hand, is currently stuck in a stale storyline involving Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman that has been going on for months with no end in sight.

AEW is also willing to take risks with their booking that WWE wouldn’t even dream of doing. For instance, they recently had a match between Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley that ended with Moxley being put through a table set on fire. This was a incredibly dangerous spot that could have easily gone wrong, but it was executed perfectly and added to the overall match. WWE would never allow something like this to happen because they are more worried about protecting their stars from injury than giving fans an exciting show.

All in all, it is clear that AEW is the more creative wrestling promotion at the moment. They are willing to take risks and tell fresh stories that keep fans coming back for more.

AEW has better matches

While WWE has better production values, AEW has consistently put on better wrestling matches. The in-ring product is more important than anything else, and AEW has excelled in that regard.

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