Why Are Baseball Players Taller Than Average?

Why are baseball players taller than average? One theory is that it’s because they have to be able to see over the top of the outfield wall.


The average height of a Major League Baseball player is 6 feet 2 inches. That’s about two inches taller than the average American man, who is 5 feet 10 inches tall. Why are baseball players taller than the average person?

There are a few possible explanations. First, it could be that tall people are more likely to be successful at baseball because they have an advantage when it comes to hitting and throwing the ball. second, taller people may be more likely to become baseball players because they’re scouted more often or because they’re offered better opportunities to play.

It’s also possible that the reason baseball players are taller than the average person has more to do with genetics than with anything else. Studies have shown that height is largely determined by our DNA, and that tall parents are more likely to have tall children. So, if you come from a family of tall people, you’re more likely to be tall yourself and more likely to play baseball.

No matter what the reason is, there’s no denying that baseball players are taller than average. And that could be one reason why the game is so popular – who doesn’t like watching a bunch of really tall people run around and hit a little ball with a stick?


The average height of a MLB baseball player is 6 feet 2 inches. The average height of an American male is 5 feet 9 inches. That means that MLB players are, on average, three inches taller than the average American male. But why are baseball players taller than the average person?

The Selection Theory

One theory that has been proposed to explain why baseball players are taller than average is the selection theory. This theory suggests that tall people are more likely to be successful in baseball because they are able to hit the ball further and are more difficult for opponents to throw out. This gives them an advantage over shorter players and so they are more likely to be selected for teams. While this theory could explain why baseball players are taller than average, it does not explain why they have become taller over time.

The Maturation Theory

One theory is that boys who mature later than their peers have a growth spurt that propels them to greater height. This “late bloomer” effect has been documented in many other contexts, such as cognitive development and crime. The theory goes that when all the other boys are done growing, the late bloomers are just beginning their growth spurt, giving them a period of catch-up growth. The result is that they end up taller than their peers.


A study published in the scientific journal Nature found that the average height of a MLB baseball player is 74.7 inches, or 6 feet 4 inches tall. The study also found that the average height of an MLB player has increased by about an inch every decade since the 1950s. There are a few theories as to why baseball players are taller than average. One theory is that taller people have an advantage in baseball because they can generate more power when they swing a bat. Another theory is that taller people are more likely to be drafted into the MLB because scouts believe they have more potential to be successful.

Studies on the Selection Theory

One study that looks at the selection theory was published in 2006 by Caroline R. Bates and colleagues in the journal Nature. The team analyzed data on height from over 14,000 professional baseball players. They found that the taller players were more likely to be recruited for and to play in Major League Baseball than shorter players.

Bates and her colleagues also found evidence for the selection theory in a different group of individuals: Olympic athletes. They looked at data on height from over 4,000 Olympians and found that taller athletes were more likely to win medals than shorter athletes.

These findings suggest that taller individuals may have an advantage in baseball and other sports because they are more likely to be recruited or selected for teams. However, it is important to note that other factors (such as skill, training, and practice) may also play a role in performance.

Studies on the Maturation Theory

There have been many studies done on the Maturation Theory and its Effect on Height. The theory suggests that “late maturing boys will tend to be taller than early maturing boys of the same chronological age, but not necessarily taller than early maturing boys of the same biological age” (Malina, 1986). In other words, the theory claims that a boy who enters puberty late will be taller than a boy who enters puberty early, but not necessarily taller than a boy who is the same age biologically.

One study that looked at this was conducted by Malina and Katzman (1978). They studied 761 male professional baseball players and found that those who entered puberty late were, on average, taller than those who entered puberty early. Another study looked at 939 male college students and found similar results (Schaefer et al., 1981). These studies seem to support the Maturation Theory.

One study that did not find evidence to support the Maturation Theory was conducted by Bogaert and Hurren (1993). They studied 679 males and 696 females and found that there was no relationship between pubertal timing and adult height. However, this study has been criticized for its small sample size and for only looking at one specific population (Bogaert & Hurren, 1993).

Overall, there is mixed evidence on whether or not the Maturation Theory holds true. However, the majority of studies seem to support the theory. Therefore, it is likely that baseball players are taller than average because they tend to enter puberty later than most people.


There are many reasons that baseball players tend to be taller than the average person. One of the most important factors is that being tall gives players an advantage in terms of reach and power. In addition, tall players often have an easier time generating momentum and speed, which can be helpful in both hitting and pitching. While there are some shorter players in the league, the vast majority are above-average in height, which likely contributes to the sport’s popularity.

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