Why Are NHL Games Postponed?

NHL games are sometimes postponed due to bad weather. But why? Let’s take a look at why NHL games are postponed.

Why Are NHL Games Postponed?

Reasons for Postponement

NHL games are postponed for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is due to weather conditions. If there is a blizzard or severe winter storm, the game will most likely be postponed. Other reasons for postponement include poor ice conditions, arena scheduling conflicts, and player injuries.

Poor Ice Conditions

One of the most common reasons for a game postponement is due to poor ice conditions. If the ice is not up to par, it can cause players to slip and fall, which can lead to serious injuries. Other times, the ice may be too soft, causing the puck to bounce erratically. In either case, player safety is paramount, and the game will be postponed until the ice can be fixed.

Another common reason for postponement is weather-related issues. If it is too cold or windy outside, it can make it difficult for players to see the puck and make accurate passes. Additionally, cold weather can cause the ice to crack and chip, which again compromises player safety. As such, games will often be postponed if there is a severe weather event taking place.

Lastly, games may also be postponed due to a Covid-19 outbreak within a team. If multiple players on a team test positive for the virus, it obviously isn’t safe for them to play against another team. In this case, the game will likely be rescheduled for a later date when it is safe for all parties involved.

Inclement Weather

One common reason for postponing games is due to weather conditions. If a winter storm is brewing and is expected to affect the area where an NHL game is scheduled to take place, the game may be postponed.

Another factor that can lead to games being postponed is frigid temperatures. If the forecasted temperature for game day is below a certain threshold, the game may be postponed. This is done in order to ensure player safety, as cold temperatures can lead to increased risk of injury.

Inclement weather can also lead to travel concerns for teams. If a blizzard is expected to hit on the day a team is scheduled to fly to their next road game, the game may be postponed in order to allow the team time to safely travel.

Impact of Postponement

With the NHL regular season being put on pause, teams are scrambling to adjust. The postponement of games has had a ripple effect throughout the league. Here’s a look at how the postponement is impacting the NHL.

On the Players

When an NHL game is postponed, it can have a number of impacts on the players, both mentally and physically. For the most part, players are creatures of habit and like to stick to a routine. Having games postponed can disrupt that routine and cause them to feel out of sync. It can also be tough on them mentally, as they may have been looking forward to a particular game for weeks and then have it canceled at the last minute.

Physically, postponing games can also take a toll on players. If a team is scheduled to play four games in six nights and one of those games gets postponed, that means the players will now have to play five games in six nights. That’s a lot of hockey in a short period of time and can lead to fatigue and injuries.

On the Fans

On the fans, NHL games postponed can be pretty frustrating. You’ve got your seats reserved, your jersey on, and your team is playing their biggest rivals tonight. But then, right before the game is supposed to start, it’s announced that it’s been postponed. While it may not happen often, it can still be pretty annoying when it does.

How Postponements Are Decided

NHL games are postponed due to many reasons such as COVID-19, player safety, weather, etc. Sometimes, it is a decision that is made by the team’s management. Other times, it is a decision that is made by the league. For example, the NHL recently postponed a game between the Ottawa Senators and the New Jersey Devils due to COVID-19.

By the League

The decision to postpone a game is made by the NHL in consultation with the club that is scheduled to play, and local authorities.

There are a number of factors that are considered when making the decision, including the severity of the weather conditions, the expected length of the postponement, the ability to reschedule the game, and most importantly, the safety of fans, players and arena personnel.

If a game is postponed, ticket holders will be notified as soon as possible and instructed on how to obtain refunds or exchange their tickets for a future game.

By the Home Team

The decision to postpone a game is made by the home team in consultation with the league office, and it is not an easy one to make. The home team must take into account many factors, including player safety, travel arrangements, and the ability of both teams to play at a high level.

In the case of player safety, the decision to postpone a game is usually made when there is a risk of serious injury to players. This can be due to weather conditions, such as high winds or ice, or due to poor ice conditions at the arena.

Another factor that is considered is the travel arrangements for both teams. If one team is unable to travel to the arena due to bad weather, then it may not be fair to make them play.

Finally, both teams must be able to play at a high level in order for the game to be postponed. If one team is significantly less prepared than the other, then it would not be fair to make them play.

All of these factors are considered when a decision is made to postpone a game. It is not an easy decision, but it is one that must be made in order for the game to be fair for both teams.

Other Professional Sports Leagues

The NHL has been forced to postpone several games this season due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Other professional sports leagues, such as the NBA and MLB, have been able to play their seasons without any postponements. So, why are NHL games being postponed?


postponement of its games. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NFL made the decision to postpone all of its games for the foreseeable future. This means that no NFL games will be played until further notice.

This decision was made in order to protect the health and safety of all involved, including players, coaches, staff, and fans. The NFL is committed to doing everything possible to ensure that its games are safe and enjoyable for all.


MLB is the only other professional sports league that postpones games due to weather. However, MLB does not have as many postponements as the NHL does. In fact, over the past 10 years, MLB has had an average of less than 1 postponed game per season. The reason for this is that MLB stadiums are mostly located in warmer climates, so they are less likely to experience inclement weather.


With all of this information in mind, we can now answer the question: why are NHL games postponed? In short, it is usually due to bad weather conditions. However, other reasons can include a power outage or player safety concerns.

While it may be frustrating for fans when a game is postponed, it is important to remember that the safety of the players and fans always comes first.

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