Why Are Tennis Balls Bad For Dogs?

Many people don’t realize that tennis balls can be dangerous for dogs. If your dog loves to play fetch with a tennis ball, make sure to keep an eye on them and monitor their activity level. Tennis balls can cause stomach issues and even obstructions if swallowed, so it’s best to be safe and avoid them altogether.

The Dangers of Tennis Balls

Tennis balls are one of the most popular toys for dogs, but they can actually be very dangerous. Tennis balls are made of hard rubber and can easily become choking hazards. They can also break teeth and cause other mouth injuries. If you’re looking for a safe toy for your dog, stick to soft, plush toys.

Choking Hazard

One of the biggest dangers of tennis balls is that they present a choking hazard to dogs. A tennis ball is about the same size as a dog’s windpipe, so if your dog tries to swallow a tennis ball whole, it could get stuck in his throat and block his airway. If this happens, it’s a medical emergency and you should take your dog to the vet immediately. Even if your dog doesn’t try to swallow a tennis ball whole, he could still choke on one if he bites down on it wrong and it cracks open in his mouth.

Intestinal Obstruction

Tennis balls are one of the most popular toys for dogs, but they can also be one of the most dangerous. If ingested, a tennis ball can cause an intestinal obstruction, which can be life-threatening.

Tennis balls are made of rubber and felt, both of which can be indigestible for dogs. The rubber can cause vomiting and diarrhea, while the felt can swell in the stomach and cause an obstruction.

If your dog has ingested a tennis ball, monitor them closely for signs of vomiting or diarrhea. If either occurs, call your veterinarian immediately. If left untreated, an intestinal obstruction can be fatal.

Allergic Reactions

Dogs can be allergic to tennis balls just as they can be allergic to anything else. Symptoms of an allergic reaction in a dog include excessive licking, chewing or scratching of the affected area, redness and swelling, hair loss, scabs and hot spots. If your dog is having any of these symptoms, take him to the vet immediately.

Alternatives to Tennis Balls

Tennis balls are often used as a toy for dogs, but did you know that they can actually be harmful? Tennis balls are made of felt and often have a chemical smell that can be harmful to dogs if ingested. Additionally, the stitching on tennis balls can come undone, which can pose a choking hazard. If you’re looking for a safer alternative to tennis balls for your dog, read on.

Kong Toys

If you’re looking for an alternative to tennis balls for your dog, Kong toys are a great option. Kongs are made of durable rubber and come in a variety of sizes and colors. They can be stuffed with treats or used as a chew toy. Kongs are also safe for dogs to use as they don’t have any small parts that could be swallowed.

One downside of Kongs is that they can be expensive, especially if you have a large dog. They also don’t last forever and will eventually need to be replaced.


Nylabones are a great alternative to tennis balls for dogs. They are made from a tough nylon material, which is safe for dogs to chew on. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you can find one that is perfect for your dog. Nylabones are also very affordable, so you can get multiple ones for your dog to chew on.

Squeaky Toys

Squeaky toys are a great alternative to tennis balls for dogs. They provide the same level of mental stimulation and can be just as much fun for your dog. However, they have a few advantages over tennis balls.

First, squeaky toys are usually made of softer materials, so they’re less likely to hurt your dog’s teeth or gums. Second, they’re often smaller in size, so they’re better for small breeds or puppies. Lastly, since they don’t bounce as much as tennis balls, they’re less likely to get lost under furniture or behind doors.

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