Why Are There 17 NFL Games This Year?

There are a lot of factors that go into determining how many NFL games there are in a season. Find out why there are 17 NFL games this year.

The NFL’s History with 17 Games

The NFL has a long history with 17 game seasons. In fact, the league has used this format for most of its existence. It wasn’t until 1961 that the NFL switched to a 16 game format and even then, it only used that for 20 seasons before returning to 17 games in 1982.

The reason for the switch back is simple: money. The NFL is a business and, like all businesses, it’s always looking for ways to make more money. Adding an extra game to the season allows the league to generate more revenue from ticket sales, TV contracts, and merchandising.

It’s also worth noting that the 17 game schedule is not new; it was actually used as recently as 2011. The league decided to switch back to 16 games in 2012 because of the labor agreement with the players’ union. The union wanted players to have more rest and recovery time between games and felt that 16 games was the right number. However, now that the labor agreement has expired, the NFL has decided to return to 17 games.

Some people have criticized the NFL for making this change, arguing that it puts players at risk for injuries and makes the season too long. However, others have argued that it’s simply an inevitable part of the league’s evolution and that players will adjust just fine. Only time will tell if 17 games is here to stay or if the NFL will eventually switch back to 16.

The Pros of Playing 17 Games

The NFL’s decision to play a 17-game regular season this year was not without controversy. Some players and coaches have spoken out against the move, citing the increased risk of injury that comes with playing one more game. But others see the silver lining in the new schedule. Here are some of the benefits of playing 17 games:

1. More revenue for the league and its teams

The NFL is a billion-dollar business, and the addition of one more regular-season game will only add to that bottom line. While players may not be thrilled about having to play one more game, from a business perspective, it makes perfect sense. More games means more ticket sales, more merchandise sales, and more revenue from television contracts.

2. More opportunities for players to make an impact

With one additional game on the schedule, there will be more opportunities for players to make an impact on their team’s success. For young players looking to make a name for themselves, or veterans fighting for a roster spot, the 17th game could be the difference-maker.

3. More excitement for fans

Let’s face it, fans love football. And more football means more excitement. The addition of one more game to the schedule means that fans will have even more reasons to tune in every week. There will be more storylines to follow and more drama to enjoy. And who knows, maybe we’ll even see a few surprise upsets along the way.

The Cons of Playing 17 Games

The NFL’s decision to add a 17th game to the regular season schedule has been met with criticism from players, coaches, and fans alike. Here are some of the main reasons why:

1. It increases the risk of injuries.

Players are already at a high risk of injury during the 16-game regular season. Adding an additional game will only increase that risk. In particular, it could lead to more serious injuries that could sideline players for an extended period of time.

2. It diminishes the importance of the preseason.

The preseason is typically used as a tune-up for the regular season. With an additional game added to the schedule, teams will be less likely to use their starters in the preseason, which could lead to rusty play once the games actually count.

3. It puts a greater emphasis on winning.

With 17 games on the schedule, there will be even more pressure on teams to win. This could lead to even more competitive games and less focus on player development and team building.

4. It could lead to player burnout.

Adding another game to the schedule could cause players to become overloaded and burned out by the time the playoffs roll around. This could have a negative impact on their performance and result in early exits from the playoffs.

How the NFL Decided on 17 Games

The National Football League has decided to add an extra game to the regular season schedule, increasing the number of games from 16 to 17. This change will begin with the 2021 season. So, why are there 17 NFL games this year?

The answer is simple: money. The NFL is a business, and businesses exist to make money. Adding an extra game to the schedule will increase revenue, which is good for the owners and good for the league.

Of course, there are other factors at play here as well. The NFL is trying to increase its global reach, and adding an extra game gives them another opportunity to do that. Additionally, the league is looking to increase its TV ratings, which have been slipping in recent years. Adding an extra game gives fans another reason to tune in.

So, there you have it: money and TV ratings are the two primary reasons why there are 17 NFL games this year. It remains to be seen how this change will affect the quality of play on the field, but one thing is for sure: it will be very beneficial for the league financially.

How the NFL Could Go Back to 16 Games

The National Football League (NFL) is currently exploring the possibility of reducing the number of regular season games from 16 to 14, a league source tells CBS Sports NFL Insider Jason La Canfora.

This would be a significant change for the league and would have far-reaching consequences for players, teams, and fans. Here’s everything you need to know about the proposal and why it’s being considered.

The NFL has not had a 16-game regular season since 1978. In that year, the league added two additional regular season games to its schedule in order to accommodate four new teams that had been added via expansion. The expanded league also created a new playoff format that included four wild-card teams.

Since then, the NFL has continued to add more teams (32 total now) and more playoff teams (seven per conference now), but the regular season has remained at 16 games. There have been periodic calls from within the league to return to a 14-game schedule, but those proposals have always been rejected in favor of maintaining the status quo.

The current proposal is being championed by New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, two of the most powerful figures in the NFL. Kraft and Jones both believe that a 14-game schedule would be better for player safety and would also create more meaningful games late in the season, when every game matters more because there are fewer of them.

The downsides of reducing the regular season are obvious: fewer games means less revenue for everyone involved in the NFL, from owners and players to broadcasters and advertisers. There is also concern that going back to 16 games would put stricter limits on player salaries, as teams would no longer have as much money to spend on them.

Ultimately, any decision on this matter will come down to a vote by the NFL’s 32 owners, who are expected to discuss it at their annual meeting in March. It’s worth noting that Kraft and Jones are not alone in their support for a 14-game schedule; they are joined by several other influential owners who believe it is time for a change

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