Why Are There NFL Games on Saturday?

It’s a good question. Here’s a look at why the NFL schedule includes games on Saturday during the regular season.

The History of NFL Saturday Games

For as long as most football fans can remember, the NFL schedule has always had games on Sunday afternoon. Saturday games are a relatively new phenomenon in the NFL, but they have become increasingly popular in recent years. There are a few reasons for this. First, Saturday games allow the NFL to have a presence on every day of the week during the football season. Second, Saturday games are a way for the NFL to reach a new audience, as many people are not able to watch Sunday afternoon games due to work or other commitments. Finally, Saturday games provide the NFL with an opportunity to showcase its product on a day when there is no competition from other major sports leagues.

The first Saturday NFL game

The first Saturday NFL game was played on December 21, 1963, between the New York Giants and the Chicago Bears. The game was televised on ABC, and was attended by 61,163 fans at Yankee Stadium. It was a cold day, with a temperature of 29 degrees Fahrenheit at kickoff.

The game was not originally scheduled to be played on Saturday, but was moved due to a blizzard that hit the Northeast United States the week before. The game was originally supposed to be played on Sunday, but with the blizzard causing travel difficulties, it was decided to move the game to Saturday.

The game was not well-played, as both teams were using makeshift lineups due to injuries. The Giants won the game 13-10, but it is mostly remembered for being the first Saturday NFL game.

Why the NFL started playing games on Saturday

The National Football League (NFL) started playing games on Saturday in 2004 to try to generate more interest in the sport. That’s because, at the time, college football was more popular than the NFL. So, the NFL decided to start holding games on the same day that college football is typically played.

The NFL has continued to play games on Saturdays during the regular season ever since then. And, in recent years, the league has even started televising games on Saturday nights.

The Benefits of NFL Saturday Games

More exposure for the NFL

The NFL benefits from having games on Saturday because it gets the sport more exposure. While most people are aware of the NFL and have at least a passing interest in it, there are still many people who only watch when their favorite team is playing or if there is a big game on that they have heard about. By having games on Saturday, the NFL is able to reach a wider audience and get more people interested in the sport.

In addition, Saturday games allow the NFL to compete with college football for viewers. College football is typically seen as the more dominant sport on Saturdays, but by having NFL games on at the same time, the league is able to get some of those viewers who might otherwise only watch college football. This can be beneficial for both the NFL and for individual teams who are looking to increase their fan base.

More revenue for the NFL

The NFL has been broadcasting games on Saturday for decades, and there are several reasons why they continue to do so. One of the main reasons is that it generates more revenue for the league. Saturday games are typically featured as the primetime game of the week, which means they get higher ratings and more viewers than games played on other days of the week. This not only results in higher ad revenues for the NFL, but also higher licensing fees from networks like NBC and CBS, who pay billions of dollars to air NFL games.

Another reason why the NFL broadcasts games on Saturday is that it helps to promote the league. Saturday games are typically played in front of packed stadiums, and they generate a lot of buzz on social media and television. This helps to attract new fans to the sport, which is good for business in the long run. Finally, playing games on Saturday gives players and teams a chance to rest and recover from injuries, which is important for their health and safety.

More opportunities for fans to watch their favorite teams

The NFL schedule has always been primarily a Sunday affair, with a handful of games on Monday and Thursday nights. But in recent years, the league has increasingly experimented with playing games on other days of the week, including Saturday during the regular season.

There are a few reasons for this. First, it gives fans more opportunities to watch their favorite teams play. Second, it allows the league to showcase its product to a wider audience. And finally, it helps TV networks that carry NFL games fill their programming schedules during the holiday season when there are fewer live sporting events taking place.

Whatever the reasons, there is no doubt that playing NFL games on Saturday has become a popular tradition in recent years. And with more and more fans tuning in to watch, it doesn’t seem like this trend is going away anytime soon.

The Drawbacks of NFL Saturday Games

Saturday games used to be the norm in the NFL. In fact, it was quite rare to find an NFL game being played on any other day of the week. However, things have changed in recent years and the NFL has started to experiment with playing games on Thursdays, Sundays, and even Mondays. While there are some benefits to this, there are also some drawbacks. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of having NFL games on Saturday.

Lower TV ratings

Saturday games during the NFL season generally have lower TV ratings than games played on Sunday or Thursday. This is likely due to a number of factors, including the fact that many people have other commitments on Saturdays (such as work or school) and may not be able to watch the game live. Additionally, there is usually more college football being played on Saturdays, which may draws viewers away from the NFL.

Poor quality of play

The NFL has been increasingly scheduling games on Saturday during the latter part of the season, which has led to some criticism. One of the main complaints is that the quality of play is not as good as it is during the week, when both teams have had a full week to prepare.

Another complaint is that Saturday games take away from the excitement of college football, which traditionally dominates the sport on that day. College football fans argue that the NFL’s presence on Saturday dilutes the importance of the college game.

Critics also point out that Saturday games are often blacked out on local television in markets where the home team is not playing, which reduces viewership. And finally, some argue that Saturday games are simply an effort by the NFL to increase its revenues by scheduling additional broadcasts during a time when there is already a captive audience for football.

Inconvenience for fans

The NFL has been playing games on Saturday for years, but it’s only recently that they’ve become a regular occurrence. For most diehard fans, this is a major inconvenience. Saturday is the traditional college football day, and many fans have already made plans around that. Now they have to choose between the two.

It’s also difficult for fans who live in areas without an NFL team. There are only so many games that can be televised, and if the local team isn’t playing, there’s a good chance they won’t be able to see any action. This puts them at a disadvantage compared to fans of other teams who get more exposure to the league.

There are some positive aspects to NFL games being played on Saturday, though. It gives fans an extra day to catch up on all the action from around the league. And for those who do have an NFL team in their area, it’s one more chance to see them play. But overall, the inconvenience it causes far outweighs any benefits.

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