Why Are WWE Games So Bad?

Why are WWE games so bad? This is a question that plagues many WWE fans. While the games have gotten better over the years, they still have a long way to go.

WWE Games Have Been Bad for a While

For years, WWE games have been a joke compared to other sports games. The 2K series has been especially bad, with buggy gameplay, awful graphics, and fans clamoring for a return to the “Smackdown vs. Raw” days. So, what went wrong? Let’s take a look.

Early WWE Games

The first thing to understand is that, for a very long time, WWE games were not good. They were often buggy, glitchy, and featured terrible character models. It’s no wonder that many gamers gave up on the series altogether.

Even the most diehard WWE fans would have to admit that the series has been in a slump for quite some time now. It’s been almost a decade since we got a truly great WWE game. And while there have been some solid entries in recent years, they’ve all been held back by various issues.

Recent WWE Games

In recent years, WWE games have been panned by critics and fans alike. The 2K series, which began in 2013, has been particularly rough. WWE 2K20, released in October 2019, was so buggy and broken that Kotaku’sGetting Over Itwith Bennett Foddy creator Stefano Gualeni said it was “one of the most fascinatingly bad video games” he’d ever played.

WWE 2K21, released in November 2020, didn’t fare much better. In his 1.5/10 review for Game Informer , Donovan Erskine wrote that the game was “riddled with technical problems, lacking modes, and generally feeling like a step back for the series.” He wasn’t alone in his assessment; WWE 2K21 holds a Metacritic score of 48%. All this is to say: recent WWE games have not been good.

So why are WWE games so bad? There are a few possible explanations.

First, it’s worth noting that WWE games are among the most complex sports games to make. They require motion capture for every wrestler’s signature moves, as well as careful modeling of each wrestler’s appearance (down to specific tattoos). Not to mention the voice acting, arenas, and create-a-wrestler mode. It’s a lot of work for a relatively small team at Visual Concepts (which is why Yuke’s, the Japanese studio that had worked on WWE games for two decades, left the franchise after 2013).

The Problem Is the Developers

WWE games have been a disappointment for years now. The 2K games have been especially lackluster, with each new release feeling like a rehash of the last. So what’s the problem? The developers. 2K Games doesn’t seem to understand what makes a good wrestling game, and that’s reflected in their output.

Lack of Experience

There are a number of reasons why WWE games are often considered to be sub-par compared to other titles in the fighting genre. One of the biggest issues is that the developers simply do not have the experience necessary to create a truly great game.

WWE games are often developed by smaller studios who are not well-versed in creating fighting games. As a result, the games often lack the depth and polish of more established titles. The developers also tend to be more focused on creating a “ arcadey ” experience rather than a realistic one, which can alienate more hardcore fighting game fans.

Another issue is that WWE itself is not particularly supportive of the games that are made based on its license. The company has been known to meddle in the development process, demanding changes that often make the final product worse. WWE also has a reputation for being stingy with its licenses, which means that developers often have to work with a limited budget and resources.

All of these factors combine to create a perfect storm of problems for WWE games. Until the developers gain more experience and WWE stops interfering, it is unlikely that we will see a truly great game based on the license.

Lack of Time

It’s no secret that WWE games have been in a bit of a slump lately. The 2K games have been met with “meh” reviews, and the recent mobile game from Scopely was savaged by fans. So what’s the problem? There are a few factors, but the biggest one is that the developers just don’t have enough time to make a good game.

WWE games are big budget affairs. 2K’s games have an development budget of $10 million, which is on the high end for a sports game. But even with that kind of money, the developers only have about 18 months to make the game. That doesn’t seem like a lot of time, but it’s actually on par with other big budget games. The problem is that WWE games are more complex than your average sports game.

In addition to all of the normal gameplay systems that need to be implemented, WWE games also need to deal with the intricate web of relationships between WWE’s Superstars, commentating, booking matches, and recreating WWE’s unique brand of entertainment. That’s a lot for a small team to deal with in just 18 months.

Unfortunately, there’s no easy solution to this problem. The only way to give the developers more time is to either increase the development budget or push back the release date. Neither of those options is particularly palatable for publisher 2K or fans who are dying for a good WWE game. So it looks like we’re stuck with subpar WWE games for the foreseeable future.

WWE Games Need to Be Better

The WWE is one of the most popular sports entertainment companies in the world, but their video games have been lagging behind for years. The WWE 2K series has been plagued with bugs, poor graphics, and unimaginative gameplay. It’s time for WWE games to step up and deliver an experience that fans deserve.

WWE Games Are Important

It’s no secret that WWE games have been in a bit of a slump lately. The once-popular franchise has seen a decline in recent years, with many fans feeling that the games have become too repetitive and lack the polish of other top-tier titles. While there’s no denying that the quality of WWE games has dipped in recent years, it’s important to remember why these games are so important.

WWE games are some of the only mainstream titles that feature prominently female characters. While there are other games that allow players to create female characters, WWE games are one of the few franchises that allows players to take on the role of women wrestlers in mainline story modes. This is an important step forward for representation in video games, and it’s something that WWE should be celebrated for.

In addition to featuring strong female characters, WWE games also provide players with an opportunity to experience different forms of wrestling than what is typically seen on television. While the main WWE television product focuses on a more traditional style of wrestling, WWE games have featured daredevil stunt wrestlers, hardcore brawlers, and even luchadores over the years. This diversity helps keep the franchise fresh and provides players with new experiences every time they pick up a controller.

It’s easy to see why some fans have lost faith in WWE games, but it’s important to remember all of the good that they’ve done over the years. Here’s hoping that WWE can get back on track and deliver some truly great gaming experiences in the future.

WWE Games Should Be Good

WWE games have been dropping in quality for a few years now. 2K Games took over the franchise from THQ in 2013, and since then, we’ve seen a decline in the quality of the games. There are a few reasons for this decline, but the main one is that 2K Games is trying to appeal to too many different audiences.

The first WWE game that 2K Games released was WWE 2K14. This game was made with the casual fan in mind. It was a pretty good game, but it was missing a lot of features that the hardcore fans wanted. For example, there was no create-a-wrestler mode or create-an-arena mode. These modes had been present in previous WWE games, and their absence was felt by the hardcore fans.

WWE 2K15 was released the following year, and again, it was missing some features that the hardcore fans wanted. However, WWE 2K15 did introduce a new feature called “2K Showcase.” This mode allowed players to relive some of the most iconic moments in WWE history. While this mode was appreciated by casual fans, it wasn’t enough to make up for the lack of features that the hardcore fans wanted.

WWE 2K16 was released in 2016, and this time, 2K Games tried to appeal to both the casual fan and the hardcore fan. They added back in some of the features that had been missing from previous games, but they also kept “2K Showcase.” Unfortunately, WWE 2K16 suffered from buggy gameplay and poor graphics. As a result, it wasn’t well-received by either audience.

WWE 2K17 was released in 2017, and once again, 2k Games tried to appeal to both audiences. They added even more features for the hardcore fans while also keeping “2K Showcase.” WWE 2K17 did improve upon some of the problems from previous games, but it still didn’t reach the level of quality that both audiences were hoping for.

It’s clear that 2k Games is having trouble finding a balance between appealing to the casual fan and appealing to the hardcore fan. Until they figure out how to do this, WWE games are going to continue to be disappointing.

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