Why Colin Kaepernick Is Not In The NFL?

Colin Kaepernick is a former NFL quarterback who is now a free agent. He hasn’t been signed by any team since he became a free agent in 2017. Some people think that the reason he hasn’t been signed is because he’s been blacklisted by the NFL.

Why Colin Kaepernick Is Not In The NFL?

Reasons Why Colin Kaepernick is Not in the NFL

Colin Kaepernick is not in the NFL due to his political activism and his unsigned contract with the San Francisco 49ers. He has also been blackballed by NFL teams.

He’s a Distraction

There are plenty of talented quarterbacks who don’t have a team either, but they don’t have the baggage that Kap does. NFL teams want to avoid distractions, and Kap is a big one.

Since he became a free agent, Kap has been more interested in spreading his social justice message than he has been in actually playing football. He turned down a chance to play for the Ravens last season because he didn’t want to conform to their rules on standing for the national anthem. He also reportedly turned down an offer from the XFL this season because he wanted $20 million and they only offered him $5 million.

At this point, it seems like Kap is more interested in being a political activist than an NFL quarterback, and that’s not what teams are looking for right now.

He’s Not Good Enough

The best answer seems to be that he’s not good enough. At his best, he was a mediocre quarterback. In his last year with the 49ers, he had a quarterback rating of just 72.2. That puts him at 25th out of 30 qualifying quarterbacks that year. He’s not good enough to be a starting quarterback in the NFL, and there are 32 starting quarterbacks in the NFL.

He’s a Quarterback

This is the most common and simplest explanation given for why Colin Kaepernick is not on an NFL roster. He simply isn’t good enough to be a starting quarterback in the NFL, some say, and teams don’t want to carry a third-string quarterback who can’t play. “He can’t play,” former 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh said on a radio show last year. “That’s the No. 1 reason.”

The Real Reasons Why Colin Kaepernick is Not in the NFL

There are a lot of speculations as to why Colin Kaepernick is not signed with an NFL team. Some say it’s because of his political views, others say it’s because he’s not good enough. The truth is, it’s a combination of both. Kaepernick is a talented quarterback, but his political views have made him a polarizing figure. As a result, many teams are unwilling to sign him because they don’t want to deal with the backlash.

He’s a Distraction

One of the primary reasons that Colin Kaepernick is not in the NFL is because he is considered to be a distraction. Some believe that his kneeling during the National Anthem is disrespectful to the flag and to those who have served in the military. While Kaepernick has said that he is not trying to be disrespectful, many people do not believe him. This has caused a divide among fans and has made some people less likely to watch games or support certain teams.

Other people believe that Kaepernick is being blackballed by the NFL. There are some who think that the NFL owners do not want him on their team because he would be a distraction and because of his political views. There have been no credible reports to support this claim, but it is something that some people believe.

He’s Not Good Enough

The first reason why Colin Kaepernick is not in the NFL is that he is not good enough. He has not been able to prove himself as a starting quarterback in the NFL. In his last season with the 49ers, he only started in nine games and threw for 2,241 yards with 16 touchdown passes and four interceptions. His quarterback rating that season was only 72.2. In comparison, there were 31 quarterbacks who had a better quarterback rating than him that season. Even though he led the 49ers to a Super Bowl appearance in 2012, he has not been able to consistently play at a high level since then.

He’s a Quarterback

The most fundamental reason why Colin Kaepernick is not in the NFL right now is because he is a quarterback. Quarterbacks are the hardest players to find, and the ones that are available are usually scooped up quickly. Kaepernick may have talent, but he doesn’t have the track record of someone like Tom Brady or Drew Brees. NFL teams simply aren’t willing to take a chance on him, especially not as a starting quarterback.

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