Why Did Eren Drop The Baseball?
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Eren Jaeger is one of the protagonists of the anime series Attack on Titan. In one episode, he drops a baseball that he was supposed to catch. Why did he do that?
Eren’s Backstory
Eren Jaeger was a young man who lived in Shiganshina District with his parents and sister. He was training to become a soldier like his father wanted him to. One day, while Eren was out playing with his friends, a group of titans attacked his hometown. Eren’s mother and sister were killed, and Eren was forced to watch as the titans ate them. This event caused Eren to hate the titans and want to kill them all.
Eren’s rough childhood
Eren Jaeger grew up in Shiganshina District, one of the outermost neighborhoods of Wall Maria. As a child, he witnessed the Titans breaching the wall, resulting in the death of his mother Carla and the destruction of his home. Eren and his remaining friends, Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert, were forced to flee to safety. Eren swore to eradicate all Titans from the world so that such a tragedy would never happen again. In order to make good on his promise, Eren joined the Survey Corps, an elite group of soldiers who venture outside of the walls to battle Titans.
During his training with the Survey Corps, Eren proved himself to be a valuable asset to the team. He was brave, determined, and selfless, always putting others before himself. However, despite his best efforts, Eren was not able to save his friends when they were attacked by Titans. Mikasa was critically injured and only barely survived thanks to Eren’s quick thinking. Armin also sustained grievous injuries, but he would have certainly died if Eren had not fed him his own Titan form’s hardening ability. After this incident, Eren began to distance himself from Mikasa and Armin, feeling that he was nothing but a burden to them.
The final straw came when Erwin Smith, the commander of the Survey Corps, proposed a dangerous plan to retake Wall Maria from the Titans. The plan hinged on Erwin’s ability to use Titan powers without turning into a mindless monster like other Titan shifters before him. However, before they could put the plan into action, Erwin was fatally wounded by a stray bullet. As he lay dying in Eren’s arms, Erwin made one last request: that Eren take his place as leader of the Survey Corps so that he could see their mission through to the end.
Eren was reluctant at first, but after some soul-searching, he realized that it was his duty to honor Erwin’s request. He knew that it would not be easy—not just because leading the Survey Corps came with great responsibility but also because Titans were not their only enemy anymore. The people of Paradis Island had been living in fear for too long and it was time for somebody to stand up and fight for them. With Mikasa and Armin by his side (as well as Levi Ackermann ,the deadliest soldier in all of Paradis Island), Eren Jaeger resolved to become humanity’s greatest hope for survival against all odds .
Eren’s time in the 104th Cadet Corps
Eren grew up in Shiganshina District, one of the southernmost districts of Wall Maria. In his childhood, Eren dreamed of joining the Survey Corps to see and experience the outside world beyond the Walls; he even promised his friends Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert that they would do so together one day. However, those dreams were shattered when Shiganshina was invaded by Titans in Year 850. Eren’s mother was killed during the invasion, while he and Mikasa barely managed to escape with their lives. It was then that Eren witnessed firsthand the cruel reality that Titans exist, and that humanity is unable to stop them. This event traumatized him deeply and left him with a great hatred for all Titans, vowing to kill every last one as revenge for his mother’s death.
Eren’s Personality
Eren is a complicated individual who often does things that don’t make sense to those around him. In this instance, Eren dropping the baseball could be seen as a way of him lashing out. Eren is someone who holds a lot of anger and resentment inside, and it often manifests in destructive ways.
Eren’s determination
Eren’s determination is one of his most defining personality traits. Once he sets his mind on something, he’s usually willing to go to any length to achieve it. This was first seen when he was just a child, when he was willing to risk his life to save Mikasa from the Titans.
It’s this same determination that drives him throughout the entirety of the series. When he sets his sights on something, he pursues it with an almost single-minded focus. This is both a strength and a weakness, as it can blind him to other important things going on around him.
For example, in the second season of the anime, Eren becomes fixated on Titans after discovering that they are responsible for the death of his mother. He becomes so consumed with hatred and revenge that he doesn’t care about anything else, even Mikasa’s safety. This ultimately leads to him making a number of rash decisions that put both himself and others in danger.
While Eren’s determination is often admirable, it can also be problematic if not kept in check. Fortunately, he has friends like Mikasa and Armin who help him see things more clearly and prevent him from going too far down the rabbit hole.
Eren’s impulsiveness
Eren Jaeger is one of the two protagonists of the Attack on Titan series. Eren is impulsive, determined, hot-headed, and short-tempered. He doesn’t like to give up or admit defeat, even when the situation is hopeless. He has a strong sense of justice and hates to see people suffering, especially his friends and family. When Eren was five years old, he watched in horror as a Titan ate his mother. This event traumatized Eren and made him vow to never let anything like that happen again. When he was ten years old, he joined the Survey Corps with his best friend Mikasa Ackermann in order to fight Titans and protect humanity.
Eren’s impulsiveness is one of his defining character traits. He rushes into situations without thinking about the consequences. This often gets him into trouble, but it also makes him a brave and determined fighter. Eren has a strong sense of justice and he hates to see people suffer, especially those he cares about. These qualities make Eren an admirable protagonist, but they also cause him to make some rash decisions that can put himself and others in danger.
The Incident
It was a hot day in early June when the incident occurred. Eren and his friends were playing a game of pick-up baseball in the park, and Eren was up to bat. He swung and connected with the ball, sending it soaring into the air. But then, something strange happened. Instead of continuing on its upward trajectory, the ball suddenly fell to the ground, just a few feet from home plate. Eren and his friends were baffled. What could have caused this?
What led up to the incident
Eren was on his way home from school when he saw a baseball on the ground. He picked it up and was about to put it in his pocket when he saw a group of kids playing in a nearby park. He considered joining them, but then he remembered that he had promised his mom that he would come straight home.
Eren thought about the situation for a moment and then made a decision. Instead of going home, he would go to the park and play with the other kids for a while. After all, it wasn’t like he was going to be in any trouble if he got home a bit late.
Everything was going great at the park. Eren was having so much fun that he forgot all about the time. Eventually, though, the other kids had to go home and Eren was left alone. It was only then that he realized how late it had gotten.
Eren knew that he was in for it now. His mom was going to be so worried! He started running towards home, but then he heard someone calling his name. It was one of the kids from the park! They wanted to know if Eren wanted to join their game tomorrow.
Eren thought about it for a moment before deciding that he would go home now and ask his mom if it was okay first. After all, getting in trouble wasn’t worth missing out on another fun day at the park tomorrow!
What happened during the incident
On the day of the incident, Eren was playing baseball with his friends. He was up to bat and hit the ball. As he ran to first base, he saw his friend, Mikasa, standing in the outfield. She was crying and her eyes were red. Eren didn’t know what to do, so he just kept running. He didn’t stop until he got to second base. When he got there, he turned around and saw that Mikasa was still crying. He felt awful and tried to think of something to say to make her feel better, but he couldn’t think of anything. So he just dropped the baseball and walked away.
Eren Jaeger was the star pitcher of the Trost baseball team. He had led the team to the district championships and had a bright future ahead of him. But then, one fateful day, he dropped the baseball and failed to catch it. This resulted in the team losing the game and the championship. Eren was devastated. Why did this happen?
Eren’s reaction to the incident
Eren was seen to be very upset after the baseball incident. He was sweating and had a panicked look on his face. It is speculated that this might be due to the fact that he may have felt guilty about what happened.
The aftermath of the incident
Eren Jaeger was the protagonist of the anime series Attack on Titan. In the early seasons of the show, he was shown to be a brave and determined young man who was willing to do whatever it took to protect his loved ones and defeat the Titans. However, there was one incident in particular that caused many fans to question his actions.
In episode 34 of season 2, Eren is seen playing baseball with some other kids. However, when it comes his turn to bat, he intentionally lets the ball hit him, causing him to drop the baseball and be called out. This action seemed out of character for Eren, who up until this point had always been shown to be a very competitive individual.
So, why did Eren Jaeger drop the baseball? There are a few possible explanations.
1) He could have been trying to lose on purpose. This theory is supported by the fact that, shortly after this incident, Eren is seen talking to his friends about how he doesn’t think he has what it takes to win against the Titans. It’s possible that he intentionally let himself lose at baseball so that he wouldn’t have to deal with the pressure of having to protect everyone and defeat the Titans.
2) He could have been trying to take a break from all the fighting. At this point in the series, Eren and his friends had been through a lot of tough battles against the Titans. It’s possible that Eren was just trying to take a break from all the fighting and have some fun for once.
3) He could have been trying to teach his friends a lesson. This theory is supported by the fact that, after dropping out of the game, Eren gives a speech about how important it is to work together as a team in order to achieve anything. It’s possible that he purposely let himself lose so that he could teach his friends an important lesson about teamwork and cooperation.
4) He could have simply made a mistake. While it’s certainly possible that Eren Jaeger made an intentional decision to drop out of the game, it’s also possible that he simply made a mistake or misjudged the situation. After all, he is still just a kid and kids make mistakes all the time.