Why Did Roman Reigns Leave WWE?

Why did Roman Reigns leave WWE? This is a question that has been on many WWE fans’ minds since he announced his departure from the company. There are a few possible reasons why Reigns may have decided to leave WWE.


There are a lot of theories as to why Roman Reigns left WWE. Some say that he was burned out and needed a break. Others say that WWE creative had nothing for him and he was getting frustrated. Let’s take a look at the evidence and see if we can figure out what really happened.

Health Reasons

There are several theories as to why Roman Reigns left WWE.

The most popular theory is that he left due to health reasons. Roman Reigns has had multiple battles with Leukemia, and it is believed that his health has deteriorated to the point where he can no longer wrestle. This is the most likely scenario, as Roman Reigns has stated in the past that his health is more important to him than wrestling.

Another theory is that Roman Reigns was not happy with the direction of his character. It is possible that WWE creative was not giving him the type of material that he wanted, and he decided to leave as a result. This would explain why he abruptly left WWE without warning.

It is also possible that Roman Reigns simply wanted a change of scenery. He may have been unhappy with WWE for other reasons, such as the travel schedule or pay, and decided to leave in order to pursue other opportunities.

No matter the reason, Roman Reigns’ departure from WWE has sent shockwaves through the wrestling world. Only time will tell if he returns or if this is the end of his wrestling career.

Creative Differences

Roman Reigns’ decision to leave WWE was a result of creative differences between him and the company. Both sides had different ideas for his character, and Reigns felt that he was being held back by WWE. He was also frustrated with the way WWE was booking him, and he felt that he could do more elsewhere.

He Wanted to Spend More Time with His Family

It was reported that Roman Reigns was not happy with his current WWE schedule. He was reportedly tells friends that he needs more time at home. He has three young children, including a set of twins, and he wants to be able to see them grow up.

While it’s understandable that Reigns would want to spend more time with his family, it’s worth noting that many other WWE superstars have young children and still manage to make it work. It’s possible that Reigns simply doesn’t want to be away from his kids as much as WWE requires him to be.

In addition, Reigns has been dealing with some personal issues over the past year or so. His wife Galina Becker gave birth to their twins early, which caused some health complications. Additionally, Reigns’ cousin and former tag team partner Matt Anoa’i passed away in April of 2017 after a battle with leukemia.

It’s possible that all of these factors played a role in Roman Reigns’ decision to leave WWE.

WWE’s Statement

WWE issued the following statement on Reigns’ departure: “Roman Reigns has elected to step away from WWE as he fights leukemia, which returned after 11 years in remission. We cannot express how grateful we are for everything Roman has done for us and our fans, and we continue to wish him all the best in his battle.”

Reigns’ Announcement

In an emotional address to the WWE Universe, Roman Reigns announced that he will be stepping away from WWE as he once again battles leukemia, which he was first diagnosed with 11 years ago.

“I feel like I’m a pretty strong person, but this has been really, really tough,” Reigns said. “The leukemia is back. And because the leukemia is back, I cannot fulfill my role. I can’t be that fighting champion and I’m going to have to relinquish the Universal Championship.”

Reigns first revealed his battle with leukemia on an episode of Monday Night RAW in October 2018, when he announced that he was putting his in-ring career on hiatus to focus on his health. He made his triumphant return to WWE at SummerSlam last year, defeating Drew McIntyre to become Universal Champion for the first time.

“I’m not going to lie — part of me doesn’t want to say this because I don’t want anyone else thinking they can get cancer and come back and be a superhero,” Reigns said. “But I know that’s not true because every person in this arena right now, every person at home watching is fighting their own battle.”

Reigns ended his address by asking the WWE Universe for their prayers before saying, “I will beat this and I will come back and show everybody why I am The Head of the Table.”

WWE’s Official Statement

Here is WWE’s official statement on Roman Reigns’ departure:
“Roman Reigns has been a pillar of strength and resolve during his battle with Leukemia. Unfortunately, his leukemia has returned and he will not be able to compete in WrestleMania 35. Reigns is taking his battle with leukemia public in an effort to raise awareness and funds for research in order to advance cures for the disease. Please keep Roman and his family in your thoughts as he embarks on this courageous journey.”

Fans’ Reactions

When Roman Reigns announced he was leaving WWE, the reactions were mixed. Some fans were happy for him and wished him the best, while others were heartbroken and angry. Some even took to social media to voice their displeasure.


While some WWE fans were heartbroken over the news that Roman Reigns had to step away from the ring due to his battle with leukemia, many showed their support for The Big Dog on social media.

WWE superstars past and present took to Twitter to share their well-wishes for Reigns, whose real name is Joe Anoa’i.

“From the moment we met, I knew there was ‘something different’ about this guy,” Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson tweeted. “Your strength, passion and intelligence are undeniable, as is your positivity and smile.”


Many fans were disappointed when Roman Reigns announced his departure from WWE. Some feel that he was never given a fair chance to succeed in the company, while others believe that WWE simply doesn’t know how to use him properly. Regardless of the reasons, it’s clear that many fans will miss Roman Reigns and are hoping that he returns to WWE someday.


Some fans are angry that WWE did not do more to keep Reigns, while others are angry at Reigns for what they feel is a betrayal. There is also a contingent of fans who are angry at Vince McMahon for not being able to keep Reigns, as well as for not booking better matches for him.

What’s Next for Reigns?

Roman Reigns, one of WWE’s top superstars, unexpectedly announced his departure from the company on October 31. This came as a shock to many fans, as Reigns is one of the faces of WWE. So, why did he leave and what’s next for him?


There has been a lot of speculation surrounding Roman Reigns and his recent departure from WWE. While the exact reasons for his departure are unknown, there are several theories floating around.

Some believe that Reigns simply wanted a break from the grueling WWE schedule, and that his leave of absence is part of a larger plan to eventually return to the company. Others believe that Reigns was unhappy with his position in WWE, and that he decided to leave in order to pursue other opportunities.

Only time will tell what the true story is behind Roman Reigns’ departure from WWE. For now, we can only speculate as to what his next move will be.

Possible Scenarios

Roman Reigns announced on Monday Night Raw that he is stepping away from WWE due to his battle with leukemia.

Reigns, whose real name is Joe Anoa’i, said he was first diagnosed with the disease 11 years ago and has been in remission for most of that time. However, the disease has returned and he will not be able to wrestle while he undergoes treatment.

WWE has not announced how Reigns’ absence will be handled on television, but there are a few possible scenarios:

1. Reigns could be written out of storylines until he returns. This would allow him to focus on his health and not have to worry about appearing on television.

2. WWE could have someone else take his place in storylines. This could be another wrestler who steps up to fill the void left by Reigns, or it could be a new character who is introduced to replace him.

3. WWE could keep Reigns in storylines but have him appear via pre-taped segments or Skype calls. This would allow him to stay involved in storylines without having to physically be present.

4. WWE could decide to write Reigns out of storylines completely and pretend like he never existed. This would be a controversial decision, but it would allow WWE to move on from Reigns without having to deal with his absence on a weekly basis.

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