Why Do Baseball Players Put Black Under Their Eyes?

In baseball, as in many other sports, black eye paint is used to reduce glare from the sun and stadium lights.

The History of the Practice

Baseball players have been putting black under their eyes since the late 1800s. The practice started with players trying to reduce the glare of the sun’s rays. Now, players do it for a variety of reasons including reducing glare, keeping sweat out of their eyes, and looking intimidating.

The theory that it started with the military

The theory that baseball players started putting black under their eyes to imitate military pilots is the most popular one. In World War II, many pilots wore aviator sunglasses which left patterns on their faces after taking them off. These patterns were often mistaken for bruises or smudges of dirt, when in reality they were just temporary indentations.

The theory that it started with football

The theory that baseball players started putting black under their eyes to copy football players is a popular one. This is because, in the early days of both sports, players would often get extremely dirty during games. In football, the players would get muddy and their dark jerseys would run together, making it difficult to see the players’ faces. In baseball, the players would get dusty and dirty from sliding into bases. Thus, it became common for players in both sports to put black under their eyes so that they could see each other’s faces more clearly.

The Scientific Explanation

Baseball players have been putting black under their eyes for years, but why? There are a few theories. One is that the black paint absorbs light so that the player’s eyes appear less fatigued. Another theory is that the black paint reflects light away from the eyes, making it easier for the player to see the ball.

How the black under the eyes prevents glare

Athletes commonly use eye black to reduce glare from the sun and stadium lights. The grease or pencil-like substance they apply below their eyes absorbs light, minimizing reflections that can interfere with vision.

Eye black first gained popularity in baseball during the early 1900s, when players would smear it on their cheeks to cut down on the blinding effect of sunlight. Since then, it has become a common sight in many sports, including football, softball and lacrosse.

Athletes aren’t the only ones who use eye black; stage performers also often apply it before going on stage. Theatrical makeup artists typically use a product called greasepaint, which is similar to grease but designed for easy removal.

How the black under the eyes prevents fatigue

The theory is that applying black stuff to the undersides of your eyes prevents the sun’s rays from reflecting off the blood vessels there and causing glare. This in turn would help reduce fatigue.

The Modern Use of the Practice

Black under the eyes is not just a trend in baseball, but has transcended to other sports as well. The use of black under the eyes in baseball has a two-fold purpose. The first is for players to cut down on the glare from the sun. The second is for opponents to have a harder time seeing the player’s eyes, which can give them a competitive edge.

How players use it to intimidate opponents

The use of black under the eyes has become commonplace in baseball, with players using it to intimidate opponents. But how did this practice start?

The most likely explanation is that it started with catchers, who used it to reduce the glare from the sun. However, it quickly caught on with other players, who began using it for other purposes.

Some players use black under their eyes to make themselves look meaner or more intimidating. Others say that it helps them concentrate better or that it makes them look more alert. Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt that it has become an integral part of the game.

How players use it to show support for a teammate

Players often use it to show support for a teammate, especially one who is going through a tough time. The black can also be a way to show solidarity with a cause or to make a statement. For example, when Yankees closer Aroldis Chapman came back from suspension in 2017, he wore black under his eyes to show support for domestic violence victims.

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