Why Do Baseball Players Wiggle Their Fingers After A Hit?

Why do baseball players wiggle their fingers after a hit? The answer may surprise you!


Have you ever wondered why baseball players wiggle their fingers after they hit the ball? It turns out, there are a few reasons for this strange behavior.

For one, by wiggling their fingers, baseball players can increase the amount of spin on the ball. This can be helpful when hitting the ball into certain areas of the field, as the added spin can cause the ball to change directions mid-flight.

Secondly, wiggling their fingers can help baseball players relieve pain in their hands. If a player hits the ball on the wrong part of their bat, they can end up with bruises or even fractures in their hands. By wiggling their fingers, players can help increase blood flow to these injured areas and speed up the healing process.

Lastly, some players believe that by wiggling their fingers after a hit, they are somehow able to control where the ball goes. While this may not be scientifically true, it is possible that by focusing their energy on their fingers, players are able to direct the ball slightly better than if they just let it go without any movement.

So next time you see a baseball player wiggle their fingers after a hit, now you’ll know why!

The History of the Wiggle

The wiggle originated with baseball player Ty Cobb, who is widely considered one of the greatest players of all time. In the early 1900s, Cobb was known for his intense competitiveness and aggressive style of play. He also had a habit of wiggling his fingers when he got a hit, which drove opposing players and fans crazy. Over time, other players began imitating Cobb’s finger wiggle, and it became a common sight in baseball.

Some people believe that the wiggle is simply a way to celebrate a hit, but there may be another explanation. Many experts think that the wiggle is actually a way to relieve anxiety or tension. After all, hitting a baseball is one of the most difficult things to do in sports, and even the best players only succeed about three times out of ten. By wiggling their fingers, hitters may be trying to calm themselves down and stay focused.

Whatever the reason for the wiggle, it’s become an integral part of baseball culture. So next time you see a player get a hit, don’t be surprised if you see him give his fingers a little shake!

The Science of the Wiggle

After a baseball player hits the ball, you might see them wiggle their fingers. This may look like a silly celebration, but there’s actually a science behind it.

The wiggle helps reduce the vibration in the player’s fingers. When the bat hits the ball, it produces a lot of force and vibration. This can be harmful to the player’s fingers if they don’t relieve some of that force.

The wiggle also helps the player get a better grip on the bat. A good grip is important for swinging the bat with precision and power. The vibration from the hit can make it difficult to maintain a good grip, so the wiggle helps the player keep a firm hold on the bat.

So next time you see a baseball player wiggle their fingers after a hit, remember that they’re not just celebrating – they’re also helping themselves perform at their best!

The wiggle has been parodied and referenced in popular culture. For example, on an episode of The Simpsons called “Homer at the Bat”, the character Roger Clemens is shown doing the wiggle after hitting a home run. In the movie Major League, character Pedro Cerrano is also shown doing the wiggle. And during a 2015 episode of Saturday Night Live, host Jimmy Fallon did the wiggle while playing a character called “Boy Dance Party”.


It turns out that there is a reason for this seemingly odd behavior. When a baseball hits a bat, it produces a small shock wave that travels up the bat and into the player’s fingers. This shock wave can cause the player’s fingers to go numb, making it difficult to grip the bat or throw the ball. Wiggling the fingers helps to “wake up” the nerves and restore feeling.

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