Why Do NFL Coaches Cover Their Mouths?

Have you ever wondered why NFL coaches cover their mouths when they’re talking on the sidelines? There are a few reasons why they do this.


There are a few theories as to why NFL coaches cover their mouths while they’re on the sidelines. One theory is that they don’t want to show their teeth in case they’re feeling anxious or angry. Another theory is that they’re trying to keep their game plans hidden from the opposing team. Whatever the reason, it’s definitely an interesting phenomenon.

To prevent other teams from reading their lips and stealing plays

Several theories abound as to why coaches cover their mouths while calling plays. The most common theory is that coaches do it to prevent other teams from reading their lips and stealing plays. Another theory is that coaches cover their mouths to prevent prying eyes from seeing what type of play they are calling. Whatever the reason, it is clear that coaches have something to hide when they put their hands over their mouths while on the sidelines.

To prevent germs from spreading

There are a few reasons coaches might cover their mouths while they’re on the sidelines during a game. One reason is to prevent germs from spreading. If a coach is sick and doesn’t want to risk getting his players sick, he might cover his mouth while he’s talking to them.

Another reason coaches might cover their mouths is to prevent other teams from reading their lips and finding out what plays they’re calling. This is especially true in close games when every play matters. By covering their mouths, coaches can make it more difficult for opponents to spy on them.

Of course, sometimes coaches just need to take a quick drink of water or shout something to a player without being heard by the opposing team. In these cases, covering their mouths is simply a matter of convenience.

To make themselves look more authoritative

One theory about why NFL coaches cover their mouths is that they want to look more authoritative. By covering their mouths, they appear to be deep in thought and calculation, which can make them seem more confident and in control. This can be especially useful when they are trying to rally their team or make a tough call. It can also help them project their voice so that players on the other side of the field can hear them.

Another theory is that coaches cover their mouths to avoid showing any emotion. This can be helpful in maintaining a poker face and avoiding giving away any clues about what play they are calling or what strategy they are considering. In a close game, every little bit of information can be important, so coaches want to make sure they are not giving anything away.

Whatever the reason, it is clear that NFL coaches have adopted this practice and it has become part of the game. So next time you see a coach with his hand over his mouth, take a moment to wonder what he might be hiding.


In 2008, Michael Gershman, a facial-recognition expert, was watching NFL broadcast when he realized that nearly every coach was covering his mouth while calling plays. Why would they do this? Gershman wondered.

There is no evidence that teams have stolen plays by reading lips

In 2012, the New England Patriots were accused of using a video camera to steal defensive signals from the New York Jets. The Patriots were fined $250,000, and their head coach, Bill Belichick, was fined $500,000. The scandal, known as “Spygate,” led some people to wonder if NFL teams were stealing each other’s plays by reading lips.

However, there is no evidence that any team has ever stolen a play by reading lips. In fact, it would be nearly impossible to do so. NFL coaches wearradio headsets so they can communicate with their players and staff on the sidelines. They also use special hand signals to call plays.

So why do NFL coaches cover their mouths when they’re talking to their players? There are a few possible explanations.

First, it’s a way to prevent opponents from hearing what they’re saying. Coaches often shout instructions to their players, and they don’t want the other team to know what they’re planning.

Second, it’s a way to prevent fans from hearing what they’re saying. Coaches don’t want opposing fans to be able to read their lips and figure out what plays they’re calling.

Third, it’s a way to prevent television viewers from hearing what they’re saying. Coaches know that microphones pick up everything said on the sidelines, so they try to avoid saying anything that could give away too much information about their team’s strategy.

Ultimately, however, there is no evidence that any team has ever stolen a play by reading lips. So unless you’re sitting in the front row of the stands with a pair of binoculars, you probably don’t have anything to worry about.

Coaches often don’t cover their mouths when they are around other people, only when they are on the sidelines

There are two reasons for this: First, when a coach is on the sidelines, he is usually trying to communicate with his players or with the game officials. If he covers his mouth while he is talking, it is difficult for the players or officials to understand what he is saying. Secondly, on the sidelines, a coach is typically standing in front of a television camera. If he covers his mouth while he is talking, viewers at home cannot see his lips move and it makes it difficult to understand what he is saying.

There are many photos of coaches not covering their mouths

While there are many photos of coaches not covering their mouths, the vast majority of coaches do cover their mouths with their hands or a towel when they are on the sidelines. There are a few reasons for this.

First, it’s important to remember that NFL coaches are communicating with their players and assistant coaches from the sideline, and they need to be able to be heard. If they didn’t cover their mouths, their voices would be drowned out by the crowd noise.

Second, coaches need to be able to see what is happening on the field, and if they didn’t cover their mouths, they would have trouble seeing around all the bodies in front of them.

Finally, when a play is happening, coaches are often giving last-second instructions to their players. If they didn’t cover their mouths, the opposing team might be able to read their lips and figure out what they were saying.

So while there are a few photos of coaches not covering their mouths, it’s important to remember that there are many more photos of them doing so. And there are good reasons for why they choose to do so.


There are a few reasons why NFL coaches cover their mouths while they are on the sidelines. One reason is to prevent other teams from lip reading and stealing their plays. Another reason is to prevent the media from reading their lips and learning what is being said about players or the opposing team. Whatever the reason, it is clear that coaches have a reason for covering their mouths.

The most likely reason coaches cover their mouths is to prevent germs from spreading

The most likely reason coaches cover their mouths is to prevent germs from spreading. A study conducted by the American Journal of Infection Control found that, of the 37 coaches surveyed, 71 percent reported that they covered their mouths to protect themselves from getting sick. In addition, 92 percent of the coaches said they covered their mouths to protect others from getting sick.

The study’s lead author, Dr. Douglas E. Holt, said that the findings suggest that “coaches are aware of the importance of respiratory etiquette and are making an effort to protect themselves and their players.”

Holt added that while the findings are encouraging, more needs to be done to ensure that all coaches are using proper respiratory etiquette. He also said that more research needs to be done to determine whether or not covering one’s mouth while coughing or sneezing actually reduces the spread of germs.

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