Why Do People Like WWE?

Why do people like WWE? There are many reasons why people might enjoy watching WWE programming. Maybe they appreciate the athleticism of the performers, or the entertainment value of the storylines. Whatever the reason, WWE has a large and loyal fanbase.

Entertainment Value

WWE provides a form of entertainment that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a form of entertainment that is not only entertaining but also provides a sense of competition. WWE also offers something for everyone, whether you are a fan of the wrestling, the storylines, or the characters.

Exciting matches

While some of the matches are predetermined, the excitement and physicality of WWE is very real. The athletes are incredibly skilled and put their bodies on the line every time they step in the ring. WWE fans appreciate the athleticism and dedication of the Superstars.

Controversial storylines

WWE storylines are often controversial. Some controversial WWE storylines include the following:
-The 2015 “Divas Revolution” which was created to promote female wrestlers in WWE. This storyline was controversial because many of the female wrestlers were not given enough time to wrestle and some people felt that the story line was degrading to women.
-The 2016 “feud” between Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar which was criticized by many fans because it was seen as WWE trying to force Roman Reigns down the throats of its fans.
-The 2017 “Superstar Shakeup” which was seen as a way for WWE to try and save its failing ratings. This shakeup saw many fan favorites being moved to different brands which caused outrage among fans.


Out of all the entertainment options available, why do people keep coming back to WWE? A lot of it has to do with the fact that WWE offers something that other forms of entertainment don’t: relatability.

Characters that people can connect with

WWE has done a masterful job with creating characters that people can connect with. babyfaces (good guys) and heels (bad guys). The fans are cheering for the babyfaces because they can see a little bit of themselves in them.

We cheer for the underdogs like Daniel Bryan and Rey Mysterio because we know what it’s like to be underestimated. We cheer for the bravest Superstars like Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins because we know what it’s like to stand up for what we believe in, even when everyone else is against us. And we cheers for the Champions like Charlotte Flair and Brock Lesnar because we know what it’s like to work hard and achieve our dreams.

These characters feel real to us because they embody the human experience. They go through the same struggles and triumphs that we do. And that’s why we can’t get enough of them.

Underdog stories

WWE has always been built on the backs of underdog stories. The company loves to take someone who the audience doesn’t expect to win and have them overcome the odds to become a champion. This is something that fans can really get behind because it’s relatable. Everyone likes to see someone who they think is an underdog succeed.

Some of the most popular WWE superstars have been underdog stories. Stone Cold Steve Austin was never supposed to be a top guy in the company, but he became one of the biggest stars in WWE history. The Rock was also not supposed to be a main eventer, but he went on to have one of the longest and most successful careers in WWE history. More recently, guys like Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins have overcome adversity to become top stars in WWE.

Every fan can relate to an underdog story because everyone has been an underdog at some point in their life. It’s human nature to root for someone who we think is going to lose because we know how it feels to be in their position. That’s why WWE will always be successful as long as they continue bookingUnderdog stories are relatable and fans will always root for them.


There’s a lot of things that people don’t like about WWE these days. The matches are often too predictable, the storylines are often nonsensical, and the product is often stale. However, there’s one thing that WWE always has going for it, and that’s nostalgia.

Reminiscing about childhood memories

Nostalgia is often sparked by an experience, smell, sound, sight or even a taste that transport us back to a moment in our past. It is the feeling of warmth and happiness that we get when we think about good times from our past. For many people, childhood nostalgia is happy and positive. It might be triggered by the smell of your grandmother’s baking, the sound of your father singing in the shower or the sight of an old childhood toy.

Childhood nostalgia can be powerful because it takes us back to a time when we were carefree and happy. It is a reminder of simpler times when our biggest worry was whether we would get invited to the birthday party or get picked last for kickball.

For some people, nostalgia can also be bittersweet. It might be triggered by something that reminds them of a time when they were not happy, such as the smell of their mother’s perfume or the sound of their father’s voice. These triggers can cause feelings of sadness and longing for a time when things were different.

Whether it is happy or sad, nostalgia is a reminder that our past experiences have shaped who we are today.

Seeing familiar faces

In a nostalgic sense, WWE is often about comfort. It’s about seeing familiar faces in new and different situations. It’s about the warm feeling that comes from remembering the good times. When WWE brings back someone from the past, it’s like revisiting an old friend. The feeling may not last forever, but it’s nice to have for a little while.

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