Why Do WWE Wrestlers Wear Underwear?

Why do WWE wrestlers wear underwear? The answer may surprise you!

The History of Underwear in Wrestling

Wearing underwear in wrestling is a long-standing tradition that has a few different origins. The most popular story is that it started with George “The Animal” Steele in the 1970s. Steele was known for being a bit of a wild man in the ring and would often rip his clothes during matches. His manager came up with the idea of him wearing underwear to prevent this from happening.

The early days of wrestling

Wrestling has a long and storied history, and the underwear worn by wrestlers has evolved along with the sport. In the early days of wrestling, most wrestlers wore long underwear, designed to both provide coverage and protect their skin from the harsh, rough fabrics of their wrestling suits. As the sport evolved and became more popular, wrestlers began to experiment with different styles of underwear, eventually settling on briefs as their preferred style.

Briefs provided more coverage than long underwear, but were also more comfortable and less likely to cause chafing. They quickly became the standard for wrestling attire, and remain so to this day. While the style of briefs worn by wrestlers has changed somewhat over the years – they are now often tighter and more revealing than in the past – they are still the most popular choice among both male and female wrestlers.

So why do WWE wrestlers wear underwear? The answer is simple: because it’s comfortable, practical, and tradition. Briefs have been worn by wrestlers for decades, and are likely to continue to be the preferred choice for many years to come.

The rise of televised wrestling

The first televised wrestling match took place in St. Louis in 1952, and by the 1960s, wrestling had become a national phenomenon, with regular broadcasts on network television. At first, wrestlers simply wore their everyday clothes to the ring, but soon they began to adopt more theatrical garb, including brighter colors and more outlandish costumes. By the 1970s and 1980s, it was not unusual for wrestlers to wear tight-fitting spandex or Lycra body suits, often adorned with sequins or other glittery embellishments.

But while some wrestlers might have loved the chance to show off their bodies in these form-fitting outfits, others were less enthusiastic. In particular, many female wrestlers felt that the revealing nature of their costumes was demeaning and objectifying. In response to these concerns, some promotions began to allow female wrestlers to compete in matches wearing more modest attire, including bikinis, shorts, andeven schoolgirl uniforms.

While those skimpy outfits might have been a step in the right direction for female wrestlers, they left male wrestlers feeling left out in the cold. In an effort to keep up with the ladies, male wrestlers began to adopt their own revealing styles of attire, including tight shorts and small singlets that showed off their muscles and bulges in all the right places. And while these new styles might have been designed specifically to appeal to heterosexual male viewers at home, they had the unintended consequence of making some wrestlers feel quite uncomfortable in the ring.

The modern era of wrestling

The most common type of underwear worn in wrestling today is the compression short, which is similar to bicycle shorts. Many wrestlers also wear jockstraps underneath their compression shorts for additional support. While the style of wrestling underwear has changed over the years, the purpose has remained the same: to provide support and protection for the wrestlers while they perform.

The Function of Underwear in Wrestling

It’s no secret that WWE wrestlers wear very little clothing. While their attire may leave little to the imagination, there is a reason behind it. The function of underwear in wrestling is two-fold. First, it is used to protect the wrestlers from the elements. Second, it is used to prevent injury.


While the main reason that WWE wrestlers wear underwear is for protection, there are other benefits as well. Underwear can help to absorb sweat, which can keep wrestlers more comfortable during long matches. In addition, underwear can provide a small amount of padding, which can help to protect a wrestler’s skin from being scraped by the mat or ropes.


Underwear provides support for the wrestler’s groin and buttocks. The underwear helps to hold everything in place and prevent potential injuries. In addition, the underwear helps to absorb sweat and provides a layer of protection from the harsh wrestling environment.


One of the main reasons WWE wrestlers wear underwear is for comfort. Wrestlers are constantly moving around in the ring, and they need to have clothing that won’t irritate their skin or cause chafing. Underwear provides a layer of protection between the wrestler’s skin and their wrestling gear, which can help to keep them comfortable during matches.

Another reason wrestlers wear underwear is to protect their privates from getting injured. Wrestling is a physical sport, and there is always the risk of getting hit in the groin area. Wearing underwear can help to cushion blows and prevent serious injuries.

Some wrestlers also believe that wearing underwear can help to increase their stamina during matches. The extra layer of clothing helps to keep their bodies warm, which can prevent fatigue and allow them to wrestle for longer periods of time.

The Fashion of Underwear in Wrestling

WWE wrestlers have to wear a lot of different outfits during their matches, and one of the most important pieces of clothing is their underwear. While it might seem strange to outsiders, there is a very specific reason why wrestlers wear underwear while they wrestle. In this article, we’ll take a look at the history of underwear in wrestling and why it’s still a staple of the sport today.

Personal style

WWE wrestlers have a lot of freedom when it comes to their personal style, as long as it falls within the PG rating that the company strives to maintain. That said, many wrestlers choose to wear underwear while performing in the ring.

There are a few reasons for this. First, it helps keep things tidy and prevents any wardrobe malfunctions. Second, it gives the wrestlers a bit of extra padding and support, which can be helpful when taking big bumps in the ring. Finally, it’s just a personal preference for some wrestlers – after all, not everyone is comfortable performing in their birthday suit!

While there are no hard and fast rules about what kind of underwear WWE wrestlers can wear, there are definitely some styles that are more popular than others. Briefs and boxer briefs seem to be the most popular choice among male wrestlers, while many female wrestlers opt for thongs or g-strings. There are also a few wrestlers who have been known to sport novelty underwear – remember when John Cena wore a pair of women’s panties in the ring? – but this is definitely more of a rarity than the norm.

So there you have it – the next time you’re wondering why WWE wrestlers wear underwear in the ring, now you know!

Character development

The reason for this is most likely due to WWE’s family-friendly image. In the past, non-PG rated companies such as ECW would often have their wrestlers perform in very little clothing, which would sometimes include completely exposing themselves. This was done in order to create a more “adult” image for the company and appeal to viewers who were not necessarily interested in family-friendly entertainment. However, WWE has always been adamant about maintaining a PG rating, so it is unlikely that they will ever allow their wrestlers to be exposed in such a way.

Another reason for this is that it allows for further character development. By having their wrestlers wear underwear, it gives them another opportunity to show off their personality and add another layer to their character. For example, someone like John Cena might wear plain white underwear because it represents his “All American” image, whereas someone like The Rock might wear black underwear because it represents his “bad guy” persona.


Marketing is one of the most important aspects of the professional wrestling business. WWE has to market its product to two different groups of people: the fans who watch wrestling and the advertisers who support the company financially.

One of the ways that WWE markets its product is by having its wrestlers wear underwear. This may seem like a strange marketing strategy, but it actually makes a lot of sense.

For one thing, it makes the wrestlers look more intimidating. Most people are not used to seeing grown men walking around in their underwear, so when they see a wrestler wearing nothing but a pair of briefs, it can be quite shocking. This can make the wrestler seem more dangerous and exciting, which is exactly what WWE wants.

Another reason for this marketing strategy is that it allows WWE to sell more merchandise. Wrestlers are some of the most popular Superstars in pop culture, so fans are always looking for ways to show their support. One way they can do this is by buying merchandise such as t-shirts, hats, and yes, even underwear.

So there you have it: the fashion of underwear in wrestling is all about marketing. It may seem silly, but it actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

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