Why Does My Elbow Hurt When I Throw A Baseball?

Elbow pain is a common issue for baseball players. Learn about the different causes of elbow pain and how to treat it.

Why Does My Elbow Hurt When I Throw A Baseball?


If you have ever experienced pain in your elbow after throwing a baseball, you are not alone. Many baseball players suffer from this condition, which is commonly referred to as “baseball elbow.” But what exactly is baseball elbow? And what can be done to treat it?

Baseball elbow is a condition that is caused by the overuse of the elbow joint. When the elbow joint is used repetitively in a throwing motion, the tendons and muscles that attach to the bone can become irritated and inflamed. This can lead to pain and stiffness in the elbow joint.

Baseball elbow is treated with a combination of rest, ice, and physical therapy. In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be necessary to reduce inflammation. Surgery is rarely required.

If you think you may be suffering from baseball elbow, it is important to see a doctor or orthopedic surgeon for an accurate diagnosis.

What Causes Elbow Pain When Throwing a Baseball?

There are a few possible causes of elbow pain when throwing a baseball. It could be due to overuse, not properly warming up, or incorrect form. Let’s take a closer look at each of these causes.


One of the most common causes of elbow pain when throwing a baseball is overuse. This is especially true for young pitchers who may not yet have developed the strength and endurance needed to handle the repetitive stress of pitching. Overuse can also lead to a condition known as “little league elbow,” which is a type of inflammation and stress injury to the growth plate in the elbow.

Other possible causes of elbow pain when throwing a baseball include:
– Poor mechanics. This can put extra stress on the elbow joint and lead to pain.
– Sudden increase in pitching activity. A sudden increase in the amount or intensity of pitching can lead to elbow soreness.
– Poor conditioning. If you’re not in good shape, your muscles and tendons may not be able to handle the stress of pitching and you may develop elbow pain.

If you’re experiencing elbow pain when throwing a baseball, it’s important to see a doctor so that the cause can be properly diagnosed and treated. Depending on the cause, treatments for elbow pain may include rest, icing, physical therapy, injections or surgery.

Poor Mechanics

One of the most common causes of elbow pain in baseball pitchers is poor mechanics. Poor mechanics can put unnecessary stress on the arm and lead to a number of different injuries, including elbow tendinitis, forearm strain, and ulnar collateral ligament damage.

One of the biggest mechanical mistakes that pitchers make is throwing with their elbows too low. When the elbow is lower than the shoulder, it puts extra strain on the muscles and tendons around the elbow joint. This can lead to inflammation and pain.

Another common problem is lack of mobility in the shoulder. If the shoulder isn’t able to move properly, it can cause stress on the elbow and lead to pain.

Finally, poor mechanics can also cause the elbow to collapse inward when pitching. This puts extra strain on the ulnar collateral ligament, which can eventually tear if the stress is enough.


One of the most common causes of elbow pain in baseball pitchers is weakness. The muscles and tendons that control the small bones in your elbow can become weak from overuse or from not enough use. This can cause the bones to rub together, which leads to pain. Sometimes, this pain can be severe enough to keep you from pitching.

If you think that your elbow pain might be due to weakness, there are a few things you can do to try to strengthen the muscles and tendons around your elbow. One is to practice some exercises that specifically target those muscles. Another is to make sure that you’re getting enough rest between throwing sessions, so that your muscles have time to recover. Finally, you might want to talk to a physical therapist or other healthcare provider about ways to strengthen your elbow joint.


One common cause of elbow pain when throwing a baseball is an injury to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL). This ligament runs along the inside of the elbow and provides stability to the joint. Overuse or trauma to this ligament can cause it to tear, resulting in pain and inflammation. Treatment for a UCL injury typically involves rest, ice, and physical therapy. Surgery may be necessary in severe cases.

How to Prevent Elbow Pain When Throwing a Baseball

elbow pain is a common injury among baseball players, especially pitchers. The stress of repetitive motions can lead to inflammation of the tendons and ligaments in the elbow, which can be quite painful. There are a few things you can do to prevent elbow pain when throwing a baseball.

Use Proper Mechanics

One of the best ways to prevent elbow pain when throwing a baseball is to use proper mechanics. The arm swing should be smooth and fluid, and the elbow should not be bent more than 90 degrees when the ball is released. It’s also important to keep the hands close to the body and use the muscles of the shoulder and upper back to generate power, rather than relying on the elbow joint.

If you’re still experiencing pain after using proper mechanics, you may need to consult with a doctor or physical therapist to rule out any underlying injuries. Once an injury has been ruled out, they can help develop a strengthening and stretching routine specific to your needs that can help prevent future pain.

Use the Right Equipment

One of the best ways to prevent elbow pain when throwing a baseball is to use the right equipment. Make sure you have a properly fitting glove, and that the glove is in good condition. The glove should be comfortable and not too tight. Also, check your bat; it should be the right size and weight for you. A properly sized bat will help you make contact with the ball more consistently.

In addition to using the right equipment, it’s important to warm up properly before you start playing. Throw a few light practice pitches to loosen up your arm muscles. If you feel any pain or discomfort, stop throwing and see a doctor.

Warm Up and Stretch

Warm up and stretch before you play. Your muscles and tendons need to be loose and warm before you throw. Try light jogging, arm circles, and trunk twists as part of your warm-up routine.

After your muscles are warmed up, it’s important to stretch your elbow, forearm, and shoulder. Try this simple stretch:
-Put your hand behind your back and grab your wrist with the opposite hand.
-Gently pull your hand up towards your shoulder.
-You should feel a stretch in your forearm.
-Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.
-Repeat 2 to 4 times.

Rest Between Games and Practices

If you play baseball or softball, you may be familiar with the term “Little League elbow.” Little League elbow is a condition that refers to pain in the elbow joint. It’s seen most often in young pitchers, aged 9 to 13 years. But it can also occur in older players.

Elbow pain is common in young pitchers because their bones and muscles are still developing. The growth plates — areas of cartilage near the ends of bones where new bone growth occurs — are not yet fused to the rest of the bone. This makes them vulnerable to injury.

To help prevent Little League elbow, it’s important for young pitchers to follow a few guidelines:

– Get plenty of rest between games and practices. limit pitching to no more than four days per week and no more than eight innings per week.
– Avoid pitching when tired. If your arm feels tired, don’t pitch until you’ve had a few days of rest.
– Use proper mechanics when pitching. Be sure to warm up properly before pitching and use good form when throwing the ball. Poor mechanics can put unnecessary stress on the elbow joint and lead to injury.
– Use appropriate safety gear. Wearing a properly fitting baseball glove can help protect your elbow from impact injuries.
– Avoid playing with an intensity that’s too high for your age or skill level. Playing too aggressively can lead to injuries.


There are many possible explanations for why your elbow might hurt when you throw a baseball. It could be due to injury, overuse, or poor form. If the pain is severe, you should see a doctor to rule out any serious conditions. If the pain is mild, you can try some simple self-care measures, such as icing the area and taking over-the-counter pain relievers.

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