Why Does the NFL Play Games in London?

Why does the NFL play games in London? And will they continue to do so? Let’s take a look at the reasons behind this decision and what the future holds.

Why Does the NFL Play Games in London?


The NFL began playing games in London in 2007. In an effort to grow the game of American football, the NFL decided to start playing regular season games in London. The NFL played one game in London each year from 2007 to 2012. In 2013, they increased the number of games to two per year, and they have continued to play two games in London each year since then.

The first NFL game in London

The first NFL game in London was held in October 2007, when the New York Giants played the Miami Dolphins at Wembley Stadium. The game was a sell-out and was televised live in the UK on BBC television.

Since then, there have been a total of 27 NFL games played in London, with all but one of them taking place at Wembley Stadium.The other game was held at Twickenham Stadium, home of rugby union’s England national team, in 2016.

The popularity of NFL games in London has grown rapidly since 2007. In 2017, there were four games played in London, with two of them sold out months in advance.

The appeal of NFL games in London is evident not only in the large number of fans who attend the games, but also in the significant media coverage that they receive. Games are often shown live on British television and are widely discussed in the British press.

The International Series

In an effort to expand its appeal overseas, the NFL began scheduling regular season games outside of the United States in 2005. The league has since hosted games in London, Mexico City, and Toronto. These “international” contests have come to be known as the NFL International Series.

The first NFL International Series game was held at Wembley Stadium in London, England in October 2007. Since then, the league has played a total of twenty-four regular season games in London (nineteen at Wembley Stadium and five at Twickenham Stadium). The NFL also held two special edition international games in 2016: one in Mexico City, and one in Toronto.

The success of the NFL International Series led to the creation of the NFL UK, a division of the league that is responsible for managing all aspects of the game’s growth overseas. In 2019, the NFL UK will host four regular season games at Wembley Stadium: two from the NFC East division (the Philadelphia Eagles and the Chicago Bears) and two from the NFC North division (the Oakland Raiders and Houston Texans).

The logistics

The logistics of playing an NFL game are very different from those of a regular English Premier League game. For one, the field is larger and there are more players. The game is also played with American footballs, which are a bit larger than the standard soccer ball. NFL games are also much longer than soccer games, so the stadiums have to have enough space to accommodate the extra time.

Playing at Wembley Stadium

The first reason is that it provides a larger and more neutral venue. Wembley Stadium, which is located in London, has a seating capacity of 90,000. That’s almost double the capacity of most NFL stadiums. And because it’s neutral territory, it eliminate the home-field advantage for either team.

The second reason is that playing at Wembley provides an opportunity to grow the game internationally. The NFL has been working hard to expand its global reach in recent years, and playing games in London is a big part of that effort. By playing at Wembley, the NFL can expose its product to a new audience and potentially attract new fans to the game.

The third reason has to do with logistics. Playing in London allows the NFL to avoid some of the logistical challenges that come with holding games in the United States. For example, London is centrally located relative to most of the teams in the league, which makes it easier and less expensive for teams to travel there. Additionally, because games are played on Sunday mornings in London (due to the time difference), they can be broadcast live during prime time in the United States, which is when most people are available to watch.

Traveling to London

If you’ve ever wondered why the NFL plays games in London, there’s more to it than just a love of the sport. In fact, there are some very practical reasons for why the NFL has been holding games in London since 2007.

For starters, London is a central location that is easily accessible from anywhere in the world. This makes it a convenient destination for teams traveling from the United States.

Another reason is that London has a large and passionate fan base for American football. This provides a built-in audience for the games, which helps to generate excitement and interest.

Lastly, playing games in London provides an opportunity for the NFL to grow its international reach and expand its brand. This is especially important as the league looks to attract new fans from around the globe.

So while the reasons for why the NFL plays games in London may not be immediately obvious, there is definitely method to this madness.

The benefits

By playing games in London, the NFL is able to reach a much larger international audience. This helps to grow the sport and the league. Playing games in London also helps to generate more revenue for the NFL. It is estimated that the NFL generate around $30 million in revenue from each game that is played in London.

A global audience

The National Football League has been playing games in London since 2007, and the league shows no signs of stopping. In fact, the NFL has committed to playing at least two games in London every year through 2021.

So why does the NFL keep coming back to London? One reason is that the games give the league a chance to showcase its product to a global audience. The NFL is the most popular sport in the United States, but it lags behind soccer in terms of popularity around the world. Playing games in London helps expose more people to American football and could potentially lead to increased interest in the sport globally.

In addition to increasing its global reach, playing games in London also helps the NFL tap into a new market. While there are plenty of football fans in the UK, there are also a lot of people who are simply curious about the sport and might be more likely to watch a live game than tune into one on television. By bringing games to London, the NFL can attract new fans and grow its customer base.

Finally, playing games in London provides a unique experience for players and fans alike. Players get to travel to an exciting city and experience a different culture, while fans get to see some of their favorite players perform live. For many people, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that they would never get if the NFL only played games in the United States.

So there you have it — three good reasons why the NFL keeps coming back to London!

A growing market

The NFL has been playing games in London since 2007, and the League has seen the effort as a way to grow its brand internationally. In 2012, the NFL signed a deal with the city of London that committed to playing at least two games in London through 2016. The games have been popular among fans, with tickets selling out quickly.

The NFL sees the UK as a growing market for American football. In recent years, the sport has seen an increase in popularity, with more fans attending games and more people watching on TV. The League hopes that by playing games in London, it can continue to grow the sport’s popularity and make it more mainstream in the UK.

The benefits for London are also clear. The city gets to host high-profile sporting events, which can bring in visitors from around the world and generate economic activity. In addition, hosting NFL games gives London a chance to show off its facilities and prove that it can successfully host large-scale events.

The drawbacks

One reason the National Football League (NFL) has been playing games in London is to try and grow the game’s popularity internationally. However, there are some drawbacks to playing games in London. One is that the playing surface at London’s Wembley Stadium is not up to the same standards as the playing surfaces in the United States. Another is that the time difference between London and the East Coast of the United States makes it difficult for fans in the United States to watch the games live.

Time difference

The time difference between the UK and the US East Coast is five hours. This means that games that start at 1pm in London are being played at 8am on the East Coast. This can be a problem for fans who want to watch their team play live, as they would have to wake up very early in the morning.

Another issue is that, because of the time difference, some fans in the UK may not be able to watch games that are broadcast live in the US. This is because the games will be shown late at night or in the early hours of the morning. This can be frustrating for fans who want to see their team play but are unable to do so.

Player safety

Player safety is always the primary concern of the NFL, and there are a number of potential risks associated with playing games in London. The travel can be tough on players, especially those who are dealing with injuries, and the time difference can also be disruptive. There is also the potential for bad weather to impact the game, which could lead to a less than ideal playing surface.

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