Why WWE Doesn’t Use the Titantron Anymore

The Titantron is one of the most iconic things in WWE. It’s been a part of the company for decades, but it’s not used as much as it once was. Why WWE doesn’t use the Titantron anymore.

The History of the Titantron

In the early days of WWE, the Titantron was a cutting-edge piece of technology that wowed fans with its huge size and vibrant colors. However, WWE has slowly phased out the use of the Titantron in recent years. There are a number of reasons why WWE doesn’t use the Titantron anymore. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why.

The early years

The Titantron was introduced in the early 1990s and quickly became a staple of WWE programming. The large video screen allowed for significantly more intricate and ambitious entrance videos, which added to the overall spectacle of WWE’s live shows. For many years, the Titantron was an integral part of WWE’s production values and helped to create some of the most iconic moments in WWE history.

However, in recent years WWE has gradually moved away from using the Titantron, opting instead for smaller screens or even no screen at all. There are a number of reasons for this change, including the expense of maintaining such a large screen and the fact that it can be difficult to see from certain areas of the arena. Additionally, WWE has increasingly been moving towards a more simplistic and minimalistic approach to its live shows, which does not rely as heavily on special effects and flashy visuals.

While the Titantron may not be used as frequently as it once was, it remains an important part of WWE history and continues to be remembered fondly by fans all over the world.

The Attitude Era

The Titantron is a big screen that displays images and videos during WWE events. It was first introduced in 1987 and was a staple at WWE events for nearly two decades. The Titantron was retired in 2006, but made a brief comeback in 2016.

During the 1990s, the Titantron became synonymous with the Attitude Era, a period of time when WWE’s programming became more edgy and adult-oriented. The Attitude Era is often considered to be the most successful period in WWE’s history, and the Titantron played a big role in that success.

Many of WWE’s most iconic moments took place on the Titantron, including “Stone Cold” Steve Austin’s beer baths, The Rock’s numerous promos, and Mankind being thrown off the top of the Hell in a Cell structure. The Titantron also played a key role in some of WWE’s most controversial moments, like when X-Pac infamously pissed on The Union Jack during an episode of Raw.

While the Titantron was always an important part of WWE programming, it became even more so during the Attitude Era. Unfortunately, the rise of social media and changes in WWE’s booking philosophy led to the Titantron being retired in 2006.

WWE briefly brought back the Titantron in 2016, but it has since been retired once again. It’s unclear if or when the Titantron will make another comeback, but for now, it remains one of WWE’s most-missed relics from its Attitude Era glory days.

The Ruthless Aggression Era

The Ruthless Aggression Era was a time of growth and change for WWE. One of the biggest changes was the introduction of the Titantron. The Titantron is a giant LED screen that hung above the ring and showed entrance videos and other graphics during matches. It was a big hit with fans and helped add to the spectacle of WWE’s live shows.

However, WWE stopped using the Titantron in 2013. The main reason for this was cost. The Titantron was expensive to rent and operate, so WWE decided to save money by not using it anymore. Additionally, WWE has increasingly been moving away from pre-taped entrance videos in recent years, preferring to have wrestlers make their entrances live instead. This also contributed to the decision to get rid of the Titantron.

The Cost of the Titantron

The WWE’s Titantron is one of the most iconic things in professional wrestling. It is a large screen that displays graphics and videos during a wrestler’s entrance. The Titantron is expensive to produce and it is no longer used by the WWE.

The cost of production

In 2002, the cost of producing a Titantron was $100,000. In 2014, the cost had risen to $1 million. The cost of production is one of the main reasons why WWE doesn’t use the Titantron anymore.

The cost of maintenance

Although the cost of the Titantron might seem like a small price to pay for such a large and integral part of the WWE Universe, the company actually spends millions of dollars every year on maintenance and repairs for the massive structure. In fact, WWE has even had toreplace the Titantron entirely on occasion, which can cost upwards of $1 million.

The Logistics of the Titantron

The WWE Titantron is one of the most iconic images in the world of professional wrestling. It is a giant video screen that displays the WWE logo and showcases the entrance of WWE Superstars. The Titantron is one of the most expensive pieces of equipment in the WWE and it is also one of the most difficult to transport and set up. In this article, we will discuss the logistics of the Titantron and why WWE doesn’t use it anymore.

The size of the Titantron

The Titantron was originally designed to be a smaller version of the big screens that are used at arenas and stadiums. WWE wanted to have a big screen that would display images and videos during their shows, but they didn’t want to spend the money on a full-sized screen. The Titantron was designed to be a compromise between size and cost.

However, the Titantron quickly became one of the most iconic elements of WWE programming. The giant screen became synonymous with WWE and was often featured prominently in promos and introductions. The Titantron became such an important part of WWE’s image that they eventually decided to make it bigger.

In recent years, the Titantron has been enlarged to the point where it is now almost as big as a full-sized arena screen. This has led to some problems, as the Titantron is now too big to fit inside most arenas. As a result, WWE has had to move the Titantron outside of the arena for some events.

The weight of the Titantron

When the Titantron was first introduced, it was a massive 16x16 foot screen that was suspended from the arena ceiling. It was made of aluminum and weighed two tons. The screen itself was made of mesh, and it showed video footage that was produced by WWE.

The Titantron became an iconic part of WWE programming, and it was used for entrance videos, replay packages, and more. However, WWE stopped using the Titantron in 2014, due to the high cost of producing video content for it.

In addition to the cost of producing content, the Titantron was also very difficult to set up and take down. Because it was so large and heavy, it required a team of workers to set it up and take it down before and after each show.

WWE now uses LED screens that are lighter and easier to set up and take down. These screens can be used for a variety of purposes, including showing entrance videos, replays, and other video content.

The Safety of the Titantron

The Titantron is a large screen that displays entrance videos and in-show promos for WWE wrestlers. It was first introduced in 1985 and was an essential part of the WWE product for over two decades. However, in recent years, WWE has move away from using the Titantron and instead relies on LED screens. There are a few reasons for this change.

The risk of injury

The WWE’s Titantron is one of the most iconic images in all of professional wrestling. The giant screen that hangs above the ring has become synonymous with the company and has been a staple of WWE programming for over 20 years.

However, in recent years, WWE has all but abandoned the Titantron, opting instead to use a series of smaller screens that hang from the rafters. There are a number of reasons for this change, but the most significant factor is that the Titantron is simply too dangerous for wrestlers to perform on.

Injuries sustained from falls off the Titantron are some of the most serious and debilitating injuries that wrestlers can suffer. In 2007, WWE superstar Edge suffered a career-ending neck injury after taking a fall off the Titantron. While Edge was able to recover from his injury and continue wrestling for several more years, other wrestlers have not been so lucky.

In 2012, NXT wrestler Wesley Blake suffered a serious neck injury after taking a fall off the Titantron. Blake was lucky to escape with his life, but he was left paralyzed from the neck down and will never be able to wrestle again.

The risks associated with performing on the Titantron are simply too high for WWE to justify its use anymore. While it may be missed by fans, the safety of the wrestlers is always going to be the top priority for WWE.

The risk of electrocution

In 2007, WWE wrestler Chris Benoit was electrocuted while trying to fix the wiring on the Titantron. This tragic accident led WWE to stop using the Titantron altogether.

The Titantron is a large screen that hangs above the ring in a WWE stadium. It is used to show graphics and videos during matches, and it is also used to help wrestlers make grand entrances into the ring.

While the Titantron may look safe, it is actually quite dangerous. The screen is made of metal, and it is electrically charged. If a wrestler were to touch the screen, they could be electrocuted.

WWE has since replaced the Titantron with LED screens, which are much safer for wrestlers to be around.

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