Why Doesn’t Every State Have an NFL Team?

There are a variety of reasons why certain states don’t have an NFL team.
The most common explanations are that the market is either too small or not economically feasible.
Other reasons include a lack of interest and competition from other sports teams.


The National Football League (NFL) is professional American football. As of 2020, there are 32 teams in the NFL, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The most recent franchise to be added was the Houston Texans, who began play in 2002.

Why doesn’t every state have an NFL team? The simple answer is that it’s a matter of market saturation. There are only so many major metropolitan areas in the United States, and those are generally where you’ll find NFL teams.

It’s also worth noting that not every state wants an NFL team. In fact, some states have gone so far as to pass laws banning publicly financed stadiums, which would be necessary to attract an NFL team. And even if a state does want an NFL team, it’s not necessarily easy to get one. The process of expansion is complicated and expensive, and there are only so many teams that can realistically be added without diluting the quality of play in the league.

So while it’s true that every state doesn’t have an NFL team, there are plenty of reasons why that’s the case.

The NFL’s monopoly

One of the key reasons why not every state has an NFL team is because the NFL has a monopoly on professional football in the United States. The NFL has intentionally kept the number of teams small in order to prevent outside competition and maintain its grip on the sport. There have been several attempts to start rival leagues, but none have been successful in challenging the NFL’s dominance.

Another reason why some states don’t have an NFL team is because it can be very expensive to build a new stadium and meet all the other requirements necessary to host an NFL franchise. This cost dissuades many potential owners from bringing a team to their state. Additionally, the existing NFL teams are often reluctant to give up their territorial rights and allow another team to move into their area.

Finally, it’s worth noting that not every state wants an NFL team. Some states view professional football as a distraction or even a threat to their way of life. This resistance is likely to prevent any new teams from being established in those states in the near future.

The cost of an NFL team

The cost of an NFL team is a significant barrier to entry for most states. An NFL team typically costs around $1 billion to purchase, and that’s not including the cost of building a stadium, which can be another $1 billion or more. In comparison, the median income in the United States is just over $50,000. So even if every person in a state chipped in $100 to buy an NFL team, they would still fall well short of the cost.

Additionally, the NFL has a strict set of criteria that potential new team owners must meet in order to be considered for league membership. These criteria include having a population of at least 2 million people, being located in a market that is not already served by an NFL team, and having a stadium that meets NFL standards. As a result, there are only a handful of states that currently meet all the criteria necessary to support an NFL team.

The benefits of having an NFL team

An NFL team can bring many benefits to a state, including economic boosts and increased tourism.

An NFL team can have a positive impact on a state’s economy. A study by economists at the University of Colorado found that an NFL team generates $303 million per year in economic activity for its home state. This includes direct spending by the team and its employees, as well as indirect and induced economic activity generated by fans who spend money on hotels, restaurants, and other businesses when they come to see a game.

An NFL team can also help to increase tourism in a state. A study by the University of Central Florida found that hosting the Super Bowl generates $500 million in economic activity for the host city. This includes spending by visitors who come to see the game, as well as spending by the NFL and its employees. The Super Bowl is just one example of how an NFL team can help to bring visitors to a state.

The drawbacks of having an NFL team

There are several reasons why having an NFL team isn’t necessarily a good thing for a state. First of all, it’s expensive. Building a stadium and supporting a team can cost taxpayers a lot of money. Secondly, having an NFL team can cause traffic and parking problems. Finally, some people believe that having an NFL team can lead to crime and violence.


There are a number of reasons why not every state has an NFL team. Firstly, there is the simple fact that not every state has the population to support a professional football team. Secondly, there are other professional sports teams competing for attention and resources in many states. Finally, it costs a significant amount of money to start and maintain an NFL franchise, and not every state has the necessary resources.

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