Why Don’t NHL Players Wear Cages?
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Many NHL players choose not to wear cages due to the visibility and freedom of movement they provide. However, some players do wear cages to protect themselves from potential injuries.
While there are plenty of debates in the world of sports, one of the most common ones is why NHL players don’t wear cages. For those who don’t know, a cage is the metal wire contraption that protects a hockey player’s face.
This debate has been going on for years, with many people wondering why NHL players don’t just wear cages like their counterparts in the minor leagues and Europe. There are a few different theories as to why this is, so let’s take a look at some of them.
History of the Cage
The wire mesh face protector, or “cage” as it is commonly called, was first introduced in the late 1960s by Jim Croce, a minor league goaltender in the American Hockey League. Croce had been hit in the face with a puck during a game and had his teeth shattered as a result. In order to protect himself from further injury, Croce approached a local welder and had him create a wire mask that Croce then attached to his helmet. The wire cage was an instant success and soon became mandatory equipment for all goaltenders in the AHL.
The wire cage quickly made its way to the NHL where it has been worn by goaltenders ever since. Today, all NHL goaltenders must wear some form of facial protection that completely covers their mouths and noses. Players are also required to wear visors or some other form of eye protection.
So if cages are so effective at protecting players from injury, why don’t all NHL players wear them? The answer is simple: because they impair visibility and make it difficult to breathe. For these reasons, most skaters prefer to forego the additional protection in favor of being able to see and breathe more easily on the ice.
The Pros of Wearing a Cage
In the NHL, players have a choice to wear either a visor or a cage to protect their face. A cage offers more protection than a visor, but many players choose not to wear one because they believe it impairs their vision. However, there are several good reasons why players should wear a cage. Let’s take a look at a few of them.
Protection from High Sticks
One of the primary benefits of wearing a cage is the protection it affords against high sticks. A high stick is when an opposing player’s stick makes contact with an opposing player above his shoulders. This is especially dangerous because it can lead to severe lacerations around the eyes and face. In some cases, it can even result in blindness. While players are not allowed to intentionally hit another player with a high stick, accidents do happen, and the cage offers some protection against these types of injuries.
Another benefit of wearing a cage is that it can offer some protection against flying pucks. Pucks can travel at high speeds and can cause serious injuries if they make contact with players’ faces. While goalie masks offer the best protection against flying pucks, cages can help to protect players’ faces from puck injuries as well.
Protection from Pucks
Wearing a cage offers protection from high-speed objects, like pucks, that can cause serious injury. A puck travelling at 100 miles per hour can do a lot of damage, and a player who is hit in the face with one is at risk for a concussion, a broken jaw, or even worse.
A cage can also protect players from sticks and flying debris. Sticks are sometimes broken during play, and the shards can fly up into the face of nearby players. Wearing a cage reduces the risk of being hit by a piece of flying wood.
Cages also offer some protection against fists and elbows. Fights are common in hockey, and players often throw punches during Altercations. Wearing a cage prevents opponents’ fists from making contact with your face, which could cause serious injury.
The Cons of Wearing a Cage
Wearing a cage can obscure your vision and make it more difficult to see the puck. It can also make it difficult to breathe and can be very hot and uncomfortable. Players have also been known to get cuts and bruises from wearing a cage.
Decreased Visibility
One of the primary reasons that NHL players don’t wear cages is that it decreases their visibility. When you’re skating at high speeds, it’s important to be able to see as much as possible, and a cage can get in the way of that.
Another downside to decreased visibility is that it can make it more difficult to communicate with your teammates. When you can’t see their faces, it can be hard to understand what they’re trying to tell you.
A final drawback of decreased visibility is that it can impact your peripheral vision. This is especially true if you wear glasses or contacts, which can fog up when you’re wearing a cage.
Decreased Hearing
One of the most significant disadvantages to wearing a cage rather than a visor is the potential for decreased hearing. When players wear a full cage, it completely covers their ears and can muffle sounds. This could be a significant disadvantage during game play when players need to be able to hear through all the noise in order to communicate with their teammates. In addition, hearing could be impaired while wearing a full cage if a puck were to hit the cage and create a loud noise.
The Verdict
Some players feel that the cages hinder their vision and hamper their ability to communicate with their teammates while on the ice. Wearing a visor can also be seen as a sign of weakness, as it would appear that the player is unable to take the physicality of the sport. In reality, most players who wear visors do so because they have suffered an injury that has affected their vision in some way.
In conclusion, NHL players do not wear cages because they believe it decreases their visibility and slows them down. Additionally, many players feel that cages do not provide adequate protection from high sticks and flying pucks. While there is no definitive answer as to why NHL players do not wear cages, these are some of the most commonly cited reasons.