Why Esports Aren’t Considered Sports

Esports have been around for a while, but they’ve only recently started to gain traction in the mainstream. However, there are still many people who don’t consider them to be “real” sports. Here’s a look at why that is and whether or not it’s fair.


The first thing that we need to establish is what a sport is. The definition of a sport, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary is “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” People have been debating for years whether or not esports deserve to be considered a sport. In this paper, I will be discussing the reasons why esports should not be considered a sport. I will be looking at the history of sports, the physicality of sports, and the competition in sports.

A lot of people argue that esports should be considered a sport because of its competitive nature. However, competition is not unique to sports. There are plenty of other activities that are competitive, but are not considered sports. For example, board games, video games (that are not esports), and card games are all activities that are competitive, but are not classified as sports. So, the fact that esports is a competition does not make it a sport.

Physicality is another important aspect of sports. In order for an activity to be classified as a sport, there needs to be some physical exertion involved. This is where esports fall short. Esports lack the physicality that is necessary for an activity to be classified as a sport. Professional gamers sit in front of a computer screen and play video games for hours on end with very little physical movement. In traditional sports, players have to run, jump, throw, etc., which requires them to use their bodies and expend energy. Esports do not require players to use their bodies in any way other than moving their hands and fingers on a controller or keyboard. Due to the lack of physicality in esports, it cannot be classified as a sport

The History of Esports

Esports have been around for almost as long as video games have been around. The first known esports tournament was held in 1972 at Stanford University for the game Spacewar. Since then, esports has grown exponentially. With the advent of streaming services like Twitch and YouTube, esports has become more popular than ever. However, there are still some who don’t consider esports to be “real” sports. Let’s take a look at the history of esports to see why this might be the case.

The Early Days

Esports dates back to the early 1970s, when students at Stanford University played Spacewar! on the school’s mainframe computer. The first esports tournament took place in October 1972 at Stanford, where students competed in the game Spacewar!. The winner took home a year’s subscription to Rolling Stone magazine.

The world’s first esports organization, Major League Gaming, was founded in 2002. MLG held its first Pro Circuit event in 2006. The prize pool was $10,000.

Since then, esports has grown tremendously. Today, there are hundreds of professional teams and thousands of amateur teams competing in tournaments around the world. The prize pools have grown as well, with some events offering millions of dollars in prize money.

The Rise of Competitive Gaming

The concept of electronic sports, or esports, has been around for more than two decades. It began with humble beginnings in the form of local area network (LAN) parties and competitions held at gaming conventions. The objective was simple – to find out who was the best gamer.

With the advent of the internet, came a new era of esports. Tournaments could now be held online, with players from all over the world competing against each other. The prize pools started to get bigger, and professional teams and leagues began to form. The rise of live streaming platforms like Twitch also helped to propel esports into the mainstream consciousness.

Today, esports is a multi-million dollar industry with global reach. Some of the most popular games in the world are played competitively at the highest level, with many of these athletes earning six-figure salaries and enjoying celebrity status.

Why Aren’t Esports Considered Sports?

Esports are often overlooked as a legitimate sport. This is because many people do not understand what esports are. Esports are simply video games that are played competitively. There are many different types of esports games, ranging from first-person shooters to real-time strategy games. Just like traditional sports, esports require skill, strategic thinking, and teamwork.

Lack of Physical Activity

Though there are many similarities between esports and traditional sports, there is one key difference that typically keeps esports from being considered true sports: the lack of physical activity.

In traditional sports, athletes must use their physical bodies to compete, whether it’s running, jumping, throwing, or kicking. While some esports do require physical dexterity (such as with dance pads or steering wheels), most simply require players to sit at a computer and use their hands to play. As a result, many people argue that esports cannot be considered sports because they do not require any physical activity.

While the lack of physical activity might be the most significant difference between esports and traditional sports, it’s not the only one. Esports also differ from traditional sports in terms of their format, audience, and rules. These differences are discussed in more detail below.

Lack of Regulation

One of the primary reasons why esports aren’t considered sports is because there is currently no governing body that regulates esports. Without a governing body, there is no official set of rules or guidelines that players must adhere to. This lack of regulation gives rise to concerns about the fairness and integrity of esports competitions. It also makes it difficult for sponsors and broadcasters to get involved with esports, as they can’t be sure that their investment will be protected.

Lack of Traditional Sports Infrastructure

Many believe that esports should be considered sports because of the level of competition and training that goes into them. However, one of the main reasons why esports are not traditionally considered sports is because they lack the infrastructure of traditional sports. For example, most esports lack a governing body, formal rules, and standardized seasons. This makes it difficult to compare them to traditional sports like football or basketball.

In addition, many people who don’t follow esports argue that they are not sports because they lack a physical element. While there is some truth to this, it’s important to remember that not all traditional sports require physical activity. For example, chess is often considered a sport even though it lacks a physical element.


It’s easy to see why people might not consider esports as “real” sports. There is no physical activity involved, the competitors are often sitting down, and the games themselves can look quite silly to outsiders.

However, esports are real sports. They require significant amounts of skill and athleticism, and the events are incredibly exciting to watch. While some traditional sports fans may never come around to esports, it’s hard to deny that they are worthy of being considered sports.

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