Why Esports Should Not Be Considered A Sport?

In this day and age, the term “sport” has become quite loose. There are a lot of activities that people participate in that can be considered a sport. However, there are also a lot of activities that people participate in that cannot be considered a sport. One of these activities is esports.


The world of sports has seen a lot of changes over the years. Some of these changes have been good, while others have not been so well received. One of the latest changes to enter the world of sports is esports. Esports is a form of competitive gaming that has grown in popularity in recent years. While there are many people who believe that esports should be considered a sport, there are just as many people who believe that esports should not be considered a sport. In this essay, we will examine the reasons why some people believe that esports should not be considered a sport.

What is Esports?

Esports, also known as electronic sports, refers to organized video game competitions, usually played between professional gamers. The first esports tournament was held in 1972 at Stanford University, and featured the game Spacewar. Today, esports is a multi-million dollar industry, with competitions being held all over the world.

While some argue that esports should be considered a sport, others contend that it does not meet the definition of a sport. According to the International Olympic Committee, a sport must “have an international federation” and be “widely practiced.” And while there are several international esports federations, such as the International Esports Federation and the World Esports Association, not all federations are recognized by the IOC. In addition, while esports is practiced by millions of people around the world, it is still not as widely practiced as traditional sports such as basketball or football.

Another reason why esports should not be considered a sport is because it does not require physical activity. While some esport games such as Dota 2 and League of Legends do require hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes, they do not require the same level of physical fitness as traditional sports. As a result, many people who are physically unable to play traditional sports can compete in esports.

Some also argue that esports lack the excitement and unpredictability of traditional sports. Because most esport games are based on pre-determined rules and objectives, there is often less room for surprise or excitement than in traditional sports. For example, in football or basketball, one team may unexpectedly score more points than expected and come back to win the game. However, in an esport such as League of Legends or Dota 2, if one team is ahead by a large margin, it is very unlikely that they will lose the game.

While there are some valid arguments for why esports should not be considered a sport, there are also many reasons why it should be considered one. For example, like traditional sports, esports requires teamwork and strategy. In addition, professional gamers undergo intense training regimes and must maintain strict diets in order to compete at the highest level. And like traditional athletes, professional gamers can make a living off of their skill; many earn six-figure salaries and some even become millionaires.

Ultimately, whether or not you think esports should be considered a sport is up to you. However, there is no doubt that professional gaming requires skill, dedication and hard work – just like any other sport.

The Argument Against Esports

Some people may try to argue that esports should be considered a sport, but there are several reasons why this is not the case. First of all, esports lack many of the physical requirements that sports require. For instance, most sports require players to have excellent coordination, agility, and stamina, while esports generally just require good hand-eye coordination. Secondly, sports usually involve competition between two or more teams, while esports typically involve just one player competing against others. Finally, sports are typically governed by official rules and regulations, while esports are often unregulated.

Esports lack physical activity

The debate over whether or not esports should be considered a sport is one that has been going on for some time now. Some people argue that because esports lack physical activity, they cannot be classified as a sport. However, this line of thinking ignores the fact that there are many other types of activities that are considered sports despite lacking physical activity, such as chess and bowling. Furthermore, the level of mental and strategic thinking required to be successful in esports is comparable to that of traditional sports. Therefore, esports should be considered a sport.

Esports are not governed by an official body

There is no governing body that regulates or standardizes esports. This lack of regulation means that there are no set rules regarding player eligibility, fair play, or the resolution of disputes. As a result, esports events can be marred by problems such as cheating, match fixing, and player collusions.

Another issue with the lack of regulation is that it allows tournament organizers to structure prize pools in an unfair way. For example, the organizers of The International, a major Dota 2 tournament, have been criticized for giving too much money to the winning team and not enough to the other teams. This creates an uneven playing field and makes it difficult for players on lower-ranked teams to make a living from playing esports.

Finally, the lack of regulation means that there is no clear path for players to follow if they want to become professional gamers. There are no minor leagues or development systems in place to help players transition from amateur to professional status. This lack of structure makes it difficult for talented players to find the opportunity to showcase their skills and make a name for themselves in the competitive scene.

The Argument For Esports

Esports, or electronic sports, are a form of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, usually video games. The term “Esports” generally refers to organized multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional gamers. As professional gaming is becoming increasingly more popular, some have begun to argue that it should be considered a sport. However, there are several reasons why esports should not be considered a sport.

Esports require skill and training

The term “sport” is typically reserved for physical activities that are competitive, regulated, and have aCooldown – professional element to them. Examples of traditional sports include football, basketball, and baseball. Esports, on the other hand, is a form of competition that is enabled by technology and typically features video games. Although there is a growing debate on whether esports should be considered a “real” sport, there are several arguments in favor of designating it as such.

First and foremost, like traditional sports, esports require skill and training to be successful. Professional gamers undergo rigorous training regimes in order to stay at the top of their game. For example, Fnatic, one of the leading esports organizations in the world, has a Gaming House in Berlin where its players live and train together. This environment allows them to focus solely on becoming the best gamers they can be.

Furthermore, similar to traditional sports, esports also have well-defined rulesets that must be followed in order for competitions to be fair. These rulesets are typically created by the game developer or an organization governing the particular esport. For instance, the game developer Riot Games creates the rulesets for its popular game League of Legends and also oversees the premier professional league for the game, the League Championship Series (LCS).

While there are many similarities between esports and traditional sports, there are also some key differences. One major difference is that esports do not typically require physical fitness like traditional sports do. This is due to the fact that most esports competitions are played using computer keyboards and controllers instead of physical tools like bats or balls. As such, Physical fitness levels are not as important for success in esports as they are in traditional sports

Esports are entertaining to watch

One of the primary arguments in favor of esports is that they are entertaining to watch. This is in contrast to traditional sports, which many people find boring. Esports provide an intense and engaging experience that can be enjoyed by both casual and dedicated viewers.

In addition, esports are more accessible than traditional sports. They can be watched online from anywhere in the world, and they do not require expensive equipment or tickets to attend live events. This makes them much easier for people to enjoy on a regular basis.

Finally, esports are growing rapidly in popularity, particularly among younger generations. This is because they appeal to many of the same things that make other forms of entertainment popular with young people, such as video games, social media, and technology. As a result, esports offer a lot of potential for growth and investment.


After taking a look at all of the evidence, it is clear that esports cannot be considered a sport. There is simply too much overlap with traditional sports, and not enough that separates the two. Yes, esports requires skill and training, but so do traditional sports. And while some argue that esports is more mental than physical, the same could be said of many traditional sports.

Ultimately, it comes down to definition. If one defines a sport as an activity that requires physical exertion and is governed by a set of rules, then esports does not fit the bill. However, if one defines a sport as an activity that requires skill and training, then esports could be considered a sport. It is up to each individual to decide which definition they prefer.

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