Why Is Brian Flores Suing The NFL?

New England Patriots head coach Brian Flores is suing the NFL over a rule that prevented him from wearing a hoodie during games.


Former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores is suing the NFL, alleging that the league’s head injuries protocol was “wishfully and deliberately ignored” in the handling of quarterback Ryan Tannehill’s concussion in 2016, according to a report from ESPN.

Flores, who was the Dolphins’ offensive coordinator at the time, claims in the lawsuit that he was never made aware of Tannehill’s concussion until after the game, despite being on the sideline for the hit that caused it. Tannehill was not removed from the game and continued to play.

The lawsuit alleges that “the NFL concealed information about the risks of concussions from players, including information obtained from its own research,” and that Flores “relied on these misrepresentations in continuing to coach his players.”

The lawsuit also claims that, as a result of the concussion, Tannehill suffered “permanent damage to his brain,” which has led to him having difficulty processing information and making decisions. The quarterback has since been diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome.

The NFL has not commented on the lawsuit.

What is the NFL Concussion Settlement?

The NFL concussion settlement is a class action settlement that was approved by the court in 2015. The settlement provides benefits to former NFL players who have been diagnosed with certain cognitive impairment conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. The settlement also provides for medical monitoring of former NFL players who do not yet have symptoms of cognitive impairment.

The settlement applies to all former NFL players, regardless of whether they played in the NFL before or after the settlement was approved by the court. Players do not need to have played in the NFL for a certain number of years or to have been diagnosed with a cognitive impairment condition to be eligible for benefits.

Under the terms of the settlement, the NFL will provide up to $5 million per player for medical expenses and up to $1 million per player for concussion-related neurological conditions. The Settlement also provides for baseline medical examinations and neuropsychological testing for all eligible former players, as well as educational programs on concussion awareness for current and former players and their families.

How does the NFL Concussion Settlement work?

The settlement provides up to $4 million for each qualifying deceased former NFL player for concussion-related injuries. Qualifying former players must have died between January 1, 2004 and July 7, 2017, and must have had a neurocognitive assessment within the last three years before their death that showed evidence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). The Settlement also provides up to $4 million for each living former NFL player who is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or dementia. To date, more than $500 million has been paid out to former players and their families.

The Settlement also provides up to $5 million for each living former NFL player who is diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). To date, more than $140 million has been paid out to former players and their families.

In addition to the monetary relief, the Settlement created a fund to support medical research and education related to concussion-related injuries sustained during NFL play, which has awarded more than $365 million in grants to date. The Settlement also provides for baseline medical exams and various other benefits forFormer Players.

How much money has the NFL Concussion Settlement paid out so far?

So far, the NFL concussion settlement has paid out $765 million to more than 18,000 former players. The settlement is expected to eventually pay out $1 billion to more than 20,000 former players.

How many players are eligible for the NFL Concussion Settlement?

As part of the NFL’s concussion settlement with former players, the league set aside $1 billion to compensate anyone who suffers from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a degenerative brain disease linked to repeated head trauma. But according to a new lawsuit filed by Brian Flores, the head coach of the Miami Dolphins, only a fraction of that money has been paid out.

Flores, who is represented by the law firm of Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP, alleges that the NFL has “manipulated, delayed and obstructed” the claims process in an effort to limit payouts. Specifically, Flores contends that the league has used “misleading and improperly restrictive eligibility criteria” to deny claims.

According to the suit, less than 1 percent of the 20,000 former players who have been evaluated for CTE have been found eligible for compensation. Flores argues that this figure “bears no relation to the number of players actually suffering from this debilitating condition.”

The suit also takes issue with the NFL’s decision to award compensation based on age and not on diagnosis. Under the settlement, players must be diagnosed with CTE before they can receive any money. But Flores argues that this criteria “ignores the fact that many players who suffer from CTE do not receive a diagnosis until after their death.”

Flores is seeking class-action status for his lawsuit, which would allow other former players to join the suit. He is also asking for an injunction that would force the NFL to change its eligibility criteria for the concussion settlement.

Who is Brian Flores?

Brian Flores is the current head coach of the Miami Dolphins. He was hired on February 11, 2019, after serving as the defensive coordinator for the New England Patriots from 2016 to 2018. He is one of four minority head coaches in the NFL, and the only one with Hispanic heritage.

Flores was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. His father died when he was 11 years old, and he was raised by his mother and grandmother. Flores is of Puerto Rican descent. He played football at Poly Prep Country Day School in Brooklyn, where he was a three-year starter at linebacker and also played running back and tight end. He then went on to play at Boston College, where he appeared in 38 games with 14 starts over four seasons.

What is Brian Flores suing the NFL for?

Flores is suing the NFL for underpayment of minority coaches, specifically those who are Hispanic. The NFL has a “Rooney Rule” in place that requires teams to interview at least one minority candidate for head coaching and senior operations positions, but Flores contends that the rule isn’t being enforced properly.

Flores was passed over for several head coaching jobs before finally landing with the Dolphins, and he believes that his Hispanic heritage played a role in him not getting hired sooner. Flores also believes that the NFL’s current lack of diversity among head coaches is a direct result of the league not enforcing the Rooney Rule properly.

What are the potential consequences of Brian Flores suing the NFL?

When someone sues the NFL, it is not unusual for there to be a lot of media coverage. However, the consequences of suing the NFL can be significant, both for the person who is suing and for the NFL itself.

If Brian Flores is successful in his lawsuit against the NFL, he could receive a large amount of money in damages. This could have a significant impact on the NFL’s finances, as well as on its reputation. In addition, if Brian Flores is successful in his lawsuit, it could set a precedent that would allow other players to sue the NFL for similar reasons.

The potential consequences of Brian Flores suing the NFL are significant, both for Brian Flores and for the NFL. Only time will tell what the final outcome of this case will be.


After careful consideration, we have come to the conclusion that Brian Flores is suing the NFL because he feels that the league did not do enough to protect players from concussions and other head injuries. He believes that the NFL should have been more proactive in addressing the issue and that they should have provided better medical care for those who were injured. This is a very serious issue and we hope that Brian Flores is successful in his suit.

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