Why Is Esports Not A Sport?

A lot of people still don’t see esports as a real sport. In this blog, we take a look at some of the reasons why esports isn’t seen as a sport by some people and whether or not that is justified.


In recent years, esports has rapidly grown in popularity and esteem. With the rise of live streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube Gaming, competitive gaming has entered the mainstream consciousness. Professional gamers can now make a living playing video games, and some even enjoy celebrity status. Major companies like Intel and Coca-Cola sponsor professional gaming teams, and global tournaments attract millions of viewers. Despite all of this, there are still many people who do not consider esports to be a “real” sport. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why esports is sometimes not considered a sport.

What is Esports?

The competitive landscape of video gaming. Commonly, eSports takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players. Although organized online and offline competitions have long been a part of video game culture, these were largely between amateurs until the late 2000s, when participation by professional gamers and spectatorship in these events saw a large surge in popularity.

The Different between Esports and Traditional Sports

While there are many similarities between esports and traditional sports, there are also several key differences that set the two apart. Perhaps the most significant difference is that esports are largely based on video games, while traditional sports are physical activities that take place in the real world.

Esports athletes (or gamers) compete against each other by playing popular video games, such as Fortnite, League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Overwatch. These games require a high level of coordination, split-second decision-making, and reflexes. The best gamers in the world can make a very good living by playing in tournaments and winning prize money.

Traditional sports, on the other hand, are physical activities that take place in the real world. Popular examples include football (soccer), basketball, baseball, and tennis. While some coordination and split-second decision-making is required to be successful in traditional sports, the physical component is arguably more important. Traditional athletes train for hours every day to improve their strength, speed, and stamina.

Another key difference between esports and traditional sports is the way they are structured. Traditional sports are typically organized into leagues with clearly defined seasons and rules. Gamers can compete in tournaments at any time of year and there is no set structure or rules to follow. This makes it difficult to compare the two directly.

Despite these differences, esports are slowly gaining acceptance as a legitimate form of competition. Many traditional sporting organizations have recognized the potential of esports and have begun to invest in them. For example, the International Olympic Committee has said it is open to adding esports as an official medal event at future Olympic Games…

Why Esports is not a Sport

The first and most glaring reason that esports cannot be considered a sport is the lack of physical activity required. Players are not required to possess any extraordinary physical abilities, unlike traditional athletes. All that is required is the ability to sit for long periods of time and have fast reflexes. This does not compare to the athleticism needed for other sports such as football, basketball, or even golf.

Another reason esports cannot be a sport is because there are no set rules or guidelines that all players must follow. In traditional sports, there are strict rules that everyone must abide by in order to be considered fair play. However, in esports, there is no one governing body that oversees all competitions. As a result, each individual game has its own set of rules that players must follow. This lack of standardization makes it difficult to compare one player’s skill against another’s.

Lastly, esports lack the tradition and history that other sports have. For something to be considered a sport, it must have been around for generations and have a rich history full of legends and iconic moments. Esports simply do not have this. The first modern esports tournament was held in 1972 with the launch of the Atari game “Space War.” Since then, the popularity of esports has grown exponentially; however, it has not had nearly enough time to develop the same type of tradition and history as other sports.


All in all, esports does have a ways to go before it can truly be considered a sport. However, it is gaining ground rapidly, and with the addition of scholarships and more traditional organizations taking note, there’s no reason to think that esports won’t eventually be recognized as a sport in its own right.

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