Why Is WWE Releasing So Much Talent?

As WWE continues to clean house and release a number of wrestlers, many are wondering why the company is letting so much talent go. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the possible reasons behind WWE’s mass talent purge.

WWE’s current situation

WWE is in a bit of a predicament. Many people have been let go in the past few weeks and more are said to be on the chopping block. While this may seem like a bad thing, it’s actually not all doom and gloom for WWE. In fact, this could be a very good thing for the company in the long run.

WWE’s recent stock prices

WWE’s stock prices have taken a beating lately. The company’s shares have lost nearly a quarter of their value since peaking in mid-September, and they fell sharply again on Thursday after WWE announced it was letting go of dozens of wrestlers and other employees.

The cuts come as WWE is facing pressure on several fronts. Cable and satellite companies have been shedding subscribers, while WWE has been unable to rebound from the disappointing performance of its flagship network, the WWE Network. In addition, WWE’s live events business has been hurt by the strong U.S. dollar, which has made ticket prices more expensive for foreign fans.

WWE has also been hit by declining ratings for its two main TV shows, “Raw” and “SmackDown.” The company is hoping that a recent shakeup of its creative team will help turn things around, but it will take time for any changes to take effect.

In the meantime, WWE is looking to cut costs wherever it can. The company has already announced plans to move its headquarters from Stamford, Conn., to Orlando, Fla., later this year. And now it appears that the company is making deeper cuts to its roster of wrestlers and other personnel.

WWE did not say how many people were being let go, but people familiar with the matter said the number was close to 60. That would represent a significant reduction in the size of WWE’s roster, which numbered more than 200 wrestlers and other performers at the end of 2015.

The cuts come as WWE is trying to reinvent itself for the digital age. The company has been investing heavily in new content and technology, including a new app that will let fans stream live events on their phones. But so far, those investments have not paid off in higher stock prices or TV ratings.

WWE’s recent TV ratings

Ratings for WWE’s flagship show, “Monday Night Raw,” have been on a steady decline over the past few years. In fact, the show has lost nearly 50% of its viewers since 2015. This has led many to wonder why WWE is releasing so much talent.

WWE’s recent TV ratings decline can be attributed to a number of factors, including competition from other forms of entertainment, such as streaming services like Netflix. In addition, WWE has been facing criticism for its booking decisions, which some fans feel have been poor recently.

Whatever the reasons for WWE’s decline in popularity may be, it’s clear that the company needs to make some changes if it wants to improve its TV ratings. Releasing talent is one way to try to improve the product, but it remains to be seen if this will be enough to turn things around for WWE.

WWE’s talent releases

WWE has released a lot of talent in the past few weeks. Names like Samoa Joe, The IIconics, and Alexa Bliss have all been let go by the company. There are a few possible reasons for this. One may be that WWE is trying to save money.

Why WWE is releasing talent

There are a number of reasons why WWE may release a talent. The most common reason is that their contract has expired and WWE has decided not to renew it. Sometimes WWE will release a talent if they have been injured and are not able to compete, or if their behavior has been problematic and they are not able to reform. Lastly, WWE may release a talent who is no longer able to physically perform at the same level as they once could.

While it is never easy to see someone lose their job, WWE’s decision to release a talent is usually in the best interest of both parties. WWE is a competitive environment and releasing a talent allows them to bring in new, fresh talent who can provide competition and help take the company to the next level. For the released talent, it gives them an opportunity to pursue other opportunities outside of WWE.

Who WWE is releasing

WWE has released a lot of talent recently. Here are some of the wrestlers who have been let go:

-Big Cass
-Darren Young
-Titus O’Neil
-Hideo Itami
-Tye Dillinger

There are a few possible reasons for this. One is that WWE may be trying to cut costs. Another is that WWE may be looking to refresh its roster with new talent. Whatever the reason, it’s unfortunate for the wrestlers who have been let go.

What WWE is gaining from releasing talent

While it’s always difficult to see people lose their jobs, in the case of WWE it seems that the company is making a smart move by releasing some of its talent.

First and foremost, WWE is a publicly traded company. Its share price is largely determined by its quarterly results, which are in turn determined by its live event attendance, TV ratings, and merchandise sales. The company has been facing declining TV ratings for years now, and despite attempts to turn things around, the trend doesn’t seem to be reversing.

Releasing talent is one way to cut costs and improve WWE’s bottom line. While it’s never pleasant to see people lose their jobs, from a business standpoint it makes sense for WWE to release talent that isn’t being used.

In addition, WWE is trying to change its image. For years now, the company has been trying to appeal to a more family-friendly audience. This is evident in its PG rating and its recent focus on female wrestlers. Releasing talent that doesn’t fit this new image is another way for WWE to cut costs and improve its bottom line.

There are also rumors that WWE might be looking to sell itself. If this is the case, then cutting costs and improving the bottom line would be even more important for the company.

So while it’s always difficult to see people lose their jobs, in the case of WWE it seems that the company is making a smart move by releasing some of its talent.

WWE’s future

WWE is the biggest wrestling company in the world. They have a lot of superstars under contract. Recently, they have been releasing a lot of talent. This has led to speculation about WWE’s future. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why WWE might be releasing so much talent.

WWE’s plans for the future

In recent months, WWE has released a number of high-profile names from its roster. While some of these releases may have been due to backstage politics or personal issues, it’s also possible that WWE is planning for the future and trying to clear the decks for new talent.

There are a number of reasons why WWE may be release talent, including:

– wanting to make room for new superstars on the roster,
– trying to cut costs by releasing expensive contracts,
– wanting to refresh the product with new faces.

Whatever the reasons behind the releases, it’s clear that WWE has some plans for the future. It will be interesting to see how these plans unfold and what effect they have on WWE’s business.

WWE’s potential future stars

There are a number of potential future stars that WWE has released in recent years. While it is certainly possible that some of these wrestlers will find success elsewhere, it is also possible that WWE has simply failed to properly cultivate their talent.

Some of the potential future stars that WWE has released include:

-AJ Styles: AJ Styles was released by WWE in early 2014. He had a successful run in TNA and was widely considered to be one of the best wrestlers in the world. He has since gone on to have a successful run in New Japan Pro Wrestling and is currently signed to Ring of Honor.

-Austin Aries: Austin Aries was released by WWE in early 2016. He had a successful run in TNA and was widely considered to be one of the best talkers in the business. He has since gone on to have a successful run in New Japan Pro Wrestling and is currently signed to Ring of Honor.

-Bryan Danielson: Bryan Danielson was released by WWE in early 2009. He had a successful run in ROH and was widely considered to be one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. He has since gone on to have a successful run in New Japan Pro Wrestling and is currently signed to Ring of Honor.


To summarize, WWE is releasing a lot of talent because they have too many wrestlers under contract, they want to save money, and they want to make room for new talent. While it’s always sad to see someone lose their job, it’s important to remember that WWE is a business first and foremost. They have to do what’s best for the company, even if that means releasing some of our favorite wrestlers.

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