Why Isn’t the Professor in the NBA?

We all know that there are some incredibly intelligent people out there who don’t quite make the cut when it comes to professional sports. But what about the professors who teach our future NBA stars? Why aren’t they in the NBA?

The Professor’s Skills


The Professor’s ball-handling skills are unrivaled. He can dribble between his legs, behind his back, and under both legs while spinning 360 degrees. He’s even been known to do a between-the-legs crossover while dribbling two balls at the same time!


Dribbling is the act of bouncing a ball up and down in one or both hands, and is a fundamental part of the game. Dribbling is important for a number of reasons:

-Allows a player to keep possession of the ball while moving around the court
-Creates space between the player and their defender
-Opens up passing lanes
– Can lead to a shooting opportunity

The ability to dribble effectively is essential for any player who wants to be successful on the court. However, not all players are able to develop this skill. The Professor was one of those players.


One of the biggest concerns with the Professor’s game is his ability to create for others and make reads off the ball. This was a non-issue in high school and college, as he was able to simply rely on his physical gifts to beat his defender one-on-one. In the NBA, defenders are much smarter and more Scheme aware, so theProfessor will have to show much more poise and patience in order to get his shot off.

The Professor has great vision and is an excellent passer, but he is not a true point guard. He does not have the natural instincts or feel for the game that true point guards have. This was not an issue in college, as he was able to simply rely on his physical gifts to beat his defender one-on-one. In the NBA, defenders are much smarter and more aware of team defensive schemes, so the Professor will have to show much more poise and patience in order to get his shot off.

The Professor’s Physical Attributes

At 6’10”, the Professor has the height to be a great player in the NBA. He’s also very athletic and has a lot of energy. So, why isn’t the Professor in the NBA?


The average height of an NBA player is just over 6 feet 7 inches. In comparison, the average height of an American male is just under 6 feet 2 inches. So, at 6 feet 3 inches, the Professor is on the shorter side for NBA players.

But height isn’t everything. The Professor makes up for his lack of height with his exceptional shooting ability and his knowledge of the game. He always seems to be in the right place at the right time, which more than makes up for his lack of size.


He’s not heavy, he’s my brother! Honestly, the Professor’s weight is probably his biggest downfall when it comes to playing in the NBA. At only 6 feet tall, he would be at a serious disadvantage against the bigger, stronger players in the league. Even though he’s an excellent athlete, he just doesn’t have the size to compete against the best of the best.

Vertical Leap

One of the primary reasons the Professor wasn’t drafted into the NBA is because of his vertical leap. Though he is 6’3″, his lack of explosiveness limits his ability to play above the rim. In the world of professional basketball, players must be able to jump extremely high in order to dunk the ball or grab a rebound. The Professor simply cannot compete with other players in this aspect of the game.

The Professor’s Mental Attributes

The Professor has good size for a guard at 6’4″, but his lack of athleticism has prevented him from being able to take his game to the next level. He’s a smart player with a high basketball IQ, but he just doesn’t have the physical tools to compete at the highest level.

Court Vision

In basketball, the term “court vision” is used to describe a player’s ability to see the whole court and make plays for their teammates. It’s a skill that is often associated with point guards, who are typically the players responsible for running the offense and making sure everyone is in the right place.

However, court vision is not just about seeing the court. It’s also about understanding what is happening on the court and making decisions accordingly. Good court vision involves being able to process information quickly and make split-second decisions.

The Professor has exceptional court vision. He sees the whole court and always seems to know where his teammates are going to be. He makes passes that other players wouldn’t even think of, and his assists are a thing of beauty. If you watch him play, it’s easy to see why he’s considered one of the best point guards in the world.

Basketball IQ

Basketball IQ is one of the most important mental attributes for a basketball player. It is the ability to understand and execute the game of basketball. A high basketball IQ allows a player to anticipate what is going to happen on the court, and makes them better at making decisions under pressure.

The Professor has a high basketball IQ. He understands the game of basketball and knows how to execute plays. He is also able to anticipate what is going to happen on the court, and makes decisions quickly and under pressure.

The Professor’s Intangibles

The Professor- a 6’9″ hot-shot point guard who played his college ball at Harvard, and now plies his trade in the Chinese Basketball Association- is one of the most interesting stories in basketball today. Why did he go undrafted? Why did he sign a one-year, non-guaranteed deal with the Charlotte Hornets, only to be waived before the season started? And why is he now tearing up the CBA? The answer, in large part, has to do with the Professor’s intangibles.

Work Ethic

The Professor has an unending work ethic. Whenever he’s not in the gym working on his game, he’s in the film room watching game tape or studying his opponents. He’s always looking for any advantage he can get, and it shows in his on-court play. He outworks everyone, and it’s a big reason why he’s one of the best players in the world.


Most leadership books tend to focus on the importance of hard work, dedication, and putting the team first. And while those are all important qualities for any leader, there are some intangibles that are often overlooked. Here are three of the most important intangible qualities that all leaders need to possess.

The first quality is empathy. A good leader needs to be able to put themselves in other people’s shoes and understand how they’re feeling. This is important when it comes to dealing with conflict and finding creative solutions that everyone can agree on.

The second quality is a positive attitude. A leader who is always looking on the bright side and remaining optimistic, even in the face of adversity, can be a powerful motivator for their team. People are more likely to follow someone who seems like they genuinely believe in what they’re doing and aren’t afraid to show it.

And finally, a good leader needs to have a sense of humor. Being able to laugh at yourself and make light of difficult situations shows that you’re not taking things too seriously and that you’re confident in your ability to overcome any challenge. It also helps build rapport and trust with your team members, which is essential for effective leadership.

Passion for the Game

The first intangible that the Professor brings is his passion for the game of basketball. He loves the sport and everything that goes into it. From the strategy of the game to the physicality, he enjoys it all. This passion is evident in his coaching style as well. He is always looking for ways to improve his team’s performance and make them better players.

The second intangible is his ability to connect with his players. He has a great rapport with them and they seem to really respect and listen to him. He is able to get them to buy into his system and play for each other. This is a big reason why his teams have been so successful over the years.

The third intangible is his work ethic. He is always working on ways to improve himself as a coach and a teacher of the game. He puts in long hours watching film, studying trends, and talking to other coaches. This allows him to be one of the most prepared coaches in the country.

These are just a few of the reasons why the Professor is not in the NBA. While he may not have the traditional pedigree or experience, he more than makes up for it with his intangibles. These are qualities that cannot be taught and are what make him such a special coach.

The Professor’s Opportunity

The Professor wasn’t drafted in the NBA because of his size. He’s only six feet tall. But that didn’t stop him from becoming one of the best college basketball players in the country. He’s quick, he can shoot, and he’s a great passer. When he was a senior in college, he led his team to the National Championship.

G League

The professor has been in the G league for 3 years. He has worked hard to improve his game and get to the next level but hasn’t had much success. There are a few reasons why the professor isn’t in the NBA.

First, the professor is 31 years old. Most NBA players are in their early 20s, so the professor is at a disadvantage because he’s older. Second, the professor is 6’1″, which is shorter than the average NBA player. Third, the professor didn’t play college basketball, so he hasn’t had as much exposure to scouts and coaches as other players have had.

The professor has overcome a lot of obstacles to get where he is today, but unfortunately, he faces an uphill battle if he wants to make it to the NBA.


The NBA is the premier basketball league in the world, and it’s no surprise that the best players in the world congregate there. But what about the players who aren’t quite good enough to make it to the NBA? For many of them, their next best option is to play overseas.

Why would a player choose to play overseas instead of in the NBA? There are a few reasons. First, the level of competition in overseas leagues is often not as high as in the NBA, so a player who isn’t quite good enough for the NBA might be able to excel in an overseas league. Second, overseas leagues often offer higher salaries than NBA teams, so a player might choose to go overseas for financial reasons. Finally, some players might prefer the lifestyle of living in another country.

Whatever the reason, playing overseas is a great option for many players who want to continue their basketball careers but don’t quite meet the standards of the NBA.

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