Why NBA 2K20 is Trash?

Have you been disappointed with NBA 2K20? You’re not alone. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the reasons why the game has been a letdown for so many fans.

The Graphics

NBA 2K20 was supposed to be the best basketball game ever made. The graphics were supposed to be realistic and the game play was supposed to be fluid. However, the game is trash. The graphics are not realistic, the game play is choppy, and the players look like robots.

The players look like they’re made of plastic

The players look like they’re made of plastic, the dunking animations look like they’re from 10 years ago. I don’t know why Visual Concepts/2K Games can’t breakthrough and create a game that looks as realistic as FIFA. EA Sports finally got it right with FIFA 20, but for some reason 2K Games can’t figure it out.

The crowd looks like cardboard cutouts

2K really needs to do better when it comes to the graphics of its players. The crowd looks like cardboard cutouts, and the player models are often inaccurate.

The Gameplay

I want to address the gameplay first because that is the most important part of the game. The shooting is horrendous. I’ve been playing 2K since 2K14, and the shooting has never been this bad.

The shooting is broken

The shooting in NBA 2K20 is completely broken and makes the game unplayable. Every single shot feels completely random, regardless of whether you’re wide open or contested, and it’s impossible to predict whether your shot is going in or not. This makes for a frustrating and infuriating experience, as you can never be sure if your shot is actually going to go in or not.

In addition, the shot meter is incredibly inconsistent and doesn’t give you any indication of how your shot is actually going to turn out. The vast majority of the time, it’s completely inaccurate and doesn’t reflect reality at all. This makes it extremely difficult to judge whether you should take a shot or not, as you can never be sure if it’s actually going to go in.

Lastly, the animations for shooting are completely jank and look terrible. There are times when players will just stand still and shoot the ball, without any sort of animation whatsoever. This looks really immersion-breaking and takes away from the experience of playing the game.

The defense is non-existent

In NBA 2K20, the defense is non-existent. There is no way to stop the other team from scoring, and the computer always seems to make the right shot. This makes the game incredibly frustrating, and it’s not even fun to play. The only thing that’s fun about NBA 2K20 is creating your own player and playing through the story mode, but even that gets old after a while.

The MyCareer Mode

The mycareer mode in NBA 2K20 is a complete joke. You start off by playing in the Chinese league which is fine but then you get drafted to the NBA and it all goes downhill from there. The mycareer mode is not fun and it is not worth your time.

The story is terrible

The story is terrible. It’s short, it’s not interesting, and it’s not even close to being realistic. You’re a player who was drafted by the Knicks, but you get traded to the Lakers after one game. Then, you get traded again to the 76ers. And then you’re a free agent. And then you’re back with the Knicks. It doesn’t make any sense, and it’s not fun to play.

The voice acting is even worse

The voice acting in NBA 2K20 is abysmal. It’s uneven, often flat, and completely lifeless. The characters might as well be robots, because they sound about as robotic as anything I’ve ever heard in a video game. And it’s not just the voice acting that’s bad – the writing is terrible, too. The dialogue is often stilted and awkward, and it doesn’t help that the delivery is so poor.

The Microtransactions

It is no secret that NBA 2K20 is a money-hungry game. The game is designed in a way to make the player spend as much money as possible on microtransactions. It is almost impossible to play the game without spending real money on in-game currency, which can be used to buy players and other items.

You have to pay for everything

Games nowadays are becoming money hungry. NBA 2K20 is a perfect example of this. You have to pay for everything.Want to be good? You have to buy the best players. want to compete online? You have better chance if you buy a 99 overall team. The game is trash and only wants your money

The prices are outrageous

NBA 2K20 isthe latest release in the popular NBA 2K series of basketball simulations. The game was released on September 6, 2019, and is available for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

The game has been heavily criticized for its microtransactions, which are in-game purchases that can be used to improve a player’s progress or unlock new content. The prices for these microtransactions are often seen as outrageous by gamers, who feel that they are being asked to pay too much money for virtual items.

Some of the microtransactions in NBA 2K20 include:

-Virtual Currency: Virtual currency can be used to purchase in-game items such as player cards and booster packs. A player’s progress in the game can also be accelerated by purchasing virtual currency. The price of virtual currency varies depending on the amount that is being purchased, but a single dollar can buy approximately 100 virtual coins.

-MyTEAM Points: MyTEAM Points are a special type of virtual currency that can only be used to purchase items in the MyTEAM mode of NBA 2K20. A single MyTEAM Point costs $0.99, and players can purchase up to 10,000 MyTEAM Points at a time.

-Player Cards: Player cards are collectible cards that feature NBA players. These cards can be used to assemble a team of players in the MyTEAM mode of NBA 2K20. A pack of five player cards costs $1.99.

-Booster Packs: Booster packs are packs of random player cards that can be purchased in the MyTEAM mode of NBA 2K20. A pack of three booster packs costs $4.99

The Conclusion

In my opinion, NBA 2K20 is one of the worst basketball games I have ever played. The controls are unresponsive, the shooting is broken, and the AI is trash. The game is simply not fun to play. I would not recommend this game to anyone.

NBA 2K20 is a terrible game

NBA 2K20 is a terrible game. It’s ugly, has terrible graphics, and the gameplay is not fun. The only reason to play it is if you’re a diehard fan of the NBA.

You’re better off playing NBA Live

It’s official, NBA 2K20 is trash. The game was released on September 6th, 2019, and it has been downhill ever since. 2K Games promised fixes and improvements, but the game is still plagued with server issues, connection problems, and bugs. The MyCareer mode is a grind, the new players are overpowered, and the gameplay is awful. NBA Live 20 is a far superior game and you’re better off playing that instead.

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