Why NFL Saturday Games Matter

The NFL season is in full swing and that means Saturday games are back! Here’s why they matter and how you can make the most of them.

The Importance of Saturday Games

The NFL schedule is rarely perfect. There are always a few teams that end up playing on short rest or have to travel a long distance for their game. The league does its best to minimize these disadvantages, but they exist nonetheless. That’s why Saturday games matter.

More people are available to watch

There are a few reasons why playing games on Saturday rather than Sunday is beneficial for the NFL. The main reason is that more people are available to watch. On Sundays, people have work, church, and other commitments that prevent them from watching games. Saturday is a much better day for people to relax and watch football.

Another reason why playing on Saturday is beneficial is that it allows the NFL to have a monopoly on television viewers. On Sundays, there are several other sports that compete with the NFL for viewers. By playing on Saturday, the NFL can make sure that it is the only game in town and get more viewers as a result.

Finally, playing games on Saturday gives the NFL more flexibility when it comes to scheduling. If a game needs to be rescheduled for any reason, there are more days available during the week to do so. This flexibility is helpful for both the NFL and its fans.

It’s a tradition

Saturday games have been a tradition in the NFL since the early days of the league. In fact, the first NFL game ever played was on a Saturday! Saturday games are a great way for fans to catch up on all the action from the week before, and they’re also a great way to get ready for the week ahead.

Saturday games also give fans a chance to see their favorite teams in action, and they’re a great way to spend a weekend afternoon with friends and family.

The Ratings for Saturday Games

NFL Saturday games get higher ratings than any other day during the NFL season. That’s why they matter. Let’s take a look at the numbers.

They’re good

Despite what some may think, NFL Saturday games are actually pretty darn good. In fact, they’re averaging a higher rating than Sunday games this season.

Sure, there are some drawbacks. The weather can be nasty, meaning fewer people are inclined to watch. And, let’s be honest, most of us have better things to do on a Saturday night than sit in front of the TV.

But for those who do tune in, they’re treated to some great football action. The games are usually close and competitive, and there are typically fewer blowouts than on Sundays. Plus, there’s nothing quite like snuggling up on the couch with a nice warm bowl of chili and watching some football on a cold winter’s day.

So if you’re looking for some great football action this weekend, don’t sleep on the NFL Saturday games. You might just be pleasantly surprised.

They’re better than Thursday or Monday games

The NFL has been scheduling regular season games on Saturday for decades, but in recent years they’ve been increasingly overshadowed by Thursday and Monday night games. Nevertheless, Saturday games still matter for a number of reasons.

For one thing, they’re usually better than Thursday or Monday games. The latter two are often plagued by poor match-ups and/or teams that are fatigued from playing the previous week. Saturday games, on the other hand, tend to be more evenly matched and well-rested teams generally perform better.

In addition, Saturday games tend to attract a more casual audience than Thursday or Monday night games. This is because people are generally more free to watch a game on a Saturday than they are on a weeknight. As such, Saturday games provide an opportunity for the NFL to reach out to new or infrequent viewers.

Finally, Saturday games offer a chance for NFL teams to get an extra home game each season. This is especially important for smaller market teams who could use the additional revenue.

So while they may not get the same level of attention as Thursday or Monday night games, NFL Saturday games are still important for a number of reasons.

The NFL’s Strategy

Saturday games are not only a tradition in the NFL but also a key part of the NFL’s television strategy. The NFL’s television strategy is to maximize viewership by having games on as many days of the week as possible. This allows the NFL to reach a wider audience and generate more revenue.

They want to make money

The NFL has always been a league that has been About making money. That’s why they moved a lot of their Thursday night games to Saturday’s during the college football season. They want to be the only game in town, and they want people to have to choose between their product and the product of another league.

The NFL also knows that college football is becoming more and more popular, and that it is siphoning off some of their potential customer base. They see college football as a threat, and they are trying to do everything they can to crush it. That’s why they are moving more and more games to Saturday’s, in an attempt to make the sport an afterthought.

They want to please their fans

The NFL has been increasingly flexible with its scheduling in recent years, and that’s largely due to the input of its fans. The league has moved more and more games to prime time in order to please its fan base and attract new viewers. But there’s one day of the week where the NFL has been hesitant to make any drastic changes: Saturday.

Historically, the NFL has steered clear of Saturdays during the season, with the occasional exception of a holiday game here or there. That changed in 2006 when the league began airing a handful of games on Saturday afternoons during Weeks 15 and 16. The move was widely seen as an effort to generate additional revenue, but it was also praised by fans who appreciated the chance to watch football on their favorite day of the week.

In recent years, the number of Saturday games has increased even further, with as many as four or five being played during the final weeks of the season. This year, for the first time ever, there will be NFL games played on all four Saturdays in December.

So why is the NFL so reluctant to give its fans what they want? The answer is simple: college football.

The vast majority of college football games are played on Saturdays, which means that they would be in direct competition with NFL games if they were aired at the same time. This would likely lead to a decrease in viewership for both leagues, which is why they have traditionally avoided scheduling conflicts.

But with the popularity of NFL football at an all-time high, it seems that the league is finally ready to take on its collegiate counterpart head-on. By airing more games on Saturdays, the NFL is sending a clear message that it wants to be the only game in town—no matter what day of the week it is.

The Fans’ Reactions

Saturday games in the NFL are always a big deal to fans. It’s the only day of the week where every game is being played at the same time. This means that fans have to choose which game they want to watch. Some people might choose to watch their favorite team, while others might watch the game with the most interesting matchup.

They’re happy

The main reason why Saturday games matter to fans is that it gives them another opportunity to watch their favorite team play. For many people, Saturdays are the only day when they have the time to sit down and watch a game from start to finish. That’s why the NFL schedule-makers try to put some good match-ups on Saturday nights.

They’re excited

The NFL Saturday games matter because the fans are excited. They provide a sense of normalcy during a time that has been anything but normal. For many people, football is a way to escape the day-to-day grind and relax on the weekends.

The fans are also excited because the Saturday games are a chance to see their favorite team play. Some fans may not have the opportunity to see their team play live very often, so the Saturday games provide them with that chance.

The Saturday games also give the fans a chance to interact with other fans from around the country. It is a chance for them to connect with people who share their passion for football.

All of these reasons show why the NFL Saturday games matter. The fans are excited and they provide a sense of normalcy during a time that has been anything but normal.

The Bottom Line

Saturday afternoon NFL games matter. That’s the bottom line. The NFL says so, the networks that televise the games say so and, most important, the fans say so.

Saturday games are good for the NFL

Saturday games are good for the NFL because they attract a larger audience and generate more revenue. Saturday games also provide an opportunity for players to rest and recover from injuries.

They’re good for the fans

Saturday games are good for the fans because they can watch their favorite team without having to worry about work or school the next day. Plus, it’s a good way to spend time with family and friends.

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