Why Should Extreme Sports Not Be Banned?

Finally, risky sports should not be prohibited since injuries do not always occur, and athletes may be rewarded with no injuries. Furthermore, everyone has the right to participate in sports at any time.

Similarly, Why should we allow extreme sports?

Activities like BMX racing and windsurfing are among the fastest-growing sports in the United States. extreme sports according to some, keep teenagers active and teach them how to take age-appropriate risks, conquer their concerns, and exceed their limitations.

Also, it is asked, What are the disadvantages of extreme sports?

Extreme sports have some disadvantages. They are very risky. It’s the equivalent of putting your life in peril for the sake of entertainment. Even with the safety procedures, there is a very significant risk of injury. Also, a person may not recognize how vulnerable their health is and end up in difficulty.

Secondly, Are extreme sports worth the risk cons?

Extreme sports enthusiasts will acknowledge that they like the rush of excitement. Adrenaline may provide a euphoric high that many people aspire for. When it comes to extreme sports, though, risk is always there.

Also, Are extreme sports safe?

The World’s Most Dangerous Sports. While the aforementioned jobs put workers at a high risk of injury and death, extreme activities are no safer. Participants are at danger of life-altering injuries and death, and they should be informed about these risks before competing.

People also ask, Are extreme sports irresponsible?

Extreme sports participants, according to our data, are everything from reckless risk-takers with a death desire. They are highly trained people with a thorough understanding of themselves, the activity, and the surroundings who do it to have a life-enhancing and life-changing experience “he said

Related Questions and Answers

Why do people risk their lives in extreme sports?

Extreme sports appeal to them because they want to feel something. “These acts elicit feeling from them, and dread is the main emotion. So a person who has trouble with emotions goes into a setting where they can experience their feelings,” Woodman explains.


The “3 reasons why extreme sports should be banned” are that the sport is dangerous, it’s not a sport, and it’s not fair.

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