Why Stacy Keibler Quit The WWE?

Why did Stacy Keibler quit the WWE? We take a look at the reasons behind her decision to leave WWE and what she’s doing now.

Why Stacy Keibler Quit The WWE?


Stacy Keibler was a former professional wrestler, model, and actress. She is best known for her work with World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). She quit WWE in 2006 and has since retired from professional wrestling.

So why did Stacy Keibler quit WWE? There are a few possible reasons. It has been speculated that she was unhappy with the direction of her character, that she wanted to focus on her acting career, or that she simply wanted to retire from wrestling.

It is also possible that Keibler quit WWE because she was pregnant at the time. She gave birth to her first child in 2014, and it is possible that she did not want to continue wrestling while pregnant.

Whatever the reason, Stacy Keibler is no longer a part of WWE. She has left professional wrestling behind and is now focusing on her other interests.

The WWE’s demanding schedule

While it’s no secret that the WWE has a demanding schedule, this may have been a key factor in Stacy Keibler’s decision to quit the company. In a recent interview with TVLine, Keibler revealed that she was struggling to keep up with the WWE’s hectic travel schedule.

“I was working 300 days a year and barely spending any time at home,” Keibler said. “I didn’t have a personal life.”

Keibler added that she “definitely” sees herself returning to the WWE someday, but for now, she’s focused on her new gig as a co-host of ABC’s “Supermarket Sweep.”

Lack of creativity

Stacy Keibler was one of the most popular Superstars in the WWE for many years. She was a former Divas Champion and a multi-time Woman’s Champion. However, in 2006, she decided to leave the company.

There have been many rumors as to why she left. The most popular theory is that she was simply burned out from wrestling. Another theory is that she was offered a role on the televisions show “Dancing with the Stars” and she decided to take it.

However, the real reason why Stacy Keibler quit the WWE is because she was extremely unhappy with her role in the company. For many years, she felt that she was not being used creatively and that her character was not being developed properly. Finally, after speaking with Vince McMahon, she decided to leave the company.

WWE’s changing landscape

When Stacy Keibler decided to leave WWE in 2006, it was a move that shocked the wrestling world. After all, she was one of the most popular Divas in the company and had just won the WWE Women’s Championship. So, why would she walk away from it all?

In an interview with AOL Sports, Keibler revealed that she left WWE because she felt like she was being typecast as a “girly girl” and wanted to explore other opportunities. She also didn’t like the way women were being treated in WWE at the time.

“I just felt really limited creatively,” Keibler said. “I didn’t like how women were being portrayed and I didn’t like how we were being used… I always wanted to do more than just be a Diva.”

Keibler’s decision to leave WWE came at a time when the company was going through some major changes. In 2005, WWE launched its edgier ECW brand, which featured more hardcore matches and adult-oriented storylines. This led to a decrease in airtime for the Divas, as they were considered too “girly” for ECW’s audience.

The following year, WWE introduced its new PG-rated programming, which put even more emphasis on family-friendly entertainment. This phase is often referred to as the “Attitude Era 2.0.” Once again, the Divas were left on the sidelines as WWE focused on its male Superstars.

With her options limited in WWE, Keibler decided to pursue other opportunities outside of wrestling. She made her acting debut in 2007 with a small role in the film “Super Ex-Girlfriend” and has since appeared in a number of TV shows and movies. She has also done some modeling work and launched her own lifestyle website, called StaciesAdventures.com


So, there you have it. Those are the top five reasons (in my opinion) why Stacy Keibler quit the WWE. I’m sure there are other reasons as well, but these five seem to be the most popular among fans and pundits alike.

Do you agree with my list? Do you have any other theories as to why Stacy Keibler quit the WWE? Let me know in the comments below!

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