Why Tennis Ball In Luggage?

We all know the feeling of packing for a trip and trying to make everything fit into our suitcase. So, why do we put a tennis ball in our luggage? It turns out, there are a few reasons!

Why Tennis Ball In Luggage?


Have you ever wondered why tennis balls are often seen in luggage? It turns out that there is a very good reason for this. Tennis balls are actually an excellent way to keep your clothes from wrinkling while you travel. Simply put a few tennis balls in your suitcase and they will help to keep your clothes looking fresh and wrinkle-free.

The Science Behind It

We’ve all seen it before — a traveler walking through the airport with a tennis ball in their luggage. But have you ever wondered why they’re doing it?

It turns out that there’s a scientific reason behind this peculiar travel hack. By placing a tennis ball in your suitcase, you can actually reduce the wrinkles in your clothes.

Here’s how it works: when your clothes are packed tightly into your luggage, they can become wrinkled. But by placing a tennis ball in your suitcase, you can help prevent this from happening. The tennis ball will push against your clothes and keep them from moving around too much, which will in turn help to keep them wrinkle-free.

So next time you’re packing for a trip, don’t forget to throw a tennis ball into your suitcase. It just might be the key to keeping your clothes looking their best.

Packing Tips

Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, packing your luggage correctly can make a big difference in your overall travel experience. One often-overlooked item that can come in handy during your trip is the tennis ball.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider throwing a tennis ball into your suitcase the next time you travel:

-It can help reduce wrinkles in your clothes. If you want to avoid wrinkles, pack your clothes loosely and place a tennis ball in the suitcase. As the suitcase moves around, the tennis ball will help keep your clothes from shifting and wrinkling.

-It can be used as a stress reliever. If you’re feeling stressed out during your travels, take a break and squeeze the tennis ball. The act of squeezing can help relieve tension and calm you down.

-It can be used as a makeshift doorstop. If you’re staying in a hotel room with a door that doesn’t automatically close, place the tennis ball under the door to keep it from swinging open.

-It can be used to keep your shoes from getting scuffed. If you need to pack shoes in your suitcase, place them in a plastic bag and then put a tennis ball on top of them. This will help prevent the shoes from getting scuffed or damaged during transit.

So, next time you’re packing for a trip, don’t forget to throw a tennis ball into your suitcase!


After researching this topic, we have come to the conclusion that the tennis ball in luggage phenomenon is most likely due to a myth or rumor that has been passed down from traveler to traveler. There is no concrete evidence to suggest that putting a tennis ball in your luggage will prevent creasing or help your clothes stay wrinkle-free. However, many people swear by this method, so it may be worth a try if you are looking for a way to keep your clothes looking neat and tidy on your next trip.

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