Why Was Dave Portnoy Banned From the NFL?

Dave Portnoy, the founder of Barstool Sports, was banned from NFL games after he attempted to film inside the Patriots locker room.

Why Was Dave Portnoy Banned From the NFL?


In October 2019, Dave Portnoy, the founder of Barstool Sports, was banned from the NFL. The reason for the ban was not immediately clear, but it was speculated that it had something to do with Portnoy’s criticism of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.

In the months leading up to the ban, Portnoy had been increasingly critical of Goodell, calling him a “dictator” and a “tyrant.” He also accused Goodell of being biased against the New England Patriots, and claimed that he had “ruined” the NFL.

It is unclear why exactly Portnoy was banned from the NFL, but it is possible that his criticisms of Goodell played a role in the decision.

Dave Portnoy’s NFL Ban

Dave Portnoy, the Founder of Barstool Sports, was banned from the NFL after posting a series of tweets criticizing Roger Goodell. Portnoy had been a vocal critic of Goodell’s handling of the DeflateGate scandal and the Ray Rice domestic violence incident.

Dave Portnoy’s Gambling Problem

In October of 2015, popular sports blogger Dave Portnoy, known for his site Barstool Sports, was banned from gambling on NFL games after he lost $5,000 on a bet. The reason for the ban was that Portnoy had been caught gambling on NFL games using insider information that he had obtained through his job.

Portnoy has since spoken out about his gambling problem and has admitted that it was a mistake to gamble on NFL games using insider information. He has also said that he is working to try and get himself reinstated so that he can once again gamble on NFL games.

The NFL’s Gambling Policy

In October of 2015, the NFL issued a lifetime ban to sports gambler and Daily Show fantasy sports expert, Dave Portnoy. The reason for the ban? Portnoy had violated the NFL’s strict gambling policy by placing a bet on a game.

Since the NFL views gambling as a threat to the integrity of their sport, they have a very strict policy prohibiting any team personnel from placing bets on games. This includes players, coaches, trainers, and any other staff member. Violating this policy can result in a lifetime ban from the league.

Portnoy has been outspoken about his frustration with the NFL’s gambling policy, calling it “unfair” and “hypocritical.” He has even created a petition calling for the league to change its policy. As of now, the NFL has not budged on its stance against gambling.

The Aftermath of Dave Portnoy’s NFL Ban

After a series of critical tweets, YouTube videos, and an overall negative attitude towards the NFL, Dave Portnoy has been banned from the NFL. This has caused quite a stir among his fans, with many of them wondering why he was banned in the first place. Let’s take a look at the events that led up to his ban.

How the NFL’s Gambling Policy Has Affected Dave Portnoy

Since the NFL instituted its gambling policy in 2019, Dave Portnoy has been one of its most vocal opponents. The policy, which prohibits players, coaches, and other employees from betting on NFL games, has had a profound effect on Portnoy, who is the founder and president of Barstool Sports.

In the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl, Portnoy made numerous bets on the game, both legal and illegal. He lost a significant amount of money when the New England Patriots failed to cover the spread.

After the game, Portnoy went on a profanity-laced tirade against the NFL’s gambling policy. He called the policy “stupid” and “idiotic,” and said that it was unfair to players and fans alike.

Portnoy’s criticisms of the policy have continued in the months since the Super Bowl. In February, he filed a lawsuit against the NFL, alleging that the gambling policy is unconstitutional. The case is still pending.

In March, Portnoy was banned from betting on NFL games at DraftKings, a daily fantasy sports site. He has also been banned from entering any DraftKings-sponsored events.

The NFL’s gambling policy has had a major impact on Dave Portnoy’s life. He has lost money because of it, been banned from DraftKings, and is currently embroiled in a legal battle with the league. It remains to be seen how this saga will ultimately play out.

How Dave Portnoy Has Reacted to His NFL Ban

Dave Portnoy, the founder of Barstool Sports, was banned from the NFL earlier this year. Since then, he has been very vocal about his thoughts on the NFL and its decision to ban him.

Portnoy has called the NFL “a joke” and “the most bipolar organization” he has ever dealt with. He has also said that the NFL’s treatment of him was “a disgrace” and that he was “banned for life for no reason.”

In addition to his words, Portnoy has also taken action in response to his ban. He has started a petition to have the NFL remove its ban on him, and he has also made a video in which he urinates on an NFL logo.

It is clear that Dave Portnoy is not happy with the NFL’s decision to ban him. He has been outspoken in his criticisms of the league, and he has taken action to try to get the ban lifted.


Dave Portnoy’s NFL career came to an abrupt end when he was banned from the league for life. The reason for his ban is still a mystery, but it’s possible that it was due to his involvement with gambling.

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