Why Were NFL Games Postponed?

The NFL postponed two Sunday games after positive COVID-19 tests on multiple players.
Why were these NFL games postponed?

Why Were NFL Games Postponed?

Reasons for Postponement

Recently, two NFL games were postponed due to positive COVID-19 tests within the teams. The games were supposed to be played on Sunday, but were moved to Monday and Tuesday instead. There are a few reasons why the NFL decided to postpone the games. Let’s take a look.

Lack of available players

One reason for the postponement of NFL games is the lack of available players. A minimum of 53 players are needed to suit up for an NFL game, but a team may only have 46 active players on game day. A team may have no more than eight inactive players, who are typically backups or players with injuries that prevent them from playing. If a team does not have enough healthy players to field a 53-man roster, the game will be postponed.

Another reason for postponement is inclement weather. If the conditions are deemed too dangerous for the players and fans, the game will be postponed. This can happen due to hurricanes, thunderstorms, blizzards, or any other severe weather condition.

Lastly, logistical issues can lead to the postponement of an NFL game. For example, if there is a power outage at the stadium or if the playing field is deemed unplayable due to poor conditions, the game will be postponed.

COVID-19 outbreaks among teams

NFL games were postponed in 2020 due to COVID-19 outbreaks among teams. This was necessary in order to protect the players, staff, and fans from the virus. The NFL is committed to providing a safe environment for all.

Potential Consequences

Last Sunday, two NFL games were postponed due to positive COVID-19 tests among players. One game was rescheduled for Monday night, while the other was rescheduled for later in the season. This postponement caused a domino effect throughout the league, as all subsequent games had to be rescheduled as well. While the NFL has been playing through the pandemic thus far, this development raises a number of potential consequences.

Further postponements

The NFL has already had to postpone two games due to positive Covid-19 cases within teams, and there is a possibility that further postponements could occur. If the virus continues to spread within NFL locker rooms, it could disrupt the entire season. There is also a risk that players could start contracting more serious illnesses, which could have long-term consequences for their health.

Cancellation of the season

If the NFL season is cancelled, it would have a domino effect on the entire sports world. College and high school football games would be cancelled, as well as all other professional sports. This would lead to a decrease in viewership and a decrease in revenue for all networks across the board. There would also be a decrease in revenue for the NFL itself, which could lead to layoffs and furloughs for employees.

How Fans Have Reacted

The NFL has postponed all of this week’s games in the wake of the tragic events that took place in Baltimore on Monday night following the funeral of Freddie Gray. This decision was made out of respect for the city of Baltimore and the request of Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. Fans have had mixed reactions to this decision.


Many fans are angry about the postponement of NFL games in week 4, with some even calling for a boycott of the league. Some believe that the NFL is putting player safety above the fans, and are not happy about it.

Some fans are also angry about the fact that they will not be able to watch their favorite team play this week. Many people have already paid for tickets and NFL Sunday Ticket, and they feel like they are not getting what they paid for.

Others believe that the NFL is putting too much emphasis on player safety and not enough on the fans. They argue that if the league is truly worried about player safety, they would cancel the season altogether.


While most NFL fans were disappointed by the postponement of games due to the COVID-19 outbreak, some understand the need for safety. One fan said, “It’s unfortunate that we won’t be able to watch our favorite team play this weekend, but I’d rather them be safe than sorry.” Another fan commented, “I’m not happy about it, but I understand why they’re doing it. Better safe than sorry.”


In the last few weeks, there have been a number of NFL games postponed due to positive Covid-19 tests within team organizations. This has caused a lot of confusion and mixed reactions from fans.

On one hand, some fans understand the gravity of the situation and think that the NFL is taking the necessary precautions to keep players and staff safe. Others believe that the NFL is overreacting and that the games should go on as scheduled.

Still, others think that postponing games is an inconvenience and are angry that their team’s season may be affected. Whatever their opinion, fans are certainly paying attention to how their teams are handling the situation.

The NFL has been quick to adjust its policies as new information about Covid-19 becomes available. It is clear that they are trying to strike a balance between keeping players safe and keeping the season on track. Only time will tell if they are successful.

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