Will Baseball Go On Strike?

As the MLB season approaches, there is growing concern that the league will go on strike. Will baseball go on strike?


Will baseball go on strike? That’s the big question looming over the sport as the calendar flips to August. Collective bargaining agreement negotiations between Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association have not been going well, with both sides seeming far apart on several key issues. If a new deal isn’t reached by the end of the current CBA on December 1, 2021, we could see another MLB work stoppage.

What is a Strike?

In baseball, a strike is a called pitch (one where the batter doesn’t swing) that is judged to be in the strike zone by the umpire, as described in Rule 6.01 of Major League Baseball’s Official Rules. A strikes happens when a pitcher throws any combination of three strikes to a batter during his time at bat. Strikes are bad for the batter and good for the pitcher.

What is the Purpose of a Strike?

The purpose of a strike is to force the employer to make concessions on wages, hours, or working conditions. In most cases, workers vote to authorize their union representatives to call a strike if negotiations with management fail to produce an agreement. Once a strike is called, the union and management usually try to reach a negotiated settlement before or during the course of the work stoppage. If no settlement is reached and the strikers remain out on the picket line, they may eventually vote to end the strike and return to work.

What Happens When There is a Strike?

The last MLB strike happened in 1994 and lasted from August 12th to April 2nd, 1995.
A strike is when the players refuse to play until they get a better contract with the team’s owners.
The main reason for the 1994 strike was because the players wanted a salary cap and the owners were not willing to budge.
In the end, the owners won and the players had to settle for less money.

Who Decides if There will be a Strike?

The Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) is the union that represents all current Major League Baseball players. The MLBPA has been in existence since 1966, and is responsible for negotiating labor agreements on behalf of the players. The most recent labor agreement between the MLBPA and Major League Baseball was negotiated in 2011, and runs through the 2021 season.

The MLBPA has the right to strike if they feel that the terms of the labor agreement are not fair to the players. A strike could happen if the MLBPA and Major League Baseball cannot agree on a new labor agreement, or if the MLBPA feels that the terms of the current labor agreement are not being met by Major League Baseball.

The decision to go on strike is made by a vote of the MLBPA membership. If the majority of MLBPA members vote to authorize a strike, then the MLBPA can choose to call a strike at any time.

It is impossible to predict whether or not there will be a strike in 2021, as it will depend on a number of factors, including the negotiations between the MLBPA and Major League Baseball, and the vote of the MLBPA membership.

What are the Chances of a Strike?

With the current collective bargaining agreement between MLB and the MLBPA set to expire on December 1, 2021, both sides have already begun preparations for a potential work stoppage. While neither side wants a strike, the chances of one happening are certainly increasing.

The biggest issue dividing MLB and the MLBPA is revenue sharing. Under the current system, the league’s haves (large-market teams like the New York Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers) share a portion of their local revenues with the have-nots (small-market teams like the Pittsburgh Pirates and Kansas City Royals). The players want a larger percentage of local revenues to be shared, while the owners want to keep more of that money for themselves.

Another key issue is the luxury tax. Currently, teams that exceed a certain payroll threshold (set at $210 million for 2019) have to pay a luxury tax to the league. The owners would like to see that threshold raised, while the players want it lowered.

These are just two of the many issues that need to be resolved before a new CBA can be agreed upon. With both sides far apart on these and other issues, it’s looking increasingly likely that we could see a strike in 2022.


In conclusion, it is difficult to predict whether or not baseball will go on strike. However, there are several factors that could lead to a strike, such as the increasing salaries of players and the increasing number of teams. If a strike does occur, it could have serious consequences for the game of baseball.

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