Will CM Punk Ever Return to WWE?

The debate rages on about whether CM Punk will ever return to WWE. Some say he’s done with wrestling for good, while others believe he’s just taking a break.


Will CM Punk ever return to WWE? It’s a question that has been asked ever since he walked out on the company back in 2014.

Punk is one of the most popular wrestlers in WWE history, and his fans have been hoping for his return ever since he left. However, there has been no indication from Punk or WWE that this is a possibility.

It seems unlikely that Punk will ever return to WWE, but stranger things have happened in the world of professional wrestling. Only time will tell if Punk will one day make his way back to WWE.

Punk’s First Departure

In January 2014, Punk walked out of the WWE after it was reported that he was unhappy with his position in the company. He was reportedly frustrated with the direction of his character and had requested time off, but was denied. Punk then went on a hiatus, during which he publicly criticized WWE’s medical staff and management. He officially left WWE in July 2014.

Punk’s Return

In November of 2011, WWE Superstar CM Punk shocked the wrestling world when he left WWE suddenly, just days before Survivor Series. His contract had expired and instead of signing a new one, he simply walked out. Punk would soon explain his reasons for leaving in a now-infamous podcast with wrestling personality Colt Cabana. He cited creative differences, amongst other things, as his primary motivation for leaving.

In the years since his departure, Punk has made it clear that he has no intention of returning to WWE. He has even gone so far as to say that he would rather retire than return to the company.

However, there have been some recent signs that Punk may be open to a return to WWE after all. In November of 2016, almost five years to the day after he left WWE, Punk appeared on Stone Cold Steve Austin’s podcast. While he didn’t give any indication that he was interested in returning to WWE, he did leave the door open for a potential return at some point in the future.

Then, in July of 2018, Punk was spotted backstage at a WWE event for the first time in years. He was interviewed by Renee Young and while he again didn’t say anything about returning to WWE, he didn’t rule it out either.

So the question remains: will CM Punk ever return to WWE? Only time will tell but it certainly seems like a possibility at this point.

The Second Departure

On January 27, 2014, it was reported that Punk had walked out on WWE, days before the Royal Rumble. This was later confirmed by Punk himself in an interview with Colt Cabana, in which he stated that he left WWE due to creative differences and a lack of enjoyment with his current role. He also noted that he was injured during his time with WWE and had been frustrated with how WWE was handling his injuries.


Punk’s current relationship with WWE is seemingly broken beyond repair, and it doesn’t look like there’s any interest from either side to mend things. Punk has made it clear that he harbors ill will towards WWE and Vince McMahon in particular, so it doesn’t seem like a return is likely anytime soon. Punk has also found success outside of wrestling in recent years, so it’s unlikely that he would consider returning to WWE even if the offer was on the table.

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