Will Esports Be In The 2020 Olympics?

Esports has been growing exponentially in recent years with no signs of slowing down. But will this newfangled sport make it into the 2020 Olympics?


With the 2020 Olympics just around the corner, many people are wondering if esports will make an appearance in the games. After all, the International Olympic Committee has already shown interest in the gaming industry by including it in the 2018 Asian Games.

So far, there is no official word on whether esports will be included in the 2020 Olympics. However, some gaming experts believe that it is only a matter of time before competitive gaming is featured in the world’s biggest sporting event.

Here’s a look at some of the reasons why esports could make its debut at the 2020 Olympics:

The International Olympic Committee is already interested in gaming
As mentioned above, the IOC has already taken steps to include gaming in international competitions. In fact, IOC president Thomas Bach has said that he sees “no reason why esports cannot be recognized as a sport.”

Many of the world’s biggest sports organizations are already involved in esports
If you need any more proof that esports is becoming a big deal, just look at some of the major sports organizations that have invested in competitive gaming. These include the NBA, NFL, and MLS.

The 2020 Olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan – a country with a strong gaming culture
It’s no coincidence that one of the countries with the strongest gaming cultures just happens to be hosting the 2020 Olympics. Japan is home to many popular video game franchises, including Mario and Pokémon. It’s also home to several professional esports organizations, such as DetonatioN Gaming.

Only time will tell if esports will make an appearance at the 2020 Olympics. However, given all of the evidence above, it seems likely that we could see competitive gaming on an international stage sooner rather than later.

What are Esports?

The International Olympic Committee is considering adding esports to the 2024 Olympics. But what are esports?

“Esports” is short for “electronic sports.” Esports are competitive video games. The games are similar to traditional sports like basketball, football, and hockey. But instead of playing with a physical ball or puck, players compete using video game controllers.

Esports began in the 1970s, when people started playing video games for fun and prizes. In the 1990s, esports began to grow in popularity. Today, there are professional esports leagues all over the world. The best players can earn millions of dollars playing video games!

The International Olympic Committee is considering adding esports to the 2024 Olympics. This would be a huge step for the growing sport. If approved, esports would join other “mind sports” like chess and bridge as an official Olympic event.

The Growth of Esports

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has taken notice of the growing popularity of esports and is considering adding them to the roster of sports for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Esports are electronic sports, a form of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, usually video games.

The IOC sees the potential for esports to help reach its goal of attracting a younger audience to the Olympics. In addition, the IOC believes that esports could provide a level playing field for athletes from all over the world, regardless of economic status.

The IOC has not yet made a decision on whether or not to include esports in the 2020 Olympics, but it is expected to announce its decision in late 2017 or early 2018.

The 2020 Olympics

The 2020 Olympics will be the first games to feature esports as a medal event. There are currently no plans to include esports in the 2024 Olympics, but the IOC has not ruled out the possibility.

The inclusion of esports in the 2020 Olympics is a controversial topic, with some people arguing that it is not a true sport and does not deserve to be included in the games. However, there is no denying that esports is a booming industry with a huge global following, and it is likely that we will see more events added in future years.

Why Esports Should be in the Olympics

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is considering adding esports to the list of sports for the 2020 Tokyo Games. While some people are opposed to the idea of video gaming being considered a sport, there are many good reasons why esports should be in the Olympics.

For one, esports is a growing industry with a large global audience. According to a report by Newzoo, there are now 2.2 billion gamers around the world, and the global esports economy is expected to reach $696 million by 2018. That’s larger than the economies of countries like Costa Rica and Afghanistan.

Secondly, esports requires as much skill and training as traditional sports. Professional gamers train for hours every day to hone their skills and reflexes. They also have to strategize and work together as a team. As former Major League Gaming CEO Mike Sepso told Time magazine, “It takes as much effort to be a pro gamer as it does to be a professional athlete in traditional sports.”

Thirdly, esports tournaments are already being held at iconic sporting venues like Madison Square Garden and Wembley Stadium. And fourthly, many of the world’s biggest brands, including Coca-Cola, Intel and Red Bull, are already sponsoring professional gamers and teams.

So there are plenty of good reasons why esports should be in the Olympics. It’s time for the IOC to recognize gaming as a legitimate sport and give it the platform it deserves.

Why Esports Shouldn’t be in the Olympics

Some people may be wondering why esports shouldn’t be in the Olympics. Well, there are a couple of reasons.

The first reason is that many of the games that would be featured in esports are incredibly violent. For example, games like “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” and “Overwatch” feature characters who shoot and kill one another. It’s hard to see how such a thing could be considered a sport, let alone one that should be in the Olympics.

The second reason is that esports is still a relatively young industry, and it’s not clear if it will have the same kind of staying power as traditional sports. It’s possible that esports could fizzle out in the next few years, and it would be a shame to see the Olympics add an event only to have it disappear soon after.

So, while there are some arguments for why esports should be in the Olympics, there are also some fairly strong arguments against it. Only time will tell if esports will ultimately make its way into the world’s biggest sporting event.


It’s looking more and more likely that esports could be a part of the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. The International Olympic Committee has shown interest in the idea, and a host of big-name brands have already started getting involved in the world of competitive gaming. While there are still some hurdles to overcome, it seems like esports could soon be making its way to the biggest stage in sports.

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