Will John Cena Return To WWE?

As we all know, John Cena took some time off from WWE earlier this year. This has led to many fans wondering if he will return to the company. While we don’t know for sure what Cena’s plans are, we can speculate based on what we know.

Will John Cena Return To WWE?


John Cena is one of the most popular WWE Superstars of all time. He is a 16-time WWE Champion and has held numerous other titles over the course of his career. However, Cena has been absent from WWE television for several months now, leading many to wonder if he will ever return.

only time will tell if Cena will make a return to WWE, but it seems unlikely at this point.

John Cena’s hiatus

John Cena is currently on hiatus from WWE, and has not been seen on WWE programming since late October. There have been rumors swirling as to when or if Cena will return to WWE, but as of right now, there is no set date for his return.

Cena is currently filming a movie called “The Suicide Squad” which is set to be released in 2021. Cena has said in the past that he takes his movie commitments very seriously and that they always come first. If filming for “The Suicide Squad” runs long, it’s possible that we won’t see Cena back in a WWE ring until 2022.

Only time will tell when or if John Cena will return to WWE, but it’s safe to say that the fans would love to see him back.

John Cena’s recent movie roles

John Cena has been in some pretty big movies lately, and while he’s still technically a WWE superstar, many fans are wondering if he’s planning on leaving the company for good to pursue a full-time acting career.

Cena has always been open about his love for both WWE and Hollywood, and while he’s said in the past that he would never leave WWE for good, it does seem like he’s been increasingly focusing on his movie roles as of late.

Some of Cena’s recent movie roles include starring alongside Mark Wahlberg in the Transformers franchise, voicing the character of Ferdinand the bull in the animated film of the same name, and appearing in the comedies Sisters and Trainwreck.

While Cena has said that he feels like he can do both WWE and Hollywood, it seems like his movie career is really taking off, so it’s possible that we may see him wrestle less and less in the future. Only time will tell!

The Rock’s recent WWE return

The recent return of WWE superstar The Rock has many WWE fans wondering if John Cena will make a similar return soon. While it’s unlikely that Cena will make a full-time return to WWE, it’s possible that he may make occasional appearances, as he has done in the past.

John Cena’s possible WWE return

As one of the most popular WWE Superstars of all time, John Cena’s name is always one that comes up when fans discuss a possible return to WWE.

While Cena has not been seen on WWE television since he lost to Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 35 in April 2019, that doesn’t mean that a return is not possible.

In fact, there have been numerous reports over the past year that Cena has been in talks with WWE about making a return to the company.

The most recent report came from Wrestling Observer Radio’s Dave Meltzer, who said on the January 4, 2020 episode of the show that Cena had recently been in talks with WWE about a return.

While nothing is confirmed at this time, it is certainly possible that we could see John Cena back in a WWE ring in the near future.


Based on the information that is currently available, it does not seem likely that John Cena will return to WWE in the near future. However, anything could change and he could always make a surprise return at any time.

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