Will the NBA Cancel the Season?

The NBA season is in jeopardy due to the coronavirus pandemic. Will the league cancel the season? We discuss the possibility here.

The NBA’s Dilemma

The NBA is in a tough spot. With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of slowing down, the league is facing the very real possibility of having to cancel the season. This would be a huge blow to not only the players, but also the fans and the businesses that rely on the NBA. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of cancelling the season.

The NBA’s financial losses

The NBA is facing a significant financial crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The league has already lost over $1 billion in revenue, and this number is expected to rise. If the season is cancelled, the NBA will lose even more money. This is a difficult decision for the league, as they must weigh the financial losses against the health and safety of their players and staff.

The NBA’s public image

The NBA has long been criticized for prioritizing its public image over the well-being of its players. With the recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus, that criticism has reached a fever pitch.

The virus, which has killed thousands of people worldwide, has led to the cancellation or postponement of several major sporting events. But as of now, the NBA is still planning to start its season on time in late October.

Many people feel that the NBA is putting its own interests ahead of the safety of its players and employees. The league has already been accused of downplaying the seriousness of the virus, and there are concerns that it could be spreading among players who are in close contact with each other on the court.

There is also worry that if the season does start on time, it could be interrupted at any moment if the virus begins to spread among players and staff. This would not only be a disaster for the league, but could also have a devastating impact on public health.

The NBA is facing a difficult decision, and it remains to be seen whether it will choose to prioritize its public image or the safety of its players and employees.

The NBA’s Options

The NBA is in a difficult position. With the COVID-19 pandemic raging on, the league has to decide if it’s going to cancel the season. If the season were to be cancelled, it would be a huge financial blow to the league. The league is also considering other options, such as playing the season in empty arenas or playing in a bubble. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each option.

Cancelling the season

The NBA is facing a dilemma. The 2019-2020 season has been put on hold due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, and now the league must decide if it will cancel the season or try to resume play at some point. This decision will not be easy, as there are pros and cons to both options.

If the NBA decides to cancel the season, it would be doing so for the safety of its players, staff, and fans. This would be the right thing to do from a public health standpoint, as large gatherings are still considered to be high-risk activities. Cancelling the season would also allow the league to focus its attention on next season, which would give players and staff more time to prepare for what could be a very different landscape.

However, cancelling the season would also come with a number of drawbacks. First, it would mean forfeiting billions of dollars in revenue. Second, it would disappoint fans who have been looking forward to watching their favorite teams compete for a championship. Finally, it would throw into question the future of the league itself, as some wondered if the NFL might face similar challenges in the coming years.

The NBA could also choose to resume play at some point, either by finishing the regular season or jumping straight into the playoffs. This would allow teams to finish what they started and give fans something to cheer for during a time when there is little else going on in the sports world. It would also generate much needed revenue for both the league and its teams.

However, resuming play would also come with its own set of risks. First and foremost amongst these is player safety, as it is still unclear how long this virus will continue to pose a threat. Additionally, there is no guarantee that fans will actually return to arenas even if games do resume, which could further jeopardize revenues. Finally, there is always the possibility that further postponements or cancellations could occur if outbreaks flare up again in areas where teams are located

Playing the season in empty arenas

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is considering playing the 2020-2021 season in empty arenas, due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

This would be a significant change from the norm, as NBA games are typically played in front of large crowds of fans. Playing in empty arenas would be a way to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, as there would be no fans present to potentially spread the virus.

There are some drawbacks to this plan, however. First, it would likely lead to a decline in revenue for the league and its teams, as ticket sales are a major source of income for the NBA. Second, it could have a negative impact on players’ morale, as playing in front of empty seats can be draining and dispiriting.

Ultimately, the decision on whether or not to play the season in empty arenas will come down to a weighing of risks and benefits by league officials. It is possible that they will decide that the risks posed by playing in front of fans are simply too great, and that playing in empty arenas is the best way to protect both players and staff.

Playing the season in arenas with fans

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is considering playing the 2020-21 season in arenas without fans due to the COVID-19 pandemic, sources told ESPN.

The league has been evaluating the option of playing games in multiple cities that would serve as “hubs” for a significant portion of the regular season, much like the NHL did this past season, sources said. However, nothing is close to being finalized, sources said.

The NBA has also been looking at holding its All-Star Weekend in one city instead of its traditional format of having events in multiple cities, as it did this year in Chicago, sources said.

Right now, the NBA’s plan is to start the 2020-21 regular season on Dec. 1 — which would be about two months later than its typical start date in October. But that timeline could change depending on how the pandemic progresses and what restrictions are in place at that time.

What Other Leagues Are Doing

The NBA has not yet made a decision on whether or not to cancel the season. Other leagues have already taken action. The NHL has decided to suspend their season indefinitely. The MLS has also suspended their season.


The NHL is one of the major professional ice hockey leagues in North America, currently comprising 31 teams: 24 in the United States and 7 in Canada. The Stanley Cup, the oldest professional sports trophy in North America, is awarded annually to the league playoff champion at the end of each season.

The National Hockey League was established in 1917 as the successor to the National Hockey Association (NHA). After a series of arguments between owners of the NHA’s Toronto Blueshirts, who had won three Stanley Cups since 1915, and Frank Calder, followings several failed attempts to resolve thorny issues with regards to players’ salaries and length of service, several of the NHA’s owners founded a new league by bringing together five former NHA clubs and three former Pacific Coast Hockey Association teams.


The MLB has not officially announced that they will be cancelling their season, but they have said that they are considering it. If they do cancel their season, it would be the first time since World War II that the MLB has not played a season.


The NFL has been monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and is in regular contact with CDC, public health experts and other government officials. Our paramount concern is the health and safety of our players, employees and fans. We are committed to taking appropriate steps to ensure that we are prepared and advises on how to best manage our practices, facilities and events.
Currently, there are no changes to our season schedule. We will continue to monitor developments and consulted with experts as we review our plans for the 2020 NFL season.

What the NBA Should Do

The NBA should consider cancelling the season. There are a few reasons for this. First, the pandemic is still raging in many parts of the country. Second, the social unrest is also a factor. Third, the financial situation of the league is not good. Let’s take a look at each of these in more detail.

The best option for the NBA

The NBA should cancel the season. This is the best option for the league because it will protect the players and allow the league to focus on next season.

The NBA has been facing a lot of criticism lately for how they have handled the COVID-19 pandemic. The league has been accused of not doing enough to protect its players, and of putting profits ahead of safety.

However, cancelling the season would be the best way to protect the players and ensure that the league can rebound next season. It would also be a huge financial hit for the league, but it is preferable to risking further spread of the virus.

The worst option for the NBA

The 2020 NBA season has been one of the most tumultuous in recent memory. First, the season was put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, after a lengthy hiatus, the season resumed in a bubble at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Now, with just a few weeks left in the playoffs, it appears that the season may once again be in jeopardy.

The source of the latest crisis is twofold. First, there have been a number of positive COVID-19 tests among players and team staff members inside the Orlando bubble. Second, and perhaps more importantly, a number of players have expressed their frustration with the league’s handling of social justice issues. In particular, players have criticized the league for its decision to resume the season while Black Lives Matter protests were still ongoing across the country.

With all of this turmoil, it’s no wonder that some are calling for the NBA to cancel the rest of the season. While this may seem like the logical solution, it would actually be the worst possible outcome for everyone involved.

First and foremost, cancelling the season would be financially devastating for the league and its players. The NBA is already facing significant losses due to COVID-19, and cancelling the season would only compound those problems. Moreover, many players are relying on their salaries from this season to support themselves and their families. Taking that away from them would be incredibly unfair.

Second, cancelling the season would be detrimental to player safety. Although there have been positive COVID-19 tests inside the Orlando bubble, it remains one of the safest places for players to be right now. If they were to leave Orlando and return home to their families, they would be putting themselves and their loved ones at risk of contracting coronavirus.

Finally, cancelling the season would send a terrible message about social justice. Players have sacrificed so much to bring attention to important issues like racial inequality and police brutality. If they were to walk away from all of that now, it would send a message that their sacrifices were pointless and that they didn’t believe in what they were fighting for in the first place.

So what should the NBA do? The answer is simple: finish out the season safely inside Orlando’s bubble and use this moment as an opportunity to continue raising awareness about social justice issues through education and action


After careful consideration of the options, it seems that the most likely outcome is that the NBA will cancel the season. This is obviously a disappointing result for fans, but it seems to be the best decision for the league at this time.

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