Will The NFL Go Back To 16 Games?

It’s looking more and more likely that the NFL will go back to a 16 game regular season. Here’s why.

Will The NFL Go Back To 16 Games?

The NFL is considering going back to 16 games

The NFL is considering going back to 16 games, but there are pros and cons to this decision.

On the one hand, 16 games is the traditional length of an NFL season and fans may prefer this format. Plus, shorter seasons can lead to more injuries since players are more likely to be fatigued.

On the other hand, 17 games gives teams a chance to make up for losses early in the season, and it provides more revenue for the league. Plus, players may prefer the 17-game format since they would have an extra bye week to rest and recover.

Ultimately, it will be up to the NFL owners to decide whether to go back to 16 games or keep the current 17-game format.

The players are against it

The NFL is currently debating whether or not to go back to 16 games. The players are against it, as they feel it would be too much of a physical toll on their bodies. The owners are in favor of it, as they feel it would increase revenue. It is unclear at this time what the final decision will be.

The fans are for it

The 16-game schedule has been in place since 1978, but there has been talk in recent years about expanding the season to 18 games. Some have argued that this would give players a chance to earn more money, while others have said that it would lead to more injuries and decrease the quality of play.

Now, it looks like the fans are getting their say. In a recent poll, 62% of NFL fans said they would like to see the season expanded to 18 games. Just 28% said they were happy with the current 16-game schedule.

There are pros and cons to both sides of this argument, but it seems like the fans are ready for a change. It will be interesting to see if the NFL listens to them.

The NFL is trying to negotiate with the players

The NFL is trying to negotiate with the players to go back to a 16 game season. The NFLPA is not happy with this proposal.

The NFL is looking at other options

The National Football League is looking at other options for the upcoming season amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The NFL is reportedly discussing the possibility of playing a shorter season, with 14 or even 16 games instead of the usual 16. The league is also said to be considering expanding the playoffs to include more teams.

The league is expected to make a decision on the matter in the next few weeks.

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