Will the NFL Have 2 National Anthems?

The NFL has come under fire in recent years for its handling of the National Anthem. Some people believe that the league should have two anthems, one for the United States and one for Canada. What do you think?

NFL’s current situation

The NFL is currently in a situation where they could potentially have two national anthems played before their games. This is due to the recent protests against racial injustice and police brutality. Some people believe that the NFL should only have one national anthem, while others believe that they should have two. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each opinion.

Protests during the national anthem

Since 2016, NFL players have been kneeling during the national anthem to protest against police brutality and racial injustice. The protests have dividing the nation, with some people arguing that the players are disrespecting the flag and the military, and others arguing that the players are exercising their right to free speech.

The NFL has tried to stay out of the debate, but recently, they’ve come under pressure from President Trump to take action against the protests. On October 10th, Trump tweeted that “if NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast.”

In response to Trump’s tweet, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell issued a statement saying that “the NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture.” Goodell also said that “there is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we’ve experienced over the last month.”

It’s unclear what action the NFL will take next, but it’s clear that they are feeling pressure from both sides of the debate.

Players speaking out

In the past week, many NFL players have taken a knee during the pre-game National Anthem to protest racial inequality and police brutality in America. This movement was started last year by then-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who continues to kneel during the Anthem.

This season, more players have joined the protest, and some teams have even linked arms in solidarity. The demonstrations have been met with mixed reactions from fans and the league itself.

On Tuesday, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell released a statement saying that “it is an important time in our country” and that “we stand for equality and inclusion.” He also said that “the NFL family is greatly diverse” and that “we all come together on Sundays to watch great football.”

However, not everyone agrees with Goodell’s statements. On Wednesday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said that any player who kneels during the Anthem should be “fired.” He also said that the NFL is “losing massive numbers of viewers” because of the protests.

At this time, it is unclear what action, if any, the NFL will take in regards to the Anthem protests. However, with more players speaking out and taking a stand, it seems likely that this issue will continue to be a hot-button topic in the league for weeks to come.

The NFL’s possible response

In the wake of Colin Kaepernick’s protests during the national anthem, some have called for the NFL to have two national anthems played before games. This would allow for those who wish to stand for the anthem to do so, while also giving those who wish to protest the anthem a platform to do so as well. There are pros and cons to this idea, and it remains to be seen if the NFL will actually implement it.

Playing both anthems

In the face of mounting protests over racial injustice, some NFL players have suggested that the league play both “The Star-Spangled Banner” and “Lift Every Voice and Sing” before games this season.

The idea was first floated by San Francisco 49ers safety Eric Reid in 2016, but it has gained new traction in the wake of George Floyd’s death and the subsequent worldwide protests against police brutality and systemic racism.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement on June 5 that the league is “Encouraged by the many players, coaches and executives who have joined the unparalleled unity talks.” He added that the NFL believes Black lives matter.

Goodell did not specifically address whether the league would play both anthems this season, but he said the league is “committed to continuing our work toward making meaningful progress on issues of social justice.”

Reid, who has been one of the most vocal players on social justice issues since he entered the league in 2013, told CNN he believes playing both anthems would be a powerful gesture by the NFL.

“I think it would be a beautiful thing,” Reid said. “You have this amazing country that was built on principles of liberty and justice for all … but we don’t always live up to those principles. So, to be able to play both anthems … it would just show how far we’ve come as a country.”

Letting the players choose

The NFL is considering letting players choose whether they want to stand for the national anthem, a league spokesperson said Wednesday.

“The NFL is committed to working with the players to identify solutions and to continue to make progress on important social issues affecting our communities,” a league spokesperson said in a statement to USA TODAY Sports.

The statement comes after reports surfaced Tuesday night that the NFL was planning to have two national anthems played before games – one for the United States and one for Canada – in order to avoid potential protests by players during “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller was among the first players to respond to the reports, tweeting that he would “be standing” for both anthems.

The fans’ reaction

There has been a lot of talk about whether or not the NFL will have two national anthems this year. Some people are in favor of it, while others are against it. I think it would be a good idea to have two national anthems because it would show that the NFL is a diverse league. It would also be a good way to get more people to stand up and show their patriotism.

How would they feel about it?

The idea of having two national anthems played before NFL games – one for the US and one for England – has been met with mixed reactions from fans.

Some feel that it would be a sign of respect for the UK, while others believe that it would be disrespectful to America.

There are also those who feel that it would be a unifying moment, and a chance to show the world that America and England are two nations that can come together and respect each other.

Whatever the reaction, it is sure to be a topic of conversation amongst NFL fans for many years to come.

Would they watch the game?

The short answer to this question is we don’t know. The more detailed answer is it depends on how fans would react to seeing two national anthems before an NFL game.

We do know that television ratings for the NFL have been declining over the past few years. This has been attributed to a variety of factors including player protests during the National Anthem, fan apathy towards certain teams, and cord-cutting (consumers dumping expensive cable packages in favor of cheaper streaming options).

It’s possible that adding a second National Anthem could reverse this trend by making the NFL appear more patriotic and inclusive. It could also backfire spectacularly if fans see it as a cynical marketing ploy or an attempt to silence free speech.

Ultimately, it would be up to the fans to decide whether or not they would watch an NFL game that featured two National Anthems. We may find out soon enough as the league is reportedly considering this change for next season.

The players’ reaction

The NFL has been in the news a lot lately, and not for good reasons. The players have been protesting during the national anthem, and now there is talk of having two national anthems. The players have not reacted well to this idea. Let’s see what they have to say.

How would they feel about it?

Many of the players who spoke out against kneeling during the anthem said they would be okay with two anthems being played.

“I think it would be a good thing,” said Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett. “I think it would show more unity within the country.”

Bengals defensive back Dre Kirkpatrick echoed Bennett’s sentiment, saying, “I think it would be a good idea. Two anthems. One for America, one forAll.”

Some players, like 49ers safety Eric Reid, said they would prefertwo anthems to continued protests during the pre-game song.

“Kneeling was never about disrespecting our military or our flag,” Reid tweeted in 2017. “It was always about bringing awareness to police brutality and racial injustice.”

If the NFL does choose to play two anthems, it could look to Major League Soccer as an example. MLS has been playing both “The Star-Spangled Banner” and “O Canada” before its games since 2007.

Would they still protest?

given that the NFL is 80 percent black, many of the players themselves have been vocal about their own experiences with police brutality and racial inequality. It’s likely that even if there were two national anthems played, some players would still kneel in protest during one or both songs.

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