Will the NFL Play the National Anthem in 2021?

The NFL has not yet announced whether or not they will play the national anthem at games in 2021. This has caused some speculation as to whether or not they will do so.

The current situation

The National Football League (NFL) has been embroiled in a National Anthem controversy ever since Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem in 2016. The protests have continued off and on over the past few years, with President Donald Trump weighing in on the issue multiple times. Recently, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said that the league “is committed to working with our players to strengthen our communities and advance social justice.” It’s unclear if this means that the NFL will require players to stand for the National Anthem in 2021, but it’s a possibility.

Why the NFL might not play the National Anthem in 2021

In 2020, the NFL changed its policy on the National Anthem. For the first time in years, players were allowed to stay in the locker room while the anthem was played. The move was a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and a way to allow players to protest social injustice without having to be on the field.

Now, with the pandemic winding down and fans expected to return to stadiums in 2021, it’s unclear if the NFL will continue to allow players to stay in the locker room during the anthem. Some believe that bringing fans back will require the league to return to its old policy of making all players stand on the sidelines for the anthem. Others believe that the league should continue to let players choose whether or not they want to participate in the anthem.

It’s possible that the NFL could come up with a compromise solution, like allowing players to stay in the locker room if they don’t want to stand for the anthem, but we’ll have to wait and see what happens when 2021 rolls around.

The possible consequences of not playing the National Anthem

The NFL has come under fire in recent years for not playing the National Anthem before games. This has led to many fans and players alike asking whether or not the NFL will play the National Anthem in 2021.

There are a few possible consequences of not playing the National Anthem before NFL games. First, it could lead to a decline in viewership as many fans tune in specifically to hear the National Anthem. Second, it could also lead to a decline in sponsorship revenue as companies may be less likely to sponsor a league that is not patriotic. Finally, it could also lead to players refusing to stand for the National Anthem if it is played, which would be considered disrespectful.

Ultimately, whether or not the NFL plays the National Anthem in 2021 is up to them. However, there are potential consequences that should be considered before making a decision.

The history of the National Anthem in the NFL

In 2021, the NFL will be required to play the National Anthem before every game, as per a new rule passed by the league. This rule was not in place in 2020, which led to some controversy. Let’s take a look at the history of the National Anthem in the NFL.

How and when the National Anthem started being played in the NFL

The United States National Anthem was first played at a sporting event in 1918, during the seventh-inning stretch of Game One of the World Series between the Boston Red Sox and the Chicago Cubs. The tradition of playing the National Anthem before sporting events quickly caught on, and by the end of World War II, it was common for the National Anthem to be played at baseball, football, and basketball games.

It wasn’t until 2009 that the National Anthem became a mandatory part of NFL games. This was largely in response to criticism directed at then-NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for not doing enough to support military families. Since then, the National Anthem has been played prior to every NFL game.

There has been some debate in recent years as to whether or not the National Anthem should continue to be played at NFL games. Some argue that it is a way to show support for the military and those who have served our country. Others believe that it is a political statement that does not belong in a sporting event.

The NFL has not yet made a decision on whether or not they will play the National Anthem during the 2021 season.

Why the National Anthem is played in the NFL

It is a tradition that dates back to the early days of the NFL, when military bands would perform “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games. The tradition continued as the league grew and became more popular, and by the time the Super Bowl began in 1967, it was considered a sign of patriotism to stand and sing the National Anthem before the biggest football game of the year.

In recent years, however, the tradition has come under scrutiny. Some people feel that it is inappropriate to play the National Anthem at a sporting event, while others believe that it is a sign of respect for the country and its military.

The issue came to a head in 2016, when then-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt during the National Anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality. Kaepernick’s decision sparked a national debate, and other players began following his lead.

Since then, the NFL has implemented a policy requiring players to stand during the National Anthem if they are on the field, but they are not required to do so if they are in the locker room. However, this policy was put on hold in 2020 due to COVID-19.

It is unclear whether or not the NFL will play the National Anthem in 2021. However, with tensions still high across America, it seems likely that this will continue to be a controversial issue among fans and players alike.

The future of the National Anthem in the NFL

The National Anthem has been played before NFL games for decades, but there has been recent debate over whether or not it should continue to be played. There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. Let’s take a look at the arguments for and against the National Anthem being played before NFL games.

What could happen if the NFL decides to stop playing the National Anthem

The NFL has not made a decision on whether or not they will play the National Anthem before games in 2021. There has been speculation that they could decide to do away with the tradition altogether, and there are a few possible reasons why they might make that choice.

First, it’s worth noting that playing the National Anthem before NFL games is a relatively recent tradition. It was only instituted in 2009, at the urging of then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Prior to that, it was generally accepted that players would be on the field during the anthem but there was no formal requirement or expectation that they stand at attention.

Second, the NFL has been facing increasing pressure from fans and players to take a more active stance on social justice issues. One way they could do this is by no longer playing the National Anthem, which has been used as a platform for protest by many athletes over the years.

Third, there is also the possibility that the league could simply be looking to avoid any potential controversies or disruptions that could come from playing the anthem. With so much focus on player protests and political divisions in our country right now, it’s possible that the NFL would prefer to steer clear of anything that could add fuel to those fire

What could happen if the NFL decides to keep playing the National Anthem

If the NFL decides to keep playing the National Anthem, it is likely that other professional sports leagues will follow suit. This could lead to a resurgence in patriotic sentiment across the country, as people rally around their favorite teams and players. It is also possible that the league will face backlash from fans who do not agree with its decision to play the anthem.

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